12-17-2022, 06:38 PM
You guys inspired me. I saw all of the recent chat server posts and wondered how hard it would be to create a web chat client in QBJS. For anyone interested you can try out the end result here:
QB Web Chat
The server is written in QB64. I used luke's simple HTTP server as a starting point and modified it to be an HTTP chat server. Here is the server code in case you want to play around with it:
If you want to connect to your own server just change the address at the top of the chat window to http://localhost:8080 (or whatever port you decide to use).
It was definitely an interesting exercise and gave me a number of ideas about new web functionality that I might want to add to QBJS's standard libraries.
Here is the client code in case you want to hot rod that side:
QB Web Chat
The server is written in QB64. I used luke's simple HTTP server as a starting point and modified it to be an HTTP chat server. Here is the server code in case you want to play around with it:
Code: (Select All)
' QB Chat Server
' Author: dbox*
' *This originally started as luke's simple HTTP server.
' It has been modified to serve as an HTTP chat server.
' Here is the original source attribution:
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' HTTP 1.1 Compliant Web Server
' Author: luke
' Source: https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=2052.0
' This program is made available for you to use, modify and distribute it as you wish,
' all under the condition you do not claim original authorship.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option _Explicit
DefLng A-Z
Dim PORT As Integer: PORT = 8080
If _CommandCount > 0 Then
PORT = Val(Command$(1))
End If
Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE = -1
Dim Shared CRLF As String
CRLF = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Const HTTP_10 = 1
Const HTTP_11 = 11
Const HTTP_GET = 1
Const HTTP_HEAD = 2
Const HTTP_POST = 3
Type connection_t
handle As Long
read_buf As String
http_version As Integer
method As Integer
request_uri As String
content_length As Integer
End Type
Type http_error_t
code As Integer
message As String
connection As Integer
End Type
Type file_error_t
failed As Integer
code As Integer
End Type
Dim i
Dim num_active_connections
Dim server_handle
Dim Shared Connections(1 To MAX_CONNECTIONS) As connection_t
Dim Shared Http_error_info As http_error_t
Dim Shared File_error_info As file_error_t
' Chat server-specific initialization
Type Message
sender As String
message As String
time As String
End Type
Const MAX_MESSAGE = 100
Dim Shared messages(MAX_MESSAGE) As Message
Dim Shared cmsg As _Unsigned Long
cmsg = 0
Open "chatlog.txt" For Append As #1
On Error GoTo error_handler
server_handle = _OpenHost("TCP/IP:" + LTrim$(Str$(PORT)))
Print "Listening on port:" + Str$(PORT)
If num_active_connections < MAX_CONNECTIONS Then
Dim new_connection
new_connection = _OpenConnection(server_handle)
If new_connection Then
num_active_connections = num_active_connections + 1
If Connections(i).handle = 0 Then
Dim empty_connection As connection_t
Connections(i) = empty_connection
Connections(i).handle = new_connection
num_active_connections = num_active_connections - 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
End If
If Connections(i).handle Then
Dim buf$
Get #Connections(i).handle, , buf$
If buf$ <> "" Then
' This is a bit of a hack workaround.
' We have no gaurantee that the sent message will not be fragmented.
' So there's a chance the full message will not be sent all at once.
' Unfortunately, there's no way I know of to tell from the connection
' if there is more to read.
' Hence, we sleep for .05 seconds and try to read from the connection again.
' We'll repeat this as long as we keep reading content.
' Will this ensure we read the entire body content?
' No, but it seems to work for most cases.
