My prime program
has been created that searches for prime numbers
according to formula of origin topic
but I feel an error in line
s = s + (Cos(3.1416 * (f + 1) / j)) ^ 2 ' FORMULA
Code: (Select All)
n = 3: Print n: p = 0 ' nijprime.bas Willans 1964
Dim f As Long
For i = 1 To 2 ^ n
s = 0: Print: Print i;
For j = 1 To i
f = 1
For g = 1 To j - 1
f = f * g
Next g: Print " ="; f;
s = s + (Cos(3.1416 * (f + 1) / j)) ^ 2 ' FORMULA
Next j
p = p + (n / s) ^ (1 / n)
Next i
p = 1 + p: Print: Print p
I create a version of my prime program about primes
in JavaScript where all numbers are long
by copying save HTM or checked online
Moreover results of BAS & JS are same
I think there is a mistake in formula
Code: (Select All)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>
<title>nijprime js JavaScript DANILIN</title>
<html> <body>
document.write("<br/> nijprime.bas Willans 1964")
n = 4; document.write("<br/>" + n); p = 0
for (i=1; i <= Math.pow(2,n); i++)
{ s = 0; document.write("<br/>" + i)
for (j=1; j<=i; j++)
{ f = 1; for (g=1; g <= j-1; g++) f = f * g
document.write(" ="+ f)
s = s + Math.pow((Math.cos(Math.PI * (f + 1) / j)),2)
p = p + Math.pow((n / s), (1 / n))
p = 1 + p; document.write("<br/>" + p)
</body> </html>
16 =1 =1 =2 =6 =24 =120 =720 =5040 =40320 =362880 =3628800 =39916800 =479001600 =6227020800 =87178291200 =1307674368000
1001 prime is 104743
06-06-2022, 08:15 PM
long read