(11-03-2022, 08:17 PM)johnno56 Wrote: First: My mistake. I had downloaded the wrong version when I read (too quickly) the available versions in the "Announcements" I will correct that oversight as soon as I have finished this post.But this is the whole contents of "compilelog.txt"? Because it shows only what was done by the QB64PE compiler. There is no line that says "error" and a bunch of squiggles and whatnot which is done by "g++".
Second: No. My desktop is set to 1920x1080.
Third: Adding the "_DELAY 1", prior to "Screen _newimage()" did dot fix the problem... But, what it 'did' do, was to 'slow things down' long enough to display an error message.
Code: (Select All)c++ Compilation failed.
(contents of 'compilelog.txt')
g++ -no-pie -w -std=gnu++11 -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -I./internal/c/libqb/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE internal/c/qbx2.cpp -c -o internal/c/qbx2.o
objcopy -Ibinary -Oelf64-x86-64 -Bi386:x86-64 internal/temp2/data.bin internal/temp2/data.o
g++ -no-pie -w -std=gnu++11 -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -I./internal/c/libqb/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE ./internal/c/libqb_make_00000000000000.o ./internal/c/qbx2.o ./internal/temp2/data.o -o "untitled" ./internal/c/libqb/src/threading.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/buffer.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/filepath.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/threading-posix.o ./internal/c/parts/core/src.a -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lpthread -ldl -lrt
objcopy --only-keep-debug "untitled" "./internal/temp2/untitled.sym"
objcopy --strip-unneeded "untitled"
I had to slip into something more comfortable: while I wrote above was on a distro that didn't have QB64PE installed. :O
Now on Manjaro MATE. For me this program compiles and runs successfully.
@johnno56 what Linux distro are you using? Maybe you need to update the distro. You would have had to run "setup_lnx.sh" again if you didn't raise to QB64PE v3.4.0. I was going to say "internal/clean.bat" but that's for Windows...
I proposed the "_DELAY 1" because other people on Linux were having problems even with getting a graphics screen.