10-13-2022, 02:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2022, 02:23 AM by PhilOfPerth.)
(10-11-2022, 01:15 PM)bplus Wrote:I had never heard of the Fisher Yates shuffle, and I'm surprised how similar mine is. I can't see any real advantages of their method over mine (it still uses a temp variable t$) so I'll stick to mine - I think it's easier to follow.(10-11-2022, 07:00 AM)PhilOfPerth Wrote:(10-11-2022, 05:52 AM)bplus Wrote:You beat me (again)!Code: (Select All)' Poker.bas 2022-10-10 b+ try ranking hands
Dim Shared Order$
Order$ = " A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 J Q K"
Dim Shared Deck$(52), rankCount(10)
'For i = 1 To 52
' Print i, Deck$(i)
'For i = 1 To 52
' Print i, Deck$(i)
'make sure we detect rare occurances
h$ = " AC10C JC QC KC"
Print h$; " = "; RankName$(Rank(h$))
h$ = " KS10S JS QS AS"
Print h$; " = "; RankName$(Rank(h$))
h$ = " AC 3C JC QC KC"
Print h$; " = "; RankName$(Rank(h$))
h$ = " AC 2C 3C 4C 5C"
Print h$; " = "; RankName$(Rank(h$))
h$ = " AS 2C 3C 4C 5C"
Print h$; " = "; RankName$(Rank(h$))
tests = 10000000
While fini = 0
For k = 0 To 9
h$ = ""
For i = 1 To 5
h$ = h$ + Deck$(k * 5 + i)
r = Rank(h$)
rankCount(r) = rankCount(r) + 1
hands = hands + 10
If hands >= tests Then fini = 1 Else shuffle
'input "Quit? ";a$
'if a$ = "y" then fini = 1 else shuffle
For i = 1 To 10
Print rankCount(i); ", "; Int(rankCount(i) / tests * 100); "%, "; RankName$(i)
Function RankName$ (RNumber)
Select Case RNumber
Case 1: RankName$ = "Royal Flush"
Case 2: RankName$ = "Straight Flush"
Case 3: RankName$ = "Four of a Kind"
Case 4: RankName$ = "Full House"
Case 5: RankName$ = "Flush"
Case 6: RankName$ = "Straight"
Case 7: RankName$ = "Three of a Kind"
Case 8: RankName$ = "Two Pair"
Case 9: RankName$ = "Pair"
Case 10: RankName$ = "High Card"
End Select
End Function
Function Rank (hand$)
Dim arrange(13)
For i = 1 To 5
v$ = Mid$(hand$, i * 3 - 2, 2)
f = (InStr(Order$, v$) + 1) / 2
arrange(f) = arrange(f) + 1
For i = 1 To 13
Select Case arrange(i)
Case 2: pair = pair + 1
Case 3: three = 1
Case 4: four = 1
End Select
If four = 1 Then Rank = 3: Exit Function
If three = 1 And pair = 1 Then Rank = 4: Exit Function
If three = 1 Then Rank = 7: Exit Function
If pair = 2 Then Rank = 8: Exit Function
If pair = 1 Then
Rank = 9: Exit Function
Else ' check flush and straight
suit$ = Mid$(hand$, 3, 1): flush = 1
For i = 2 To 5
If Mid$(hand$, i * 3, 1) <> suit$ Then flush = 0: Exit For
i = 1: straight = 1 ' find lowest card i
While arrange(i) = 0
i = i + 1
If i = 1 Then
If arrange(10) = 1 And arrange(11) = 1 And arrange(12) = 1 And arrange(13) = 1 Then
straight = 1: royal = 1: GoTo FinishRank
End If
End If
If i >= 10 Then
straight = 0
straight = 1
For j = i + 1 To i + 4 ' check next 4 cards in sequence
If arrange(j) <> 1 Then straight = 0: Exit For
End If
If (straight = 1) And (flush = 1) And (royal = 1) Then Rank = 1: Exit Function
If (straight = 1) And (flush = 1) Then Rank = 2: Exit Function
If (flush = 1) Then Rank = 5: Exit Function
If (straight = 1) Then
Rank = 6
Rank = 10
End If
End If
End Function
Sub shuffle
For i = 52 To 2 Step -1
r = Int(Rnd * i) + 1
t$ = Deck$(i)
Deck$(i) = Deck$(r)
Deck$(r) = t$
End Sub
Sub makeDeck
suit$ = "CDHS"
For s = 1 To 4
For i = 1 To 13
Deck$((s - 1) * 13 + i) = Mid$(Order$, (i - 1) * 2 + 1, 2) + Mid$(suit$, s, 1)
End Sub
' rank name calc % calc odds
'1data " Royal Flush", 0.000154, 649740
'2data " Straight Flush", 0.00139 , 72193.33
'3data " Four of a Kind", 0.0240 , 4165
'4data " Full House", 0.144 , 694.17
'5data " Flush", 0.197 , 508.8
'6data " Straight", 0.392 , 254.8
'7data "Three of a Kind", 2.11 , 47.3
'8data " Two Pair", 4.75 , 21.03
'9data " Pair", 42.3 , 2.36
'10 data " High Card", 50.1 , 1.995
I'm in the middle (or at least I've started) writing a game based on a similar algorithm.
I use this for shuffling:
for a=1 to 52
swop=int (rnd*52)+1
swap deck$(a),deck$(swop)
Ha, didn't know we were racing but I have been with Basic Forums since 2014 that might be an advantage.
Your shuffle is allot better than my first shuffle routine that I thought the cat's meow when i posted my first at JB forum way back 2015 maybe? Then tsh73, Russian Computer Science teacher, showed me Fisher Yates Shuffle the most efficient known to computer scientists wow! so yours is really close https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher–Yates_shuffle
The one I use in Ranking is directly from JB and they don't have swap so you need to hold a value in temp variable for swap.
Code: (Select All)Sub shuffle
For i = 52 To 2 Step -1
r = Int(Rnd * i) + 1
t$ = Deck$(i)
Deck$(i) = Deck$(r)
Deck$(r) = t$
End Sub
For QB64pe mod to
Code: (Select All)Sub shuffle ' for 1 to 52 cards as string in Shared Deck$
For i = 52 To 2 Step -1
Swap Deck$(i), Deck$(Int(Rnd * i) + 1) ' random from 1 to i inclusive,
' Steve showed me to do random directly without variable assignment
End Sub
Hope to pass tsh73 and Steve advice along to you all
Thumbs up to Phil for giving me that opportunity.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.)
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Please visit my Website at: http://oldendayskids.blogspot.com/