And a copy of the previous year's posts which cover all the possible ways to donate. Note that the Patreon is independent of the funds which are being used this year. It's reserved exclusively for our main server data/hosting costs and not the domain name costs and such. It's still a little short of where it should be to be 100% self-sustaining (mainly due to server costs increasing over time, but not our Patreon donation levels which are still less than $10 per month for the highest tier donation).
Quote:As the title mentions, it's almost time once again for us to renew our yearly lease on the servers which host the forums and wiki. April 5th is when the bill comes due for the hamster feed that keeps the hamster healthy and running around it's wheel to keep the lights on around here, and our yearly costs are around $300.00 for the renewal. (Not this year. It's $40 per year, but I'd love to get the whole 5-year package to pay for it and forget about it.)
This year, our Patreon has provided us a little over $100.00 in donations. (Next year, if folks continue to donate at the levels they are now, I'd expect to see the FULL cost of our renewal to be covered. We had several people sign up back in November and pledge donations via Patreon.) That leaves about $200.00 left over, which I'll be happy to personally cover if nobody else wants to step up and help out. (Patreon is being untouched this year, as explained previously. The strikethrough text was just copy/paste from previous year's information and doesn't apply this year.)
If you DO want to help cover this year's shortfall, you can:
1) Sign up on Patreon and join the recurring monthly donations of $3, $5, or $10! (I know, we ask for a LOT, when that tiny amount won't even pay for a large coffee at Starbucks once a month anymore.)
2) If you're one of the folks who prefer to make a one a year donation, or a one-time donation, you can use Paypal and transfer the funds directly to me and I'll add them to help pay the server costs.
3) If you're really "Old School" (like several users of anything QBASIC-adjactent are), you can even MAIL me a check, money order, or US Dollars (if you trust the mail system enough to imagine that cash would get here safely) at:
Steve McNeill
230 McNeil Hill Road
Pilot, VA 24138
(And yes, they named the road after my family. They just spelt it wrong, as if you look close, it only has one "L" in it. Be careful of that as it can cause issues with cashiers checks and money orders and such.)
And that's basically the only ways we accept donations. Patreon, PayPal, or Direct. If those don't work for you, then it's just too much effort to steal your money... err... accept your generous donation!
You've got about 1 month guys, to get your donation in, if you're going to help cover our costs. After that, as I mentioned above, I'll personally cover whatever amount is lacking for us. I honestly don't mind paying these costs to keep everything up and going, but I do have to admit -- after the scare with my open heart surgery and my health and all, I'll be much happier once we get to the point where we're 100% covered in our donations.
Next year, we *should* reach that point, as long as nothing changes and prices don't go up (which would be soooo surprising in this hyper-inflation world we're currently living in), and as long as nobody ends up dropping their Patreon subscription. (Which again, I can't blame anyone one bit if they do, with the prices of everything constantly going up and chipping away at everyone's disposable income.)
Note regarding THIS part of the old copy/paste:
" Next year, we *should* reach that point, as long as nothing changes and prices don't go up (which would be soooo surprising in this hyper-inflation world we're currently living in), and as long as nobody ends up dropping their Patreon subscription. "
That's where we still currently sit with regards to the Patron. What we earn is almost exactly what it costs to upkeep the server data plan we have -- provided that the costs haven't increased over the last year, or that they don't go up next year. I really can't foresee them staying static, so it'd be nice if we could have *at least* one more person sign up on Patreon and support us. If not, whatever shortfall it will be, will be really minor, but as I said above (and several years ago), I'd love for us to become 100% self-sufficient. We're hovering at that break-even point even now, but I'm predicting we'll be just a little short of the total amount we'll want to maintain as server costs continually increase.
If you can add to the Patreon, and want to do so, that'd be greatly appreciated. (Honestly, I'd personally appreciate it even more than with a 1-time donation, as THEY track who gives what and keep up with the donations and funds and such, and I don't have to.)
Either way -- donate or not -- I just want all you guys to know how much we appreciate all of you. You *USING* the stuff we toss out, offering feedback, posting issues, requests, and such... THAT stuff is more important to keeping things going and running smoothly than any small amount of funding is.
We luvs you all!