03-07-2025, 06:57 PM
(03-07-2025, 05:03 PM)SMcNeill Wrote:(03-07-2025, 03:22 PM)madscijr Wrote:(03-06-2025, 08:13 PM)grymmjack Wrote: Over my head, but love the passion!Yeah, can we get a laymen's description of this, for us mere mortals?
@a740g @offbyone @rhosigma @smcneill are needed here.
memmem is a command similar to strstr -- its purpose is to look for a str (string) inside a str (string). (Thus the name strstr.) memmem is basically supposed to look for a mem block inside a mem block.
The QB64PE version of these commands would basically be INSTR and _INSTRREV.
All the above is basically just a spam-type plug saying, "WE HAS THE BETTER STUFFS!!", all without ever actually sharing any code, libraries, or compilable examples where a person can test for themselves to see if the "better stuffs" is actually better or not.
https://github.com/Sanmayce/Railgun <-- Even if you follow this link to the github, all you'll find there is one whole file for the entire github... README.md.
Yeppers!! Just a readme text file, with the *exact* same contents as what was posted above. Once again, there is no code, libraries, or anything compilable or studyable at the site.
So TLDR; --> Basically just consider all the bluster above to be a spam bot at work and ignore it. There's really nothing of substance to see here.
Hey Steve, is there a way to turn off that damn tagging when someone just quoted the tag, tired of getting tagged everytime, just to see when following it, that just another one quoted an article I've already read a dozen times.
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