I like your lander design.
Some advice about Background:
1. make the background and take a snapshot of it,
background_handle = _newimage(_width, _height, 32)
_putimage ,0, background_handle ' screen to snapshot
then in main loop
_putImage , background_handle, 0 'snapshot to screen
that way you don't have to worry about blanking out the last drawing of lander, you just overlay background and then draw lander in new place, way faster and more efficient.
2. Put more layers of background mountains in (or just do 1 layer), right now it looks like you are in a strange tunnel with only foreground and background.
3. On the ground you land on (or crash) add more Red or green or blue or (easier) just make one shade only different from the other color levels. Then for collision, check for that one color with POINT to see if lander feet are on level ground. BTW
_SOURCE background_handle
before you check POINT colors for "collision" with ground.
Here is some nice landscape layering:
Some advice about Background:
1. make the background and take a snapshot of it,
background_handle = _newimage(_width, _height, 32)
_putimage ,0, background_handle ' screen to snapshot
then in main loop
_putImage , background_handle, 0 'snapshot to screen
that way you don't have to worry about blanking out the last drawing of lander, you just overlay background and then draw lander in new place, way faster and more efficient.
2. Put more layers of background mountains in (or just do 1 layer), right now it looks like you are in a strange tunnel with only foreground and background.
3. On the ground you land on (or crash) add more Red or green or blue or (easier) just make one shade only different from the other color levels. Then for collision, check for that one color with POINT to see if lander feet are on level ground. BTW
_SOURCE background_handle
before you check POINT colors for "collision" with ground.
Here is some nice landscape layering:
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 350, 32)
Dim k As _Unsigned Long
Color , _RGB32(30, 30, 60)
DrawTerrain 100, 25, &HFF332211
DrawTerrain 150, 20, &HFF443322
DrawTerrain 200, 15, &HFF554433
DrawTerrain 250, 10, &HFF665544
DrawTerrain 300, 5, &HFF776655
Sleep 5
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub DrawTerrain (h, modN, c As _Unsigned Long) ' modN for ruggedness the higher the less smooth
For x = 0 To _Width
If x Mod modN = 0 Then ' adjust mod number for ruggedness the higher the number the more jagged
If h < 350 - modN And h > 50 + modN Then
dy = Rnd * 20 - 10
ElseIf h >= 350 - modN Then
dy = Rnd * -10
ElseIf h <= 50 + modN Then
dy = Rnd * 10
End If
End If
h = h + .1 * dy
Line (x, _Height)-(x, h), c
End Sub
b = b + ...