03-07-2025, 05:03 PM
(03-07-2025, 03:22 PM)madscijr Wrote:(03-06-2025, 08:13 PM)grymmjack Wrote: Over my head, but love the passion!Yeah, can we get a laymen's description of this, for us mere mortals?
@a740g @offbyone @rhosigma @smcneill are needed here.
memmem is a command similar to strstr -- its purpose is to look for a str (string) inside a str (string). (Thus the name strstr.) memmem is basically supposed to look for a mem block inside a mem block.
The QB64PE version of these commands would basically be INSTR and _INSTRREV.
All the above is basically just a spam-type plug saying, "WE HAS THE BETTER STUFFS!!", all without ever actually sharing any code, libraries, or compilable examples where a person can test for themselves to see if the "better stuffs" is actually better or not.
https://github.com/Sanmayce/Railgun <-- Even if you follow this link to the github, all you'll find there is one whole file for the entire github... README.md.
Yeppers!! Just a readme text file, with the *exact* same contents as what was posted above. Once again, there is no code, libraries, or anything compilable or studyable at the site.
So TLDR; --> Basically just consider all the bluster above to be a spam bot at work and ignore it. There's really nothing of substance to see here.