Here is an equalizer program where you can change the sound frequency by pressing + or minus:
Speed change - try this....
Speed change - try this....
Code: (Select All)
f$ = "slunce.mp3" 'must be mp3 (use single array)
Dim As Long s, t, Sze, i, Block
Dim As _MEM m
If _FileExists(f$) Then
s = _SndOpen(f$)
_Delay .5
Print f$; " not found."
End If
If s < 1 Then Print "Error opening sound file "; f$: End
Sze = _SndRate * _SndLen(s)
m = _MemSound(s, 0)
Dim As Single Left(Sze), Right(Sze) 'load Audio do Ram
Do Until t = m.SIZE
Left(i) = _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + t, Single)
Right(i) = _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + t + 4, Single)
t = t + 8
i = i + 1
i = 0
speed = 1 'basic speed
Block = _SndRate \ 4 'data window - 0.25 sec
Print "Press + or - for setting music speed..."
Do Until i >= Sze - Block
X = i
Do Until X = Block
If X + i >= Sze Then Exit Do
_SndRaw Left(i + X), Right(i + X)
X = X + speed
Do Until _SndRawLen < .1
i$ = InKey$
Select Case i$
Case "+": speed = speed + .1
Case "-": speed = speed - .1
End Select
Locate 2: Print "Speed: "; CInt(speed * 100); " percent "
If speed < 0 Then speed = 0
i = i + Block
_MemFree m
_SndClose s
Print "End."