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Help with hardware and software graphics
Hi to everyone!

First of all, sorry for my terrible english, I'm from Spain Sad
I will try to explain myself.

I am making a Star Trek space game, some kind of mix between EGATrek and ST: Armada. I don't know if I am going to finish it, but I am enjoying the creation as a hobby Smile

Currently the game displays background space, stars, planets and several ships (allies and enemies). You have 3 allied ships, and you can move them with mouse (clicking on the screen rotates and moves the ship automatically).

My problem is that the game is a little slow when I paint nebulae or several things on the screen. I am using all software graphics, but I read several days ago that you can load graphics into hardware, with the "33" switch, and in theory the game would speed up.

I tried to recode all the game with this option, but I failed. The game paints some things, but others don't. Also, I tried to use display order, but I don't know how to use it, and sometimes the game displays only the hardware graphics previously loaded, or it only displays some points and lines (I drew them with PSET and LINE in some parts of the code).

Please can you help me? If anybody wants the source code, I will be pleased to send it to you.

Thank you !!!

10 PRINT "Hola! Smile"
20 GOTO 10

Messages In This Thread
Help with hardware and software graphics - by Ikerkaz - 04-27-2022, 11:08 AM

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