While buf$ <> ""
Connections(i).read_buf = Connections(i).read_buf + buf$
_Delay .05
Get #Connections(i).handle, , buf$
process_request i
End If
End If
Next i
_Limit 240
If Err = 100 Then 'HTTP error
'Print "HTTP error"; Http_error_info.code; Http_error_info.message; " for connection"; Http_error_info.connection
Resume http_error_complete
End If
'Print "error"; Err; "on line"; _ErrorLine
File_error_info.failed = TRUE
File_error_info.code = Err
Resume Next
Sub http_send_status (c, code, message As String)
Dim s$
s$ = "HTTP/1.1" + Str$(code) + " " + message + CRLF
Put #Connections(c).handle, , s$
End Sub
Sub http_send_header (c, header As String, value As String)
Dim s$
s$ = header + ": " + value + CRLF
Put #Connections(c).handle, , s$
End Sub
Sub http_end_headers (c)
Put #Connections(c).handle, , CRLF
End Sub
Sub http_send_body (c, body As String)
Put #Connections(c).handle, , body
End Sub
Sub http_do_get (c)
http_do_post c
End Sub
Sub http_do_head (c)
Dim s$
s$ = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + CRLF + CRLF
Put #Connections(c).handle, , s$
End Sub
Sub http_do_post (c)
Dim As String action, body
action = Connections(c).request_uri
body = Connections(c).read_buf
Dim response As String
Select Case action
Case "/connect": response = HandleConnect(body)
Case "/disconnect": response = HandleDisconnect(body)
Case "/get": response = HandleGet(body)
Case "/send": response = HandleSend(body)
End Select
http_send_status c, 200, "OK"
http_send_header c, "Content-Type", "text/plain"
http_send_header c, "Content-Length", LTrim$(Str$(Len(response)))
http_send_header c, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"
http_send_header c, "Connection", "close"
http_end_headers c
http_send_body c, response
close_connection c
End Sub
Function HandleConnect$ (body As String)
AddMessage "system", body + " has entered the chat"
HandleConnect$ = Str$(cmsg - 1)
End Function
Function HandleDisconnect$ (body As String)
AddMessage "system", body + " has left the chat"
HandleDisconnect$ = Str$(cmsg - 1)
End Function
Function HandleGet$ (body As String)
Dim fmsg As Integer
Dim response As String
fmsg = Val(_Trim$(body))
response = "["
Dim As Integer i, idx
For i = fmsg + 1 To cmsg
idx = (i - 1) Mod MAX_MESSAGE + 1
response = response + CRLF + "{ " + _
Q$("from") + ":" + Q$(messages(idx).sender) + ", " + _
Q$("msg") + ":" + Q$(messages(idx).message) + ", " + _
Q$("time") + ":" + Q$(messages(idx).time) + " }"
If i < cmsg Then response = response + ","
Next i
response = response + CRLF + "]"
HandleGet$ = response
End Function
Function HandleSend$ (body As String)
Print "send: ["; body; "]"
Dim sender As String
sender = "Unknown"
Dim idx As Integer
idx = InStr(body, ":")
If idx > 0 Then
sender = Mid$(body, 1, idx - 1)
body = Mid$(body, idx + 1)
End If
AddMessage sender, _Trim$(body)
HandleSend$ = Str$(cmsg)
End Function
Sub AddMessage (sender As String, message As String)
Dim idx As Integer
cmsg = cmsg + 1
idx = (cmsg - 1) Mod MAX_MESSAGE + 1
messages(idx).sender = JSONString(sender)
messages(idx).message = JSONString(message)
messages(idx).time = Date$ + " " + Time$
LogMessage messages(idx)
End Sub
Function JSONString$ (s As String)
s = Replace(_Trim$(s), Chr$(13) + Chr$(10), "\n")
s = Replace(s, Chr$(10), "\n")
s = Replace(s, Chr$(34), "\" + Chr$(34))
JSONString$ = s
End Function
Sub LogMessage (msg As Message)
Print #1, msg.time; " - "; msg.sender
Print #1, msg.message
End Sub
Function Replace$ (s As String, searchString As String, newString As String)
Dim ns As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim slen As Integer
slen = Len(searchString)
For i = 1 To Len(s) '- slen + 1
If Mid$(s, i, slen) = searchString Then
ns = ns + newString
i = i + slen - 1
ns = ns + Mid$(s, i, 1)
End If
Next i
Replace = ns
End Function
Function Q$ (value As String)
