12 years ago (or about), I think this really took off using the Simple Development Library (SDL library).
Even before they switched to GL, there was basically an issue using it and with the licensing. So if I remember correctly, Galleon switched to using GL, rewrote it, and made a heap of improvements to it like maps and other things with it.
I still have yet to be updated on the new things with this; I'm about 12 years behind the times trying to catch up to today and where we are at with it.
I had only used and known of doing it to use the hardware method, though: to just draw and position things you want on the screen and then _DISPLAY it after you set the _DEST for it.
I'm not sure about the 3D features and latency with it, but for 2D and scrolling maps it is lightning fast.
What's old is new again, and it looks like what's new is new, too!

The more you know!