I better not build it up too much. I saw it here, 55 secs to 1:15 secs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1eLKODSCqw
I checked to see if done anywhere else, ie in code, no but I found this too,
And here is code that draws out the "aliens":
The coefficients are converted from decimal to binary and 1's draw green square, 0's stay black and squares stacked from highest power of 2 to 2^0 times 1 or 0 each column is a coefficient on the given row ie (a + b) ^ row
Marvin, Headphones, Janus, L-afant, and Humph!
I checked to see if done anywhere else, ie in code, no but I found this too,
And here is code that draws out the "aliens":
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Pascal Triangle Aliens Among Us" '2022-10-10 bplus
_Define A-Z As _INTEGER64
Screen _NewImage(500, 500, 32)
_ScreenMove 350, 100
For row = 0 To 20 ' level on pyramind 0 is 1, 1 is 1,1 2 is 1,2,1...
Print "Row"; row
For col = 0 To row
b$ = Dec2Bin$(binom(row, col))
'Print b$; ",";
h = (1 + Len(b$)) * 20
For y = 1 To Len(b$)
If Mid$(b$, y, 1) = "1" Then Line (250 - 10 * row + col * 20, 500 - h + y * 20)-Step(20, 20), _RGB32(0, 180, 0), BF
Function binom (n, m)
binom = fac(n) / (fac(m) * fac((n - m)))
End Function
Function fac (n)
f = 1
For i = 1 To n
f = f * i
fac = f
End Function
Function Dec2Bin$ (integerBase10 As _Integer64) 'no more &B because easier to add than to remove
Dim j As Integer, b$
If integerBase10 = 0 Then Dec2Bin$ = "0": Exit Function
While 2 ^ j <= integerBase10
If (integerBase10 And 2 ^ j) > 0 Then b$ = "1" + b$ Else b$ = "0" + b$
j = j + 1
Dec2Bin$ = b$
End Function
The coefficients are converted from decimal to binary and 1's draw green square, 0's stay black and squares stacked from highest power of 2 to 2^0 times 1 or 0 each column is a coefficient on the given row ie (a + b) ^ row
Marvin, Headphones, Janus, L-afant, and Humph!
b = b + ...