Q$ = Chr$(34) + value + Chr$(34)
End Function
Sub close_connection (c)
Close #Connections(c).handle
Connections(c).handle = 0
End Sub
Sub process_request (c)
Dim eol
Dim l As String
eol = InStr(Connections(c).read_buf, CRLF)
If eol = 0 Then Exit Sub
l = Left$(Connections(c).read_buf, eol - 1)
Connections(c).read_buf = Mid$(Connections(c).read_buf, eol + 2)
If Connections(c).http_version = 0 Then 'First line not yet read
process_start_line c, l
If l = "" Then
'headers complete; act upon request now
Select Case Connections(c).method
http_do_get c
http_do_post c
http_do_head c
End Select
Exit Sub
process_header c, l
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub process_start_line (c, l As String)
'7230 3.1.1
'METHOD uri HTTP/x.y
Dim sp1, sp2
sp1 = InStr(l, " ")
If sp1 = 0 Then http_error 400, "Bad Request", c
'7231 4.3
Select Case Left$(l, sp1 - 1)
Case "GET"
Connections(c).method = HTTP_GET
Case "HEAD"
Connections(c).method = HTTP_HEAD
Case "POST"
Connections(c).method = HTTP_POST
Case Else
http_error 501, "Not Implemented", c
End Select
sp2 = InStr(sp1 + 1, l, " ")
If sp2 = 0 Or sp2 - sp1 = 1 Then http_error 400, "Bad Request", c
Connections(c).request_uri = Mid$(l, sp1 + 1, sp2 - sp1 - 1)
'7230 2.6
If Mid$(l, sp2 + 1, 5) <> "HTTP/" Then
http_error 400, "Bad Request", c
End If
Select Case Mid$(l, sp2 + 6)
Case "1.0"
Connections(c).http_version = HTTP_10
Case "1.1"
Connections(c).http_version = HTTP_11
Case Else
http_error 505, "HTTP Version Not Supported", c
End Select
End Sub
Sub process_header (c, l As String)
' ignoring headers for now
End Sub
Sub http_error (code, message As String, connection)
http_send_status connection, code, message
http_send_header connection, "Content-Length", "0"
http_send_header connection, "Connection", "close"
http_end_headers connection
close_connection connection
Http_error_info.code = code
Http_error_info.message = message
Http_error_info.connection = connection
Error 100
End Sub
If you want to connect to your own server just change the address at the top of the chat window to http://localhost:8080 (or whatever port you decide to use).
It was definitely an interesting exercise and gave me a number of ideas about new web functionality that I might want to add to QBJS's standard libraries.
Here is the client code in case you want to hot rod that side:
Code: (Select All)
Import Dom From "lib/web/dom.bas"
Dim Shared As Object txtAddress, txtUsername, btnConnect, textbox, msgPanel
Dim Shared lastMsg As Integer
Dim Shared username As String
Dim Shared connected As Integer
Dim Shared refreshing As Integer
Dim Shared sending As Integer
Dim Shared sndMsg As Integer
_Title "QB Chat"
sndMsg = _SndOpen("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boxgaming/qbjs/main/samples/apps/new-message.ogg")
SetTimeout sub_Refresh, 1000
' HTTP Event Handlers
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
Sub OnConnect (response)
If Not connected Then
lastMsg = Val(response)
connected = -1
txtAddress.disabled = true
txtUsername.disabled = true
btnConnect.innerText = "Disconnect"
connected = 0
txtAddress.disabled = false
txtUsername.disabled = false
btnConnect.innerText = "Connect"
End If
End Sub
Sub OnSend (response)
sending = 0
End Sub
Sub Refresh
If connected And Not refreshing Then
refreshing = -1
HttpSend txtAddress.value + "/get", "POST", lastMsg, sub_OnRefresh
End If
SetTimeout sub_Refresh, 1000
End Sub
Sub OnRefresh (response)
Dim playSound As Integer
Dim res As Object
res = JSON.parse(response)
Dim i as Integer
For i = 0 To res.length-1
AddMessage res[i]
If res[i].from <> username Then
playSound = -1
End If
Next i
lastMsg = lastMsg + res.length
msgPanel.scrollTop = msgPanel.scrollHeight;
If playSound Then _SndPlay sndMsg
refreshing = 0
End Sub
Sub OnRefresError
refreshing = 0
End Sub
' UI Event Handlers
' ----------------------------------------------------------
