9 hours ago
(10 hours ago)RhoSigma Wrote: _CONSOLEINPUT is like _MOUSEINPUT, it just shows if new input is available and returns 1 for new keyboard input and 2 for new mouse input, however to retrieve the keyboard input use _CINP and for mouse the respective _MOUSExxx functions. _CONSOLEINPUT blocks until the actual input is retrieved, see example on the _CONSOLEINPUT and _CINP wiki pages.Yes, I know, but the point is that it is blocking
Code: (Select All)
_Limit 10
x%% = _ConsoleInput
If x%% = 1 Then
k& = _CInp
Print k&;
k& = 0
Print "-";
End If
Here I would expect to see --------------------------- all the time except when pressing keys
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience