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QBZERK doesn't work on Linux 64-bit
This might be another one of those race conditions which we sometimes see as programs start up. We used to have a ton of complaints about things such as _SCREENMOVE _MIDDLE being placed at the top of the program.

If one of you Linux guys could, try adding a _DELAY .5 into the program before the first call to _DESKTOPHEIGHT or _DESKTOPWIDTH, and see if the issue persists. It might be that we simply need to look into overhauling that multi-threading process a bit so that it'll wait for things to finish initializing and setting up properly, before tossing out invalid answers.

Messages In This Thread
RE: QBZERK doesn't work on Linux 64-bit - by SMcNeill - 11-03-2022, 12:04 AM

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