OK guys, I'm at 100% full inspiration mode now! James, I added your mouse control for movement, thank you! I also removed all of the PAINT commands so now there's no waiting time on the Loading. Or if there is it's not much at all. For the green grass I used a giant LINE filled box in the beginning, then I decided "Why not add texture?" So I added 200,000 1 pixel circles randomly placed on the map as the texture. With that I removed the circle rocks since there was no need. Then I changed the way the cave looks so it looks much more real. Then I changed the color of the roofs and the doors. And lastly, I added windows to the houses. There's more windows on larger houses than smaller houses. Plus I added blue-faded ponds randomly placed.
Here is a picture of part of it, and the code. I've also removed the "Mouse Version" title and am going to use this mouse movement from now on. It's really fun to use.
Thanks for the help everyone! I added all of your names to the comment section on top. And nope, this won't be my final version. I have plans ahead but it might take awhile. So have fun with this one for awhile.
![[Image: Map-Explorer-by-Sierra-Ken.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/DpSvHRh/Map-Explorer-by-Sierra-Ken.jpg)
![Smile Smile](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.png)
![Smile Smile](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.png)
![Smile Smile](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.png)
![[Image: Map-Explorer-by-Sierra-Ken.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/DpSvHRh/Map-Explorer-by-Sierra-Ken.jpg)
Code: (Select All)
'Scrolling Map Example by SierraKen - August 10, 2022
'This is a demonstration scrolling map I made to use with games someday.
'Thank you to Felippe, James D. Jarvis, mdijkens, Petr, and B+ for the help and inspiration!
Print " Random Large Map Maker"
Print " by SierraKen"
Print: Print
Print " This is an example to make something with a moving background."
Print " Use the mouse to move and Esc to quit."
Print " Press the left mouse button to stop and start moving again."
Print: Print
Print " Click the Screen With Your Mouse To Start."
While _MouseInput: Wend
mouseLeftButton = _MouseButton(1)
If mouseLeftButton Then
Clear_MB 1
GoTo begin:
End If
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Type object
x As Single
y As Single
End Type
Dim Shared player As object
Dim Shared camera As object
Dim Shared map As Long
Dim playerSpeed As Single
Dim housex(30)
Dim housey(30)
Dim rx(250)
Dim ry(250)
Dim lx(30)
Dim ly(30)
_Title "Loading....."
player.x = _Width / 2
player.y = _Height / 2
If map <> 0 Then _FreeImage (map)
map = _NewImage(_Width * 5, _Height * 5, 32)
_Dest map
'Graphics Here
Line (0, 0)-(4000, 3000), _RGB32(127, 255, 127), BF
For texture = 1 To 200000
tx = Rnd * 4000
ty = Rnd * 3000
Circle (tx, ty), 1, _RGB32(155, 166, 127)
Next texture
For h = 1 To 30
housex(h) = Rnd * 3500
housey(h) = Rnd * 2500
For check = 0 To h - 1
If housex(check) > housex(h) - 150 And housex(check) < housex(h) + 150 And housey(check) > housey(h) - 225 And housey(check) < housey(h) + 225 Then GoTo again:
Next check
housex2 = (Rnd * 100) + 50
housey2 = (Rnd * 100) + 50
Line (housex(h), housey(h))-(housex(h) + housex2, housey(h) + housey2), _RGB32(216, 127, 78), BF
For sz = .25 To (housex2 / 2) Step .1
Circle (housex(h) + (housex2 / 2), housey(h)), sz, _RGB32(150, 75, 50), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, 1
Next sz
Line (housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) - 10, housey(h) + (housey2 - 20))-(housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) + 10, housey(h) + housey2), _RGB32(128, 116, 128), BF
For w = 0 To housey2 - 45 Step 15
Line (housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) - housex2 / 4, housey(h) + (housey2 - 35 - w))-(housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) - ((housex2 / 4) + 10), housey(h) + housey2 - 25 - w), _RGB32(128, 116, 128), BF
Line (housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) + housex2 / 4, housey(h) + (housey2 - 35 - w))-(housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) + ((housex2 / 4) + 10), housey(h) + housey2 - 25 - w), _RGB32(128, 116, 128), BF
Next w
Next h
For rr = 1 To 30
lx(rr) = Rnd * 4000
ly(rr) = Rnd * 4000
For check = 0 To 30
