08-29-2022, 08:12 PM
I have to do something for Basic now! Loosely based on Ken (Excuse me) :
Code: (Select All)
Screen 12
Dim row As Integer, cnt As Integer, cstart As Single, cend As Single
Dim xrot As Integer, yrot As Integer, scale As Integer
'FULLSCREEN - full screen optional
cstart = 0: cend = 8 * Atn(1)
xrot = 6: yrot = 60: scale = 4
row = 1
Circle (320, 240), 15, 9: Paint Step(0, 0), 9
For i = cstart To cend Step .04
x = 300 + (scale * 40 - (row * xrot)) * Cos(i)
y = 200 + (scale * 40 - (row * yrot)) * Sin(i)
cnt = cnt + 1
Color 7: _PrintString (x, y), "I love You Basic!", 0 'display
If cnt = Len(text$) * 8 Then cnt = 0: Exit Do
Color 0: _PrintString (x, y), "I love You Basic!", 0 'erase
_Delay 0.02
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27) 'escape key exit
Color 15