Sub OnClickConnect
If txtUsername.value = "" Then
Dom.Alert "Enter a username"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not connected Then
username = txtUsername.value
Print "Setting username: [" + username + "]"
HttpSend txtAddress.value + "/connect", "POST", username, sub_OnConnect
HttpSend txtAddress.value + "/disconnect", "POST", username, sub_OnConnect
End If
End Sub
Function OnKeyPress (event)
If event.keyCode = 13 Then
'Print textbox.value
Dim msg as String
msg = _Trim$(textbox.value)
If msg <> "" Then SendMessage msg
OnKeyPress = false
End If
End Function
Sub SendMessage (msg As String)
Dim timeout As Integer
While sending And timeout < 1000
_Delay .01
timeout = timeout + 1
sending = -1
Dim body As String
body = username + ":" + _Trim$(textbox.value)
'Print "sending: [ " + body + " ]"
HttpSend txtAddress.value + "/send", "POST", body, sub_OnSend
textbox.value = ""
End Sub
Sub OnResize
'msgPanel.height = Dom.Container().height - 100
msgPanel.style.height = (_ResizeHeight - 200) + "px"
End Sub
' ----------------------------------------------------
Sub InitUI
Dim As Object container, panel, btnSend, apanel
Dom.GetImage(0).style.display = "none"
container = Dom.Container
container.style.letterSpacing = "normal"
container.style.backgroundColor = "#333"
Dom.Event window, "resize", sub_OnResize
' Create the login panel
apanel = Dom.Create("div")
apanel.style.display = "grid"
apanel.style.margin = "auto 15%"
apanel.style.textAlign = "left"
apanel.style.fontWeight = "bold"
Dom.Create "div", apanel, "Host"
Dom.Create "div", apanel, "Username"
Dom.Create "div", apanel
apanel.style.gridTemplateColumns = "auto auto auto"
txtAddress = Dom.Create("input", apanel, "https://chat.boxgaming.co")
txtUsername = Dom.Create("input", apanel)
btnConnect = Dom.Create("button", apanel, "Connect")
Dom.Event btnConnect, "click", sub_OnClickConnect
' Create the message window
msgPanel = Dom.Create("div")
msgPanel.style.backgroundColor = "#444"
msgPanel.style.overflowY = "auto"
msgPanel.style.height = "300px"
msgPanel.style.margin = "auto 15%"
msgPanel.style.textAlign = "left"
msgPanel.style.padding = "10px"
' Create send message control
Dim sendLabel As Object
panel = Dom.Create("div")
panel.style.margin = "auto 15%"
sendLabel = Dom.Create("div", panel, "Send Message")
sendLabel.style.textAlign = "left"
sendLabel.style.fontWeight = "bold"
sendLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#666"
sendLabel.style.padding = "4px"
sendLabel.style.color = "#ccc"
textbox = Dom.Create("textarea", panel)
textbox.style.width = "100%"
textbox.style.height = "100px"
Dom.Event textbox, "keydown", func_OnKeyPress
End Sub
Sub AddMessage (msg As Object)
Dim As Object mc, s, t, m
mc = Dom.Create("div", msgPanel)
mc.style.marginBottom = "10px"
s = Dom.Create("div", mc)
If msg.from = "system" Then
s.style.color = "#00f4af"
s.style.color = "#00aff4"
End If
s.style.fontWeight = "bold"
s.innerHTML = msg.from
t = Dom.Create("span", s)
t.style.color = "#999"
t.style.fontWeight = "normal"
t.style.marginLeft = "8px"
t.style.fontSize = ".8em"
t.innerHTML = msg.time
m = Dom.Create("div", mc)
m.style.color = "#efefef"
m.style.whiteSpace = "pre"
m.innerHTML = msg.msg
End Sub
Sub HttpSend(url, method, message, callbackFn, errorCallbackFn)
$If Javascript Then
const client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.open(method, url);
client.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", message.length);
client.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
if (this.status == 200) {
if (callbackFn) {
else { // assume any other status is an error
if (errorCallbackFn) {
$End If
End Sub
Sub SetTimeout(callbackFn, millis)
$If Javascript Then
setTimeout(callbackFn, millis);
$End If
End Sub
![[Image: screenshot.png]](https://i.ibb.co/tBjVnJ1/screenshot.png)