If housex(check) > lx(rr) - 250 And housex(check) < lx(rr) + 250 And housey(check) > ly(rr) - 250 And housey(check) < ly(rr) + 250 Then GoTo again2:
Next check
size = Int(Rnd * 150) + 20
For sz = size To .25 Step -.25
cl = cl + .25
Circle (lx(rr), ly(rr)), sz, _RGB32(0, 0, cl + 50)
Next sz
cl = 0
Next rr
cavex = Rnd * 3800
cavey = (Rnd * 2200) + 300
For check = 0 To 30
If housex(check) > cavex - 300 And housex(check) < cavex + 300 And housey(check) > cavey - 300 And housey(check) < cavey + 300 Then GoTo again3:
Next check
For sz = 1 To 100 Step .25
cl = cl + .25
Circle (cavex, cavey), sz, _RGB32(220 - cl, 100 - cl, 100 - cl), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, 1
Next sz
cl = 0
For sz = 1 To 20 Step .25
Circle (cavex, cavey), sz, _RGB32(0, 0, 0), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, 1
Next sz
_Dest 0
_Source map
playerSpeed = 8
Const ESC = 27
_Title "Map Explorer - by SierraKen"
_Dest 0
_Source map
t = 1
_PutImage (camera.x, camera.y), map
While _MouseInput: Wend
oldmousex = mousex
oldmousey = mousey
mousex = _MouseX
mousey = _MouseY
mouseLeftButton = _MouseButton(1)
If mouseLeftButton Then
Clear_MB 1
st = st + 1
If st > 1 Then st = 0
End If
dy = 0
dx = 0
If mousey < player.y + camera.y - 5 Then dy = -1
If mousey > player.y + camera.y + 5 Then dy = 1
If mousex < player.x + camera.x - 5 Then dx = -1
If mousex > player.x + camera.x + 5 Then dx = 1
If dy = -1 And st = 0 Then player.y = player.y - (playerSpeed / 2): t = t + 1
If dy = 1 And st = 0 Then player.y = player.y + (playerSpeed / 2): t = t + 1
If dx = -1 And st = 0 Then player.x = player.x - (playerSpeed / 2): t = t + 1
If dx = 1 And st = 0 Then player.x = player.x + (playerSpeed / 2): t = t + 1
If _KeyDown(ESC) Then End
If player.x < 0 Then player.x = 0
If player.x > _Width(map) Then player.x = _Width(map)
If player.y < 0 Then player.y = 0
If player.y > _Height(map) Then player.y = _Height(map)
'Draw Head
For sz = .25 To 10 Step .25
Circle (player.x + camera.x, player.y + camera.y), sz, _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next sz
'Draw Smile
Circle (player.x + camera.x, player.y + camera.y + 2), 7, _RGB32(255, 0, 0), _Pi, 2 * _Pi, .5
'Draw Eyes
Circle (player.x + camera.x - 4, player.y + camera.y - 2), 1, _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Circle (player.x + camera.x + 4, player.y + camera.y - 2), 1, _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10, player.y + camera.y - 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 10, player.y + camera.y - 9), _RGB32(155, 0, 0), BF
Line (player.x + camera.x - 5, player.y + camera.y - 9)-(player.x + camera.x + 5, player.y + camera.y - 15), _RGB32(155, 0, 0), BF
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 10, player.y + camera.y + 40), _RGB32(155, 0, 0), BF
If t > 12 Then t = 1
If t > 0 And t < 6 Then
'Left Arm
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x - 20 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right Arm
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 20 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
'Left leg
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x - 10 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right leg
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x + 10 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
End If
If t > 5 And t < 13 Then
'Left Arm
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x - 30 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right Arm
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 30 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
'Left leg
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x - 15 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right leg
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x + 15 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
End If
_Limit 60
Sub adjustCamera
If player.x + camera.x > _Width / 2 Or player.x + camera.x < _Width / 2 Then
camera.x = _Width / 2 - player.x
End If
If camera.x > 0 Then camera.x = 0
If camera.x < -(_Width(map) - _Width) Then camera.x = -(_Width(map) - _Width)
If player.y + camera.y > _Height / 2 Or player.y + camera.y < _Height / 2 Then
camera.y = _Height / 2 - player.y
End If
If camera.y > 0 Then camera.y = 0
If camera.y < -(_Height(map) - _Height) Then camera.y = -(_Height(map) - _Height)
End Sub
Sub Clear_MB (var As Integer)
Do Until Not _MouseButton(var)
While _MouseInput: Wend
End Sub 'Clear_MB