11-17-2022, 05:15 AM
Here's a small prog I wrote that finds all words that can be formed from a selected word, using each letter only once. You can select a minimum and maximum word size, up to 13 letters. It uses the wordlists in a folder that are attached as a .zip file.
Code: (Select All)
Screen 9
Common Shared base$, blngth, dictfile$, dummy$, dictwrd$, l, found, totfound, foundwords$(), unique$, min, max
Dim foundwords$(100)
min = 3
Color 14: Locate 6, 35: Print "Word-Find": Color 15
Print Tab(26); "Copyright Phil Taylor (2022)": Print
Print Tab(5); "This programme will find all English words up to 13 letters in length"
Print Tab(5); "that appear in the Collins (2019) dictionary, that can be formed from "
Print Tab(5); "the letters of a word or group of letters, with each letter only being"
Print Tab(5); "used once."
Print: Print Tab(10); "(You can specify minimum and maximum word-lengths to find)."
Print: Color 14: Print Tab(30); "Press a key to start": Color 15
While InKey$ <> "": Wend
While InKey$ = "": Wend
Print Tab(15);: Input "Minimum size of words (ENTER for default of 2)"; min$
If Val(min$) < 2 Then min = 2 Else min = Val(min$)
Print Tab(30); "Minimum set at "; min
Print Tab(15);: Input "Maximum size of words (ENTER for default of 13)"; max$
If Val(max$) < 2 Then max = 13 Else max = Val(max$)
Print Tab(30); "Maximum set at"; max
Sleep 1
While InKey$ <> "": Wend
Locate 10, 20: Color 14: Input "What is the Base-Word (or group)"; base$: Color 15
If base$ < "A" Then base$ = "ANYTHING" ' just a word for demo purposes
base$ = UCase$(base$)
blngth = Len(base$)
Color 14: Print "Base-word is "; base$
Print "Minimum length:"; min; " Maximum length:"; max
: Color 15: Print
base$ = UCase$(base$)
sorted$ = Left$(base$, 1)
For bletrnum = 1 To blngth ' for each letter in base$
fileletr$ = Mid$(base$, bletrnum, 1)
po = InStr(unique$, fileletr$)
If po = 0 Then GoTo skip
Mid$(unique$, po, 1) = " "
dictfile$ = "wordlists/" + fileletr$
Open dictfile$ For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, dictwrd$
l = Len(dictwrd$): If l < min Or l > max Then GoTo GetAWord
Color 14: Print Tab(35); "Finished!"
Print Tab(29); "Total words found:"; totfound
GoTo Start
fail = 0
dummy$ = base$
For a = 1 To l
dictletr$ = Mid$(dictwrd$, a, 1)
po = InStr(dummy$, dictletr$)
If po = 0 Then
fail = 1 ' letter is not in dummy$ so abandon word
Mid$(dummy$, po, 1) = " "
End If
If fail = 1 Then Exit Sub
found = found + 1: totfound = totfound + 1
foundwords$(found) = dictwrd$
If Pos(0) > 77 Then Print
Print dictwrd$; Space$(13 - l);
If found = 100 Then
While InKey$ <> "": Wend
Color 14
Print Tab(27); "Press a key for next group"
While InKey$ = "": Wend
found = 0
Color 14: Print "Base-word is "; base$: Print
Print "Minimum length:"; min; " Maximum length:"; max
Color 15
End If
End Sub
Sub FindUnique
unique$ = ""
For a = 1 To blngth
l$ = Mid$(base$, a, 1)
po = InStr(unique$, l$)
If po = 0 Then unique$ = unique$ + l$
End Sub
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![Big Grin Big Grin](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
Please visit my Website at: http://oldendayskids.blogspot.com/