I do know where the sea of single letters comes from, old QBx code or even older GW.
Back in the day when every byte mattered! It's very hard reading!
It's true in my code too, sometimes I am just going after an effect, doesn't matter what the code looks like. I just want to see my vision up on the screen working.
In fact the first rule as Steve mentioned before is to just get the code to work.
Then worry about all the other stuff for showing off, speed, readability, flexibility, brevity ie effectiveness (I do seem to have the 2 equated), oh elegance my favorite!
OH BTW it's hell changing one letter variables to more descriptive names after you get the code working.
Back in the day when every byte mattered! It's very hard reading!
It's true in my code too, sometimes I am just going after an effect, doesn't matter what the code looks like. I just want to see my vision up on the screen working.
In fact the first rule as Steve mentioned before is to just get the code to work.
Then worry about all the other stuff for showing off, speed, readability, flexibility, brevity ie effectiveness (I do seem to have the 2 equated), oh elegance my favorite!
OH BTW it's hell changing one letter variables to more descriptive names after you get the code working.
b = b + ...