10-16-2022, 08:03 AM
Would you mind going to around line 158 in the `Makefile` file and add this line?
After that's added a list of files should then end up in `./internal/temp/compilelog.txt` when you attempt to compile something, if you could give that to me it would be helpful.
Additionally, are you able to successfully compile again if you manually delete the contents of `./internal/temp`? I don't think that should fix it but it's worth a shot.
For reference, the name of the file is supposed to be `internal/temp/data1.txt`, but your error indicates the `Makefile` was instead expecting `internal/temp/data1` (no extension) for some reason. Unfortunately I don't really have any ideas as to why that would happen.
Code: (Select All)
$(info Files $(wildcard $(PATH_INTERNAL)/temp$(TEMP_ID)/*.txt))
After that's added a list of files should then end up in `./internal/temp/compilelog.txt` when you attempt to compile something, if you could give that to me it would be helpful.
Additionally, are you able to successfully compile again if you manually delete the contents of `./internal/temp`? I don't think that should fix it but it's worth a shot.
For reference, the name of the file is supposed to be `internal/temp/data1.txt`, but your error indicates the `Makefile` was instead expecting `internal/temp/data1` (no extension) for some reason. Unfortunately I don't really have any ideas as to why that would happen.