Give this a shot and see if it doesn't correct the unresponsiveness you noticed:
Of course, now you'll have to make the screen smaller than the text printed on it, or the text larger, if you want to scroll down. There's no longer any chance to scroll past the end of the page and keep going off into the great unknown like before. LOL!
Code: (Select All)
'Set compiler and global progeam options
'All variables and arrays are dynamic by default
'Allow the use of color names for 32-bit screen mode
''$INCLUDE:'Keyboard Library.BI'
_Define A-Z As LONG 'default variable type is long
_Title "Title TBD"
'Types and global variables
Dim Shared As Long ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, DisplayScreen, WorkScreen, ReDrawScreen
Dim Shared As Long Font(10), FontSize, Brightness, PageTop, PageBottom
Dim Shared As Long True, False
'Defaut vaues for global variables
ScreenWidth = 1280
ScreenHeight = 720
DisplayScreen = _NewImage(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 32)
WorkScreen = _NewImage(ScreenWidth, 32000, 32)
True = -1: False = 0
ReDrawScreen = -1 'Draw our initial screen
Font(0) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 6, "monospace")
Font(1) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 8, "monospace")
Font(2) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 10, "monospace")
Font(3) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 12, "monospace")
Font(4) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 14, "monospace")
Font(5) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 16, "monospace")
Font(6) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 18, "monospace")
Font(7) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 22, "monospace")
Font(8) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 28, "monospace")
Font(9) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 36, "monospace")
Font(10) = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 48, "monospace")
FontSize = 8 'starting font size
Brightness = 5
Screen DisplayScreen
_Delay .2
_Dest WorkScreen
_Font Font(FontSize)
Color _RGB32(255 \ Brightness), 0
If ReDrawScreen Then DisplayPage (0)
_Limit 60
Sub DisplayPage (Page)
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
PageBottom = 0
Select Case Page 'which page of information do we wish to display?
Case 0
WordWrap "This is a demo of a nice long length of text which I'm just tossing up to the screen to show how it'll manually resize itself and fit on the screen nice and properly for us. I really don't have anything important to say here, so I'm just going to ramble on for a paragraph or two, just to make certain there's enough text on the screen to look all pretty.", -1
WordWrap "As you can see, there's no issue with printing and resizing our text.", -1
WordWrap "Using CTRL or ALT, in conjection with our arrow keys, you can easily resize the text on this screen, brighten or dim it, or even resize the screen itself, ", 0
WordWrap "which I think should be more than enough to showcase what this little framework can do for us. ;)", -1
Print "CTRL + Arrow Key => Resize Screen"
Print "ALT + Left/Right => Change FontSize"
Print "ALT + Up/Down ====> Brighten/Dim the Screen"
Print "CTRL + F =========> Full Screen"
Print "ESC ==============> Exit the Program"
Print "Up/Down Arrows ===> Scroll the text up or down to view more of the screen"
Print "(Note, you'll only need more than one screenfull of information with the largest fonts.)"
