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Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action
I never did put this game on or hype it on other sites, but I'm still pleased with the rate of downloading here on the forum. So far since mid-December there have been 222 downloads, which I think shows how many visitors come here looking for games. I also never added key mapping per Mad Scientist's suggestion just cause sometimes you want a project to be over. I spent about a year on this on and off - adding to it and fixing bugs - and I think it's probably good enough. Despite the number of downloads though, there's very little feedback, positive or negative...  Dodgy  Oh well.

Messages In This Thread
Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action - by NakedApe - 12-17-2024, 12:08 AM
RE: Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action - by NakedApe - 02-12-2025, 10:31 PM

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