Sometime ago I created a Tabulator App that took a Function F(x) = (string), a bunch of variables = values in a chr$(10) delimited string and xStart, xEnd, xInc like a For... Next Loop all these go into a TableIn.txt file that the Tabulator reads and produces a Table of x F(x) Data that could be read in by another bas app that needed the data for a function on the fly ie doesn't have to be formally defined in the app.
Then I made a demo of how to use the Tabulator and that was that, until now I have GUI.
Now I can use GUI to Interface with the Tabulator and Graph Functions. Here are a few I tried tonight:
Simple Quadratic:
A trig function:
Here is the code for GUI:
And here is the zip with the Tabulator.exe for Windows so can run GUI right out of package if on Windows, otherwise compile for your OS before running GUI Interface. Again the Tabulator works with 2 simple files TableIn.txt and TableOut.txt. Included also is the Tabulator Demo for using in bas code.
Update 2022-07-17: I am updating the zip file with an improved plotting, drawing a line from last x to next, this radically changes the 3rd graph shown above without effecting the other 2.
Then I made a demo of how to use the Tabulator and that was that, until now I have GUI.
Now I can use GUI to Interface with the Tabulator and Graph Functions. Here are a few I tried tonight:
Simple Quadratic:
A trig function:
Here is the code for GUI:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit ' _Title "GUI Interface with Tabulator for Plotting F(x)" ' b+ 2022-07-14
'$include:'vs GUI.BI'
' Set Globals from BI
Xmax = 1280: Ymax = 700: GuiTitle$ = "GUI Interface with Tabulator for Plotting F(x)" ' <<<<< Window size shared throughout program
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, GuiTitle$, "arial.ttf" ' need to do this before drawing anything from NewControls
' name = NewControl(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "text")
' GUI Controls
' Dim and set Globals for GUI app
Dim Shared As Long lbFx, tbFx, lbVV, tbVV, btAdd, lbVLst, lsVV, btEdit, btDelete, btPlot, lbx, tbStart, tbEnd, tbInc, pPlot
lbFx = NewControl(4, 10, 10, 560, 30, 30, 0, 0, "Formula F(x)")
tbFx = NewControl(2, 10, 40, 560, 30, 20, 0, 0, "")
lbVV = NewControl(4, 10, 80, 560, 30, 30, 0, 0, "Variable = Value")
tbVV = NewControl(2, 10, 110, 490, 30, 20, 0, 0, "")
btAdd = NewControl(1, 510, 110, 60, 30, 20, 0, 0, "Add")
lbVLst = NewControl(4, 10, 150, 560, 30, 30, 0, 0, "Variable and Value List:")
lsVV = NewControl(3, 10, 180, 560, 380, 20, 0, 0, "")
btEdit = NewControl(1, 10, 570, 180, 40, 30, 0, 0, "Edit")
btDelete = NewControl(1, 200, 570, 180, 40, 30, 0, 0, "Delete")
btPlot = NewControl(1, 390, 570, 180, 40, 30, 0, 0, "Plot")
lbx = NewControl(4, 10, 620, 550, 30, 20, 0, 0, "X:Start X:End ")
tbStart = NewControl(2, 10, 650, 180, 40, 20, 0, 0, "")
tbEnd = NewControl(2, 200, 650, 180, 40, 20, 0, 0, "")
'tbInc = NewControl(2, 390, 650, 180, 40, 20, 0, 0, "")
pPlot = NewControl(5, 580, 0, 700, 700, 0, 999, 0, "")
' End GUI Controls
MainRouter ' after all controls setup
' EDIT these to your programs needs
Sub BtnClickEvent (i As Long) ' attach you button click code in here
Dim item$
Select Case i
Case btAdd
If _Trim$(con(tbVV).Text) <> "" Then
If _Trim$(con(lsVV).Text) <> "" Then
con(lsVV).Text = con(lsVV).Text + "~" + _Trim$(con(tbVV).Text)
con(lsVV).Text = con(tbVV).Text
End If
con(tbVV).Text = ""
drwTB tbVV, tbVV = ActiveControl
drwLst lsVV, lsVV = ActiveControl
End If
Case btEdit
ReDim lst(1 To 1) As String
Split con(lsVV).Text, "~", lst()
item$ = lst((con(lsVV).N1 - 1) * con(lsVV).N4 + con(lsVV).N2)
con(tbVV).Text = item$
drwTB tbVV, tbVV = ActiveControl
Remove item$, lst()
con(lsVV).Text = Join$(lst(), "~")
drwLst lsVV, tbVV = ActiveControl
Case btDelete ' what is the highlited
ReDim lst(1 To 1) As String