PageBottom = PageBottom + 15
End Select
ReDrawScreen = 0
PageBottom = PageBottom * _FontHeight
If PageBottom > 32000 Then PageBottom = 32000
If PageTop < _FontHeight Then PageTop = 0 'a little safety check to make certain we can scroll up completely
_PutImage , WorkScreen, DisplayScreen, (0, PageTop)-Step(_Width(DisplayScreen), _Height(DisplayScreen))
End Sub
Sub ProcessInput
While _MouseInput: MouseScroll = MouseScroll + _MouseWheel: Wend
K = _KeyHit
If _KeyDown(100306) Or _KeyDown(100305) Then CTRL = True Else CTRL = False
If _KeyDown(100304) Or _KeyDown(100303) Then SHIFT = True Else SHIFT = False
If _KeyDown(100308) Or _KeyDown(100307) Then ALT = True Else ALT = False
Select Case K
Case Asc("F"), Asc("f")
If CTRL Then
ScreenWidth = _DesktopWidth: ScreenHeight = _DesktopHeight - 80 'take a little off for windows taskbar and title bar size
_ScreenMove 0, 0
End If
Case 19200 'left
If CTRL Then
If ScreenWidth >= 650 Then ScreenWidth = ScreenWidth - _FontWidth: AutoResize
ElseIf ALT Then
If FontSize > 0 Then FontSize = FontSize - 1: _Font Font(FontSize): AutoResize
End If
Case 18432 'up
If CTRL Then
If ScreenHeight >= 410 Then ScreenHeight = ScreenHeight - _FontHeight: AutoResize
ElseIf ALT Then
If Brightness > 1 Then Brightness = Brightness - 1: Color _RGB32(255 \ Brightness), 0: ReDrawScreen = -1
If PageTop >= _FontHeight Then PageTop = PageTop - _FontHeight: ReDrawScreen = -1
End If
Case 19712 'right
If CTRL Then
If ScreenWidth <= _DesktopWidth - 10 Then ScreenWidth = ScreenWidth + _FontWidth: AutoResize
ElseIf ALT Then
If FontSize < 10 Then FontSize = FontSize + 1: _Font Font(FontSize): AutoResize
End If
Case 20480 'down
If CTRL Then
If ScreenHeight <= _DesktopHeight - 10 Then ScreenHeight = ScreenHeight + _FontHeight: AutoResize
ElseIf ALT Then
If Brightness < 10 Then Brightness = Brightness + 1: Color _RGB32(255 \ Brightness), 0: ReDrawScreen = -1
If PageTop <= PageBottom - _Height(DisplayScreen) Then PageTop = PageTop + _FontHeight: ReDrawScreen = -1
End If
Case 27
End Select
End Sub
Sub AutoResize
Static OldFontSize
W = _Width(DisplayScreen): H = _Height(DisplayScreen)
FW = _FontWidth: FH = _FontHeight
RW = ScreenWidth: RH = ScreenHeight
RW = _Round(RW / FW) * FW
RH = _Round(RH / FH) * FH
ScreenWidth = RW: ScreenHeight = RH
tempscreen = _NewImage(RW, RH, 32)
Screen tempscreen
_FreeImage DisplayScreen
DisplayScreen = tempscreen
tempscreen = _NewImage(RW, 32000, 32) 'create the newly sized WorkScreen
_Dest tempscreen 'can't freeimage a screen if it's in use?
_FreeImage WorkScreen 'free the old WorkScreen
WorkScreen = tempscreen
_Dest WorkScreen
_Font Font(FontSize)
Color _RGB32(255 \ Brightness), 0
OldFontSize = FontSize
ReDrawScreen = -1
End Sub
Sub WordWrap (text As String, newline)
Dim BreakPoint As String
BreakPoint = ",./- ;:!" 'I consider all these to be valid breakpoints. If you want something else, change them.
w = ScreenWidth
pw = _PrintWidth(text)
x = Pos(0): y = CsrLin
If _PixelSize <> 0 Then x = x * _FontWidth
firstlinewidth = w - x + 1
If pw <= firstlinewidth Then
Print text;
If newline Then Print
'first find the natural length of the line
For i = 1 To Len(text)
p = _PrintWidth(Left$(text, i))
If p > firstlinewidth Then Exit For
lineend = i - 1
t$ = RTrim$(Left$(text, lineend)) 'at most, our line can't be any longer than what fits the screen.
For i = lineend To 1 Step -1
If InStr(BreakPoint, Mid$(text, i, 1)) Then lineend = i: Exit For
Print Left$(text, lineend)
PageBottom = PageBottom + 1
WordWrap LTrim$(Mid$(text, lineend + 1)), newline
End If
End Sub
''$INCLUDE:'Keyboard Library.BM'
Of course, now you'll have to make the screen smaller than the text printed on it, or the text larger, if you want to scroll down. There's no longer any chance to scroll past the end of the page and keep going off into the great unknown like before. LOL!