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using a custom tileset as a fixed-width font for _PrintString ?
(03-07-2025, 11:55 PM)madscijr Wrote: With Steve's hint about the BDF font type, some help from Google Gemini & Wikipedia, and looking at a couple of threads here (FreeFont errorIs there a square monospace font), I was able to put together this program which loads in (or else generates) a BDF font and displays it on a hires screen with RGB color... 
Thanks Steve for your help!

No need to thank me; you did all the hard work. All I did was point out how simple the BDF format was to work with, and that it's one we support natively.

If you want to thank someone, thank @a740g as he's the one who added the library which allows BDF fonts to be used with QB64PE. Wink

Messages In This Thread
RE: using a custom tileset as a fixed-width font for _PrintString ? - by SMcNeill - 03-08-2025, 12:04 AM

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