@bplus I wracked my poor brain to death, and I finally came up with a single line of code that does everything -- both inch to mmm AND mm to inch conversion.
And that is one loooong line of code, fit only for the brain exercise, and not one that anyone should ever really study up on and try to learn from. LOL!
Give it a positive number to go from inch to mm. Give it a negative number to go from mm to inch. One command, tweaked completely insanely, to do everything within a single line of code and not colon cheating involved.
Code: (Select All)
Print _IIf(Shell("@echo off & set /P input=Please enter a value with positive for inch and negative for millimeter: & echo|set /p=%input%|clip") <> 0 Or Val(_Clipboard$)<0, str$(Val(_Clipboard$) / -25.4)+" inches", str$(Val(_Clipboard$) * 25.4) + " millimeters")
And that is one loooong line of code, fit only for the brain exercise, and not one that anyone should ever really study up on and try to learn from. LOL!
Give it a positive number to go from inch to mm. Give it a negative number to go from mm to inch. One command, tweaked completely insanely, to do everything within a single line of code and not colon cheating involved.