BTW, I've also created standard function to read huge (>100GB) files to process line by line or field by field extremely fast
Code: (Select All)
Function (fileName$, eol$) ' 4M lines/sec
Const BLOCKSIZE = 2 ^ 22 ' 4 MB
If Not _FileExists(fileName$) Then = 0: Exit Function
'Print "Reading lines from "; fileName$; " ";: cpos% = Pos(0)
eoll% = Len(eol$)
Dim As _Unsigned _Integer64 blocks
Dim block As String * BLOCKSIZE
ff% = FreeFile
Open fileName$ For Binary Access Read As #ff%
blocks = .5 + LOF(ff%) / Len(block)
sep& = 0
lines& = -1
For curblock& = 1 To blocks
Get #ff%, , block
If curblock& > 1 Then
buf$ = Mid$(buf$, sep&) + block
r0& = InStr(buf$, eol$) + eoll%
buf$ = block
r0& = 1
End If
r1& = InStr(r0&, buf$, eol$)
Do While r1& >= r0& And r0& > 0
lin$ = Mid$(buf$, r0&, r1& - r0& + eoll%)
ret% = CSV.line(lin$) ' Process lin$
lines& = lines& + 1
sep& = r1&: r0& = r1& + eoll%: r1& = InStr(r0&, buf$, eol$)
'Locate , cpos%, 0: Print lines&;
Next curblock&
Close #ff%
buf$ = ""
'Locate , cpos%, 0 = lines&
End Function
Function CSV.line% (l$)
fields% = Val(CSV.field(l$, 0))
For i% = 1 To fields%
Print CSV.field(l$, i%); ",";
Next i%
CSV.line% = 1
End Function
Function CSV.field$ (lin$, n%)
Const MAXFIELDS = 99
Static cf%, rec$, f$(1 To MAXFIELDS)
If rec$ <> lin$ Then
rec$ = lin$
cf% = 0: q% = 0: i0% = 0: ll% = Len(rec$)
For i% = 1 To ll%
cc% = Asc(Mid$(rec$, i%, 1))
If cc% = 13 Or cc% = 10 Then
Exit For
ElseIf cc% = 34 Then '34 = "
q% = 1 - q%
ElseIf cc% = 44 And q% = 0 Then '44 = ,
cf% = cf% + 1: f$(cf%) = Mid$(rec$, i0%, i% - i0%)
i0% = i% + 1
End If
Next i%
cf% = cf% + 1: f$(cf%) = Mid$(rec$, i0%, i% - i0%)
End If
If n% <= 0 Then CSV.field$ = _ToStr$(cf%) Else If n% <= cf% Then CSV.field$ = f$(n%) Else CSV.field$ = ""
End Function
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience