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b+ Beginners Corner
This is pretty cool. But I would remove that beep. Sorry but Wordpad made me hate sound to react to any keypress LOL. I didn't want to change the "Windows Media" settings to do something about it.

It's too bad how keyboards are designed these days. Otherwise I would change it so one hand could press [CTRL] (left) or [ALT] (right), and the other hand could use [SHIFT] (up) or [CTRL] (down) so it could behave like a real Ohio Art Etch-and-Sketch. Big Grin

On my keyboard for the left hand, [CTRL] and [ALT] are too wide apart for my taste: [Fn] and [Win] keys in between. Would have to use [SHIFT] and [CTRL] for vertical motion for the left hand, and involve the application key for the right hand so it's a bit more comfortable.

On Linux probably could also reassign the "Super" [Win] key but I don't like feeling that I'm using a Macintosh. I highly respect those [Command] keys hugging the spacebar.

For a window manager on Linux using the "Super" key to help "design" application windows, it could be changed to [ALT] which ensures the [Win] key won't be involved that well in QB64 programs using _KEYDOWN().
Cool Tip for doing Color Walker from Paul Dunn AKA ZXDunny:
not exactly Beginner's stuff

In Paul Dunn's Horizontal coding style we get:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Mod 3 Ron77 Color Walker: a | d left or right, w | s for up or down, c for color change"
x = 10: y = 10: c = 1
1 K$ = InKey$: c = (c - (K$ = "c")) Mod 16: Color c: x = x + (K$ = "a") - (K$ = "d"): y = y + (K$ = "w") - (K$ = "s"): Locate y, x: Print "@";: GoTo 1


Breaking it down:
Code: (Select All)
'_Title "Mod 3 Ron77 Color Walker: a|d left or right, w|s for up or down, c for color change"
'x = 10: y = 10: c = 1
'1 K$ = InKey$: c = (c - (K$ = "c")) Mod 16: Color c: x = x + (K$ = "a") - (K$ = "d"): y = y + (K$ = "w") - (K$ = "s"): Locate y, x: Print "@";: GoTo 1

' b+ 2023-05-30  Breaking the above down:

'  the Title contains the instructions for keypresses
_Title "Mod 3 Ron77 Color Walker: a | d left or right, w | s for up or down, c for color change"

x = 10: y = 10: c = 1 'make assignments inside screen for x and y position of future @ printing

1 K$ = InKey$ ' this records keypress into K$

c = (c - (K$ = "c")) Mod 16
' first (K$ = c) evaluates to -1 or 0 depending if c key was pressed
' (c - (K$ = "c")) evaluates to c - 0 or c - -1 equivalent to adding 0 0r 1 to c
' Mod 16 keeps c from exceeding 15 by resetting back to 0 when it hits 16
' The Mod 16 trick is very handy in computer programming, used allot!

Color c ' colors 0 - 15, 0 = black (same as background color so might be invisible)
' having black is handy for fixing mistakes

' As with changing c, likewise x and y are changed
x = x + (K$ = "a") - (K$ = "d")
' if a or d is pressed x gets changed by -1 or +1

y = y + (K$ = "w") - (K$ = "s")
' if w or s is pressed y gets changed by -1 or +1

Locate y, x
'  note: since there is no border checking Locate will get mad and bug out should you go beyond
'  the screen coodinates. We are going for brevity of code here. Stay away from edges or Error!

Print "@"; ' update our @ characters position (if you can see it)

GoTo 1 ' this loops back to line labeled 1
b = b + ...
Build a Scrolling Text Screen
Code: (Select All)

_Title "Building a Scrolling LED Screen" ' b+ 2021-05-08

Screen _NewImage(1200, 160, 32)
_Delay .25 'give screen time to load
_ScreenMove _Middle 'and center screen

'scroll some text
Text$ = "Try scrolling me for awhile until you got it, then press a key...  "
lenText = Len(Text$)
startTextPos = 1
'put text in sign 15 chars wide in middle of screen print the message moving down 1 character evey frame
_Title "Building a Scrolling LED Screen:  Step 1 get some code to scroll your message in middle of screen."
    k$ = InKey$
    ' two pieces of text?  when get to end of text will have less than 15 chars to fill sign so get remainder from front
    len1 = lenText - startTextPos
    If len1 < 15 Then len2 = 15 - len1 Else len1 = 15: len2 = 0
    ' locate at middle of screen for 15 char long sign
    _PrintString ((1200 - 15 * 8) / 2, (160 / 2) - 8), Mid$(Text$, startTextPos, len1) + Mid$(Text$, 1, len2)
    startTextPos = startTextPos + 1
    If startTextPos > lenText Then startTextPos = 1
    _Display ' no blinking when clear screen so often
    _Limit 5 ' slow down to see scroll
Loop Until Len(k$)

' OK  now for the enLARGE M E N T  using _PutImage
' our little sign is 16 pixels high and 8 * 15 chars pixels wide = 120
Dim sign As Long
sign = _NewImage(120, 16, 32) ' we will store the print image here

'  _PUTIMAGE [STEP] [(dx1, dy1)-[STEP][(dx2, dy2)]][, sourceHandle&][, destHandle&][, ][STEP][(sx1, sy1)[-STEP][(sx2, sy2)]][_SMOOTH]
'  use same pixel location to _printString as for _PutImage Source rectangle ie (sx1, sy1), -step( sign width and height)

' test screen capture with _putimage and then blowup with _putimage
'_PutImage , 0, sign, ((1200 - 15 * 8) / 2, (160 / 2) - 8)-Step(119, 15)
'_PutImage , sign, 0 ' stretch to whole screen

'now that that works  do it on the move

' about here I resized the screen to 1200 x 160 to make the text scalable X's 10 ie 120 x 10 wide and 16 x 10 high
_Title "Building a Scrolling LED Screen:  Step 2 Blow it up by using _PutImage twice once to capture, then to expand"
k$ = ""
    k$ = InKey$
    ' two pieces of text?  when get to end of text will have less than 15 chars to fill sign so get remainder from front
    len1 = lenText - startTextPos
    If len1 < 15 Then len2 = 15 - len1 Else len1 = 15: len2 = 0
    ' locate at middle of screen for 15 char long sign
    _PrintString ((1200 - 15 * 8) / 2, (160 / 2) - 8), Mid$(Text$, startTextPos, len1) + Mid$(Text$, 1, len2)
    _PutImage , 0, sign, ((1200 - 15 * 8) / 2, (160 / 2) - 8)-Step(119, 15)

    _PutImage , sign, 0 ' stretch to whole screen
    _Display ' no blinking when clear screen so often
    _Limit 5 ' slow down to see scroll
    startTextPos = startTextPos + 1
    If startTextPos > lenText Then startTextPos = 1
Loop Until Len(k$)

' now for a mask just draw a grid  test grid draw here
'For x = 0 To _Width Step 10 ' verticals
'    Line (x, 0)-(x + 3, _Height), &HFF000000, BF
'For y = 0 To _Height Step 10
'    Line (0, y)-(_Width, y + 3), &HFF000000, BF

_Title "Building a Scrolling LED Screen:  Step 3 Mask or Cover the thing with a grid or grate."
' here is the whole code with all setup variables
k$ = ""
    k$ = InKey$
    ' two pieces of text?  when get to end of text will have less than 15 chars to fill sign so get remainder from front
    len1 = lenText - startTextPos
    If len1 < 15 Then len2 = 15 - len1 Else len1 = 15: len2 = 0
    ' locate at middle of screen for 15 char long sign
    _PrintString ((1200 - 15 * 8) / 2, (160 / 2) - 8), Mid$(Text$, startTextPos, len1) + Mid$(Text$, 1, len2)
    _PutImage , 0, sign, ((1200 - 15 * 8) / 2, (160 / 2) - 8)-Step(119, 15)

    _PutImage , sign, 0 ' stretch to whole screen

    ' now for a mask just draw a grid  best to draw this and copy and layover screen as another layer
    ' here QB64 is fast evough to redarw each time
    For x = 0 To _Width Step 10 ' verticals
        Line (x, 0)-(x + 3, _Height), &HFF000000, BF
    For y = 0 To _Height Step 10
        Line (0, y)-(_Width, y + 3), &HFF000000, BF

    _Display ' no blinking when clear screen so often
    _Limit 5 ' slow down to see scroll
    startTextPos = startTextPos + 1
    If startTextPos > lenText Then startTextPos = 1
Loop Until Len(k$)

Step one is just getting text scrolling in center of screen:

Step 2 is enlarging text to fill screen:

Step 3 is adding a grid face cover to make the letters appear to be lights:
b = b + ...
Step 2 and 3 I can read it with out glasses. I like it. Thanks bplus for sharing.
(06-15-2023, 07:50 PM)GareBear Wrote: Step 2 and 3 I can read it with out glasses. I like it. Thanks bplus for sharing.

You will like working with fonts I bet!
b = b + ...
Once again Charlie's post inspires b+ to dig into his files and pull out a better version in his opinion of course Smile

Compare this to Charlie's Clay Pigeon

Code: (Select All)
W = 800: H = 600 ' b+ updated 2023-06-23
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
a = Rnd * W: b = 0: c = Rnd * 6 - 3: d = Rnd * 3 + 3: u = 0: v = 0: x = 400: y = H
    _Title "Click mouse to intersect incoming   MC hits:" + Str$(t) + ", misses:" + Str$(m)
    _PrintString (400, 594), "^"
    While _MouseInput: Wend
    If _MouseButton(1) Then e = _MouseX - 400: f = _MouseY - H: z = (e ^ 2 + f ^ 2) ^ .5: u = 5 * e / z: v = 5 * f / z
    x = x + u: y = y + v: a = a + c: b = b + d
    If x < 0 Or y < 0 Or a < 0 Or b < 0 Or x > W Or a > W Or b > H Then
        If b > H Or x < 0 Or y < 0 Or x > W Then m = m + 1
        GoTo a:
    End If
    If ((x - a) ^ 2 + (y - b) ^ 2) ^ .5 < 30 Then
        For r = 1 To 20 Step 4
            Circle ((x + a) / 2, (y + b) / 2), r
            _Limit 60
        t = t + 1: GoTo a:
        PSet (x, y): PSet (a, b)
    End If
    _Limit 20

Looks like I should pull a Terry Richie and cleanup and comment code for teaching purposes, stay tuned...
b = b + ...
(06-23-2023, 02:46 PM)bplus Wrote: Once again Charlie's post inspires b+ to dig into his files and pull out a better version in his opinion of course Smile

Compare this to Charlie's Clay Pigeon

Code: (Select All)

Looks like I should pull a Terry Richie and cleanup and comment code for teaching purposes, stay tuned...

That's very cool.  Let it be known, though, that you are standing tall on electricwalrus' work.

At most, I may have added a hair to that height by making it a hair easier to get that FB program ported to QB64pe with that intermediary BAM code.  At most.  For all I know, it might have been quicker/easier going straight from FB to QB64pe ...
OK I have "Terryfied"  enRitchied the code. 
Update: I suppose I should refrain from word play with newbies but I wanted to honor Terry Ritchie's work and very notable commenting of code in a humorous way. Terry has been building a great beginner resource here:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit '                          Get into this habit and save yourself grief from Typos

_Title "Missile Command Terryfied" '                                     another b+ mod 2023-