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Is Discord part of the Phoenix edition,?
I looked at the QB64 Discord link, and it still carries QB64 as its identity. Is this where we still go, or is there a new PE edition somewhere?  Confused
You do know the definition of Discord?

It doesn't matter ;-)) (joking)
b = b + ...
It's still where people are going, but in all honesty, the QB64 Discord channel has more or less went completely off-topic. Of every hundred posts there, it seems probably only one of them is actually related to something with QB64 coding, learning, asking help, or giving answers.

Truly, I need to make us one of our own so folks can hang out there and ask actual questions in real time with other members about QB64-related stuff, but I just haven't got around to it yet. Since Discord was the only piece of the old Team's work that we managed to keep up and going, I kind of hate to give up on it. I'm hoping that after a while, once everyone gets over the euphoria of chasing off RC Cola from there, things will settle down and it'll go back to normal once more.

Nostalgia is a hard thing to let go of, for some reason. Wink
I know the dictionary definition of discord, but I'm not sure about the functions of the Discord service. On reading their T&C etc.  though, I'm not sure it will interest me anyway.  Undecided
(05-02-2022, 12:22 AM)PhilOfPerth Wrote: I'm not sure it will interest me anyway.  Undecided

The current channel doesn't hold much interest for me either, I'm afraid.  All I do there anymore is just sit and occasionally lurk to see if anything interesting is going on.  Usually, I find there isn't.  

People are a lot more active with sharing code and asking actual questions here on the forums than they are on Discord.  Maybe we just have a better format here for such things, with the code boxes and such to help share longer code snippets easily.
One thing of true value specially for future (but afraid we are running late) is George McGinn's work on getting QB64 on Pi.
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Yeah I swear RC was never at the QB64 Forum, didn't know the people or what was going on, between Jan and March not even a sign in avatar! just focused on Discord which was living the definition of the word! ;-))
b = b + ...

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