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using a custom tileset as a fixed-width font for _PrintString ?
(03-07-2025, 05:51 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: I'd like to point out that QB64PE also supports BDF fonts, and they're one of the simplest things in the world to create and code for, as they're basically in human-readable format from the very get go.

It should be a very simple task to take a BMP image like you have above, read the characters, and then write them to a BDF file.  At that point, all you have to do is _LOADFONT to load that file, and then _FONT to set that font as the active one, and then just PRINT as normal.
Very interesting - thanks! I'll give that a look and see what I can put together...

Messages In This Thread
RE: using a custom tileset as a fixed-width font for _PrintString ? - by madscijr - 03-07-2025, 06:58 PM

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