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No Sounds in QB64 Programs
(09-21-2023, 12:34 PM)grymmjack Wrote: Hi,

Sorry you are having mac issues.

If you have a sample I can try it on my mac. I have a 2015 MacBook.
Thanks, grymmjack. I've tried various things, but one sample I wrote for testing was: Line 1 BEEP, Line 2 END, and no sound was made. Something deep inside that computer hates me. I plan to back it up thoroughly and wipe the machine, as nothing seems to help. Sigh...
Non-QB64 questions:  Are the speakers plugged in?  Do they power up?  Is the output directed to them?

I ran into an issue on my laptop where QB64 refused to play any sounds...  After excessive testing and debugging, I finally checked to see where the output was going -- which was to my bluetooth headphones which were powered off and sitting in the charger!!

You can't make noise when the noise maker is disconnected, unplugged, or muted!
(09-21-2023, 04:22 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: Non-QB64 questions:  Are the speakers plugged in?  Do they power up?  Is the output directed to them?

I ran into an issue on my laptop where QB64 refused to play any sounds...  After excessive testing and debugging, I finally checked to see where the output was going -- which was to my bluetooth headphones which were powered off and sitting in the charger!!

You can't make noise when the noise maker is disconnected, unplugged, or muted!
Haha, thanks, SMcNeill. The sound system works just fine with other apps, OS alerts, etc., just not in the QB64 world. Some setting got toggled or corrupted somewhere. I'm still sniffing around for it.
I'm having the same problem. No sound on my Mac either. I just downloaded QB64PE for the first time on my Mac, installed it and downloaded some sample games that I found on this forum. Pacman and scramble. Neither has sound working and neither will set the executable to have the icon that it calls. I tried compiling and executing the source code in the same folder as qb64pe itself, I also went through their code and tried changing the file paths to have ./ before each filename. Nothing seems to be working. Also just tried a beep command. nothing. (my OS is Ventura 13.6)
Just tried downloading this fork: ... No sound on my Mac with this one either. But sound works with any other app and I tried the .ogg files that came with the source code of packman and scramble and they work when I run them from my OS. Just not in any version if QB64
(10-08-2023, 12:46 AM)Mick Wrote: Just tried downloading this fork: ... No sound on my Mac with this one either. But sound works with any other app and I tried the .ogg files that came with the source code of packman and scramble and they work when I run them from my OS. Just not in any version if QB64
If both versions of QB64 produce no sound then something must have changed in the MacOS that is causing this. The developers will need to investigate this.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial
Did you try what a740g suggested in an early reply?


I am on Ventura 13.5.2 too and the sound works just fine.

From the QB64-PE menu, click Debug > Purge C++ Libraries and then compile and try again.

Also, ensure you have installed QB64-PE 3.8.0 to a new directory and not overwriting the files over a previous installation.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial
(10-08-2023, 02:18 AM)TerryRitchie Wrote: Did you try what a740g suggested in an early reply?


I am on Ventura 13.5.2 too and the sound works just fine.

From the QB64-PE menu, click Debug > Purge C++ Libraries and then compile and try again.

Also, ensure you have installed QB64-PE 3.8.0 to a new directory and not overwriting the files over a previous installation.
yes, I did try that. No luck.
QB64 on MacOS depends on this, doesn't it?

It might be a compatibility problem there, while the manufacturer press themselves so much to have "the" equipment "everybody" is supposed to be dreaming about. Rolleyes

Things are being changed periodically, which could lead to a sudden (or better said subtle) incompatibility.

It would be better if even more people using QB64 on MacOS could speak out. Those using a Macintosh full time, like some of us depend on Windows or Linux.
Ok. A quick note. I've been experiencing the same issue after some recent macOS update. I am quite certain it was `13.5.1`.

I think Apple changed something. If anyone is running something earlier than 13.5, please test and let us know.

I'll try to roll back the build on my machine and test when I get some time.

BTW, I am on Ventura.

Update: A quick way to verify this is an OS problem and not QB64-PE is to use an older build of QB64-PE like 3.7 or 3.6.

Update 2: The issue seems to be limited to Ventura and Sonoma. Thanks to @grymmjack for testing.

Update 3:
Ok. I found a fix for this and will be pushing it to the GitHub repo shortly. Updated bits will be available in the next release.
For the technically inclined, see the macOS building notes here
And no, using an older version of QB64-PE will not help. To work around this in the current release of QB64-PE do the following:
  • Find and open `internal/c/parts/audio/miniaudio_impl.cpp` for editing
  • Right after line #14 (one that says `#include "extras/stb_vorbis.c"`) add the following
  • Code: (Select All)
    #ifdef __APPLE__
    #    define MA_NO_RUNTIME_LINKING
  • Do not change anything else and save the file
  • Open QB64-PE and then click `Debug > Purge C++ Libraries`
  • Compile your program and now audio should work

I wish Apple left their notarization process requirements relaxed.

Sorry about all this. Saying "screw you Apple!" may make you feel better though.  Big Grin  Angel

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