Split con(lsVV).Text, "~", lst()
item$ = lst((con(lsVV).N1 - 1) * con(lsVV).N4 + con(lsVV).N2)
Remove item$, lst()
con(lsVV).Text = Join$(lst(), "~")
drwLst lsVV, 0
Case btPlot
' make call to Tabulator (in Shell)
ReDim As Long j
Dim xStart, xEnd, yMin, yMax, dx, y(700), dy, x, y
Dim fx$
ReDim lst(0)
xStart = Val(_Trim$(con(tbStart).Text)): xEnd = Val(_Trim$(con(tbEnd).Text))
dx = (xEnd - xStart) / 700: fx$ = _Trim$(con(tbFx).Text)
Split con(lsVV).Text, "~", lst()
item$ = Join$(lst(), Chr$(10)) ' reusing something already DIM's this is our variable list delimited by chr$(10)
ReDim arr$(0)
If dx = 0 Then Cls: Print "dx = 0": End
forXEqual xStart, xEnd, dx, fx$, 0, item$, arr$() ' 0 = using radians for trig
' hopefully arr$ has the data we need to make our plot
'item$ = Join$(arr$(), Chr$(10)) ' debug
'mBox "Our Data Array", item$ ' debug with 700 items in table probably don't want to check in mbox
' need to find min, max y and convert values to number
For j = 0 To 700
y(j) = Val(_Trim$(RightOf$(arr$(j), " ")))
If j = 0 Then
yMax = y(j): yMin = y(j)
If y(j) < yMin Then
yMin = y(j)
ElseIf y(j) > yMax Then
yMax = y(j)
End If
End If
Next j
yMin = yMin - 10
yMax = yMax + 10
dy = yMax - yMin
If dy <> 0 Then ' dont divide by 0
_Dest con(pPlot).N1
Line (0, 0)-Step(con(pPlot).W - 1, con(pPlot).H - 1), &HFFEEEEFF, BF
If 0 >= xStart And 0 <= xEnd Then
Line (700 * (0 - xStart) / (xEnd - xStart), 0)-Step(0, 700), Black ' y axis
For y = -10 To 10
Line (700 * (-xStart) / (xEnd - xStart) - 3, 700 - 700 * (y - yMin) / (yMax - yMin))-Step(6, 0), Black
End If
If 0 >= yMin And 0 <= yMax Then
Line (0, 700 - 700 * (0 - yMin) / (yMax - yMin))-Step(700, 0), Black ' y axis
For x = -10 To 10
Line (700 * (x - xStart) / (xEnd - xStart), 700 - 700 * (0 - yMin) / (yMax - yMin) - 3)-Step(0, 6), Black ' y axis
End If
For j = 0 To 700
Circle (j, con(pPlot).H - 1 - 700 * (y(j) - yMin) / dy), 1, &HFF0000FF
PSet (j, con(pPlot).H - 1 - 700 * (y(j) - yMin) / dy), &HFF0000FF
_Dest 0
_PutImage (con(pPlot).X, con(pPlot).Y)-Step(con(pPlot).W, con(pPlot).H), con(pPlot).N1, 0
End If
End Select
End Sub
Sub LstSelectEvent (control As Long)
Select Case control
End Select
End Sub
Sub PicClickEvent (i As Long, Pmx As Long, Pmy As Long) ' attach your Picture click code in here
Select Case i
End Select
End Sub
Sub PicFrameUpdate (i As Long) ' attach your Picture click code in here
Select Case i
End Select
End Sub
Sub forXEqual (start, toFinish, incStep, formula$, dFlag As Long, variablesCHR10$, outputArr$())
Dim fLine$
If _FileExists("TableOut.txt") Then Kill "TableOut.txt"
Open "TableIn.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, _Trim$(Str$(start))
Print #1, _Trim$(Str$(toFinish))
Print #1, _Trim$(Str$(incStep))
Print #1, formula$
Print #1, TS$(dFlag)
Print #1, variablesCHR10$
Close #1
ReDim outputArr$(0)
Shell _Hide "Tabulator.exe"
_Delay .5 ' sometimes it compiles in time sometimes not, 3 reduces the nots
If _FileExists("TableOut.txt") Then
Open "TableOut.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, fLine$
sAppend outputArr$(), fLine$
Close #1
End If
End Sub
''append to the string array the string item
Sub sAppend (arr() As String, addItem$)
ReDim _Preserve arr(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) + 1) As String
arr(UBound(arr)) = addItem$
End Sub
'$include:'vs GUI.BM'
And here is the zip with the Tabulator.exe for Windows so can run GUI right out of package if on Windows, otherwise compile for your OS before running GUI Interface. Again the Tabulator works with 2 simple files TableIn.txt and TableOut.txt. Included also is the Tabulator Demo for using in bas code.
Update 2022-07-17: I am updating the zip file with an improved plotting, drawing a line from last x to next, this radically changes the 3rd graph shown above without effecting the other 2.
b = b + ...