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BAM Features Set: "Powerwash", "BAM System Update", "TW System Update"
Although there's no install, BASIC Anywhere Machine is intended to be "download and make it your own", store it where you want, use it as you want, etc. 

There is a bunch of stuff in BAM that makes it what it is and makes it work.

But there is a bunch of stuff in BAM that is content created in it (BASIC programs, tasks, and whatever else that is created as part of using BAM.)

As part of making BAM your own (any version of it that exists), you ought to have a way to remove the fluff and be left with nothing else but the stuff that makes BAM work.

Enter the pending "Powerwash" feature.

Whatever version of BAM you nab that has that feature, click the "Factory Refresh" (or Factory Reset?)  "Powerwash", and all of the fluff is purged.  You are left with nothing but a clean BASIC Anywhere Machine, ready to go for your new project(s).

But once you've made it your own (i.e. powerwashed and have your programs and tasks/etc. in there), you need to be able to upgrade it when I've rolled out a new version of BAM with some cool new stuff and fixes.

Enter the pending "BAM System Update" process.

Just open up the new version of BAM, and open your BAM instance, then drag and drop the package of "architectural stuff" from the new version of BAM to your BAM instance, and you are upgraded.

Now, what if BASIC Anywhere Machine has not kept to date with the latest version of TW (TiddlyWiki), so BAM has fallen a bit behind, but you for whatever reason want your BAM version to be on the latest version of TW?

Enter the already existing "TW System Update" service.

As per the existing Upgrading process, we just drag a BAM instance into the online upgrader and download the result of the process: everything that makes BAM work is now in a new version of TW.  Well, as long as the latest version of TW has done something to break backward compatibility ...

Something like that ...

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BAM Features Set: "Powerwash", "BAM System Update", "TW System Update" - by CharlieJV - 11-09-2022, 06:23 PM

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