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JavaScript-ing it, I need to get with it
(11-07-2022, 02:30 AM)Pete Wrote: I'm not comfortable with other people calling themselves stupid; 'cuz that's my job 'round these parts! Big Grin

No worries. There are days I feel like I'm on a full I.V., and it ain't set to slow drip, either.

Isn't cool though that folks around these parts just talk stuff out instead of snubbing each other? I kid a lot, sure, but I do mean that sincerely. 

Oh, I gave you a +2 for the demo link to your website project. That was a blast. I like the possibilities the future holds more and more now.


Back in '95, I became a third body thrown on a project that was over budget and late delivering.  I became the third programmer, working with two functional analysts, a technical architect (and dba), and a project manager (Bob.)  The other two programmer's had become so frustrated with the analysts who had last programmed in Cobol and were now dictating how to do windows 4GL programming, that the programmer's took an empty pill bottle, labelled it "Doctor Bob's Stupid Pills" with a side label warning to only take on an empty brain, and made sure it was always in a prominent location.  (I kept that bottle.)

Yeah, at that age of having a story for everything...

Snubbing others?  That's like eating plain/bland white mushy rice full-time.  Totally missing out on the sweet/salty/spicy/fatty/sour/bitter (all of my food groups), baby.  Much like my philosophy: some people live to eat, some people eat to live.  I. Eat. To. Die !  How could I snub any of that?

Love TiddlyWiki and love BASIC and love massive/complicated/intertwingled problems/projects.  The project exists because of the the original desire of getting QB64 programs running in web browsers.  When QBJS popped up in March, that was my incentive to get in a different lane and focus more on all aspects of the software development process, project management, requirements management, source code management and documentation for BASIC projects (QB64PE as first-class citizen.)  Well, I have other goals for BAM, but they aren't QB64PE-specific, so not talking about those here.

Messages In This Thread
RE: JavaScript-ing it, I need to get with it - by CharlieJV - 11-07-2022, 04:04 AM

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