Inspired by Petr's 3D printing, I sat down and worked up a simple little routine to make pseudo-3d text of my own, and I wrapped it up into a single neat little SUB with 3 zillion parameters...
Various thickness is supported. Different tilts are supported. Text can expand from any direction... We can use it to italicize our text if we want to... It scales text to different widths and heights...
It's not a true 3D text, as in we can't rotate it on the x/y/z axis, but it makes a nice imitation text which we can use to create a nice title screen, or such, for our programs.
Play around with it, see what you guys think of it, and I'll be happily awaiting to see how you guys who are much better than me in math will improve/alter this.
Many thanks go to Petr for providing the inspiration for me to sit down and play around with getting this up and going to the point where it is. I'm really quite happy with how it performs and what it can do for us, and I think this will end up going into my toolbox for regular use from now on.
And a little demo of some of the various styles of 3d text which we can generate with the routine. Watch and pay attention to which direction the text tilts and turns as the program goes along.
Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 720, 32)
OE20 = _LOADFONT("calibri.ttf", 72)
Print3D 100, 100, "Hello World", 10, 10, OE20, &HFFFFFF00, 1, 1, 1, 1
Print3D 100, 200, "Steve is Awesome!", 5, -10, OE20, &HFFFF0000, -1, 1, 1, 1.25
Print3D 100, 300, "So, what do you guys think?", 6, 0, OE20, &HFFFFFFFF, 1, .5, .5, .5
Print3D 100, 400, "No 3D, just *italic* style text.", 1, 20, OE20, &HFF00FF00, 0, 0, 1, 1
SUB Print3D (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER, text$, thick AS INTEGER, tilt AS INTEGER,_
f AS LONG, fg AS _UNSIGNED LONG, xchange as integer, ychange as integer,_
scalex as _float, scaley as _float)
DIM dx1 AS _FLOAT, dx2 AS _FLOAT, dy1 AS _FLOAT, dy2 AS _FLOAT
d = _DEST: s = _SOURCE: font = _FONT
_DEST copy: _SOURCE copy
sx1 = 0: sy1 = 0
sx2 = _PRINTWIDTH(text$, copy): sy2 = _FONTHEIGHT(f)
dx1 = x: dy1 = y
dx2 = x + sx2 * scalex: dy2 = y + sy2 * scaley
FOR i = thick TO 0 STEP -1
CLS , 0
COLOR _RGBA32(_RED32(fg), _GREEN32(fg), _BLUE32(fg), 155 + 100 / i), 0
PRINT text$
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy1)-(sx1, sy2), copy TO(dx1 + tilt, dy1)-(dx2 + tilt, dy1)-(dx1, dy2), d
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx1, sy2)-(sx2, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), copy TO(dx1, dy2)-(dx2 + tilt, dy1)-(dx2, dy2), d
dx1 = dx1 + xchange: dx2 = dx2 + xchange: dy1 = dy1 + ychange: dy2 = dy2 + ychange
_DEST d: _SOURCE s: _FONT font
Various thickness is supported. Different tilts are supported. Text can expand from any direction... We can use it to italicize our text if we want to... It scales text to different widths and heights...
It's not a true 3D text, as in we can't rotate it on the x/y/z axis, but it makes a nice imitation text which we can use to create a nice title screen, or such, for our programs.
Play around with it, see what you guys think of it, and I'll be happily awaiting to see how you guys who are much better than me in math will improve/alter this.
Many thanks go to Petr for providing the inspiration for me to sit down and play around with getting this up and going to the point where it is. I'm really quite happy with how it performs and what it can do for us, and I think this will end up going into my toolbox for regular use from now on.

And a little demo of some of the various styles of 3d text which we can generate with the routine. Watch and pay attention to which direction the text tilts and turns as the program goes along.
Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 720, 32)
OE20 = _LOADFONT("calibri.ttf", 72)
FOR x = -2 TO 2 STEP 0.1
CLS , 0
Print3D 100, 200, "Steve is Awesome!", 5, x * 20, OE20, &HFFFF0000, x, x, 1, 1.25
FOR x = -2 TO 2 STEP 0.1
CLS , 0
Print3D 100, 200, "Steve is Awesome!", 5, x * 20, OE20, &HFFFF0000, -x, -x, 1, 1.25
FOR x = -2 TO 2 STEP 0.1
CLS , 0
Print3D 100, 200, "Steve is Awesome!", 5, x * 20, OE20, &HFFFF0000, x, -x, 1, 1.25
FOR x = -2 TO 2 STEP 0.1
CLS , 0
Print3D 100, 200, "Steve is Awesome!", 5, x * 20, OE20, &HFFFF0000, -x, x, 1, 1.25
SUB Print3D (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER, text$, thick AS INTEGER, tilt AS INTEGER,_
f AS LONG, fg AS _UNSIGNED LONG, xchange as integer, ychange as integer,_
scalex as _float, scaley as _float)
DIM dx1 AS _FLOAT, dx2 AS _FLOAT, dy1 AS _FLOAT, dy2 AS _FLOAT
d = _DEST: s = _SOURCE: font = _FONT
_DEST copy: _SOURCE copy
sx1 = 0: sy1 = 0
sx2 = _PRINTWIDTH(text$, copy): sy2 = _FONTHEIGHT(f)
dx1 = x: dy1 = y
dx2 = x + sx2 * scalex: dy2 = y + sy2 * scaley
FOR i = thick TO 0 STEP -1
CLS , 0
COLOR _RGBA32(_RED32(fg), _GREEN32(fg), _BLUE32(fg), 155 + 100 / i), 0
PRINT text$
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy1)-(sx1, sy2), copy TO(dx1 + tilt, dy1)-(dx2 + tilt, dy1)-(dx1, dy2), d
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx1, sy2)-(sx2, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), copy TO(dx1, dy2)-(dx2 + tilt, dy1)-(dx2, dy2), d
dx1 = dx1 + xchange: dx2 = dx2 + xchange: dy1 = dy1 + ychange: dy2 = dy2 + ychange
_DEST d: _SOURCE s: _FONT font