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My Esoteric Interpreter called oh
Hey @mnrvovrfc, excellent suggestion!

Thumbs up for that and even looking at this and understanding it enough for positive suggestion. ;-)

This weird way of doing everything in [] eg, add[a, b] might remind someone of LISP. I only glanced over that Language and heard tales from my brother about it from 70's. Very difficult to debug nested brackets.

With this, I am more stuck on how to do user defined Subs or at least Functions than worried about getting it to work in Linux. There is always Wine (I think) which is how I loaded QB64 PE Windows-64 v.0.8.2 the 2nd time into old old hard drive, The Dinosaur.

When I wrote about Linux above, I was experimenting with Mint Cinnamon with Linux (Windows 10 effectively stopped running on it years ago!) Since then, Windows took out my partition and denied me access to Linux section. OK Windows, I am dedicating The Dinosaur to Linux exclusively goodbye! Too bad I had to erase the whole disk to be rid of Windows nuisance.
But that's when I found out Wine makes everything with QB64 PE easier specially getting up and running in Linux. I think now, I can just load Notepad++ and do my edits from that like I do in Windows, oh maybe I would have to register it todo TXT files like with Windows. Is that possible for Linux, pick default apps to run .bas, .txt extension files? So you can just click the file in a navigator (like Widows File Explorer) and it's Creator App is up and running the clicked file.

I like Windows, I grew up with it from DOS but I don't like all the crap they've been adding on trying to monopolize all computer usage ie Edge, Office, Cortana, XBox.... something about telephone line bugging in Windows 11? Too evasive! If they would just stick to being a great OS, Plug-in and Play was good philosophy.

So far, this Interpreter has only come in handy for doing something that needed extended Math and you don't care, as much, how long it take so 1000! very easy calculation.
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 04-25-2022, 01:05 AM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 04-25-2022, 02:13 AM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 04-25-2022, 11:01 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 08-01-2022, 02:46 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by aurel - 08-01-2022, 07:31 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 08-01-2022, 09:28 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by aurel - 08-02-2022, 12:36 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 08-02-2022, 03:53 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by aurel - 08-02-2022, 07:21 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by vince - 08-22-2022, 11:44 PM
RE: My Esoteric Interpreter called oh - by bplus - 08-23-2022, 12:19 AM

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