08-02-2022, 01:08 PM
(07-30-2022, 05:02 AM)bplus Wrote: It does finish but takes longer than expected and never expected little tiny bitty message in red in top left corner. What Pete said! ;-))
This explains what happened visually by making something invisible, visible, I think?
Code: (Select All)Option _Explicit
Screen _NewImage(1280, 700, 32)
Dim As Long f
f = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 128, "monospace")
_Font f
Color Red, White
_PrintString (284, 200), "Steve is" '284 - 644
_PrintString (284, 328), "Awesome!"
_Font 8
Explode 284, 200, 644, 456, 16, 16
Print "FINISHED!!"
Sub Explode (x1, y1, x2, y2, pw, ph)
Dim As Long finished, tempscreen
Dim w, h, ax, ay, cx, cy, x, y
tempscreen = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
_PutImage , 0, tempscreen
w = x2 - x1 + 1: h = y2 - y1 + 1
ax = 2 * w \ pw + 1: ay = 2 * h \ ph + 1
cx = x1 + w \ 2: cy = y1 + h \ 2
Type box
x As Single
y As Single
handle As Long
rotation As Single
changex As Single
changey As Single
End Type
Dim Array(0 To ax, 0 To ay) As box
For x = 0 To ax
For y = 0 To ay
Array(x, y).handle = _NewImage(pw, ph, 32)
Array(x, y).x = x1 + pw * x
Array(x, y).y = y1 + ph * y
_PutImage , 0, Array(x, y).handle, (x1 + pw * x, y1 + ph * y)-Step(pw, ph)
Array(x, y).changex = -(cx - Array(x, y).x) / 10
Array(x, y).changey = -(cy - Array(x, y).y) / 10
Cls , 0
finished = 1
For x = 0 To ax
For y = 0 To ay
Array(x, y).x = Array(x, y).x + Array(x, y).changex
Array(x, y).y = Array(x, y).y + Array(x, y).changey
If (Array(x, y).x >= 0 And Array(x, y).y >= 0) Then
If Array(x, y).x <= _Width And Array(x, y).y <= _Height Then
finished = 0
End If
End If
_PutImage (Array(x, y).x, Array(x, y).y)-Step(pw, ph), Array(x, y).handle, 0, (0, 0)-(pw, ph)
_Limit 60
Loop Until finished
End Sub
Hi Bplus
yes I find fine the snippet posted by Steve and finer the waited result error of coder... invisible background doesn't let see what really it happens.
Good debug about analysis of flow of code and its output!
The running away of boxes from the center of the screen is not regular and equal, but the far away pieces are speeder than the center pieces
fine to see also if you let run away only in horizontal or vertical dimension (this situation catches really an infinite loop).