@dbox Call the fish thing Texting Fish.
That was it! It just needed a _limit to delay the loop around. I think I fixed someone else problem the same! Yikes what a memory.
I cleaned up the code for Sliding Block Puzzle, you can replace that "15 Squares Puzzle" with this, it's way better!
You can't see it here but title flashes when puzzle is solved with number of moves and time in secs then jumps into another puzzle.
Also I noticed 2 things comparing QBJS code and QB64:
1) str$(number) in QBJS does not leave that space before a positive number as in QB64, so you have to _TRIM$() in QB64 so they look the same in print.
2) the _delay amounts aren't matching up, ie flashing that solved message in QB64 is way faster than in QBJS. had to fiddle to get a compromise.
Yeah I am still into having both codes work as closley to the same way as possible.
That was it! It just needed a _limit to delay the loop around. I think I fixed someone else problem the same! Yikes what a memory.
I cleaned up the code for Sliding Block Puzzle, you can replace that "15 Squares Puzzle" with this, it's way better!
You can't see it here but title flashes when puzzle is solved with number of moves and time in secs then jumps into another puzzle.
Also I noticed 2 things comparing QBJS code and QB64:
1) str$(number) in QBJS does not leave that space before a positive number as in QB64, so you have to _TRIM$() in QB64 so they look the same in print.
2) the _delay amounts aren't matching up, ie flashing that solved message in QB64 is way faster than in QBJS. had to fiddle to get a compromise.
Yeah I am still into having both codes work as closley to the same way as possible.
b = b + ...