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JavaScript-ing it, I need to get with it
One has to pretend there is a forced "FALLTHROUGH" keyword, while "SELECT EVERYCASE" didn't exist. Because that's what it would have required otherwise.

Code: (Select All)
INPUT "Input 1, 2, or 3: "; a
    CASE IS > 1
        PRINT a; "> 1"
    CASE IS < 2
        PRINT a; "< 2"
    CASE IS < 3
        PRINT a; "< 3"
        PRINT "I don't know what a is!"

When "SELECT CASE... END SELECT" was invented, it could have been fashioned just like "switch()" in C, thus requiring "EXIT SELECT" or "BREAK" statement at the end of each "CASE" block. The opposite is true. But the need arose where fallthrough was needed, either potentially for all cases above "CASE ELSE", or for just "CASE ELSE".

I'm taking my own topic off course... but the QBJS listing of supported QB64 keywords got my attention about a few things.

Messages In This Thread
RE: JavaScript-ing it, I need to get with it - by mnrvovrfc - 11-07-2022, 01:50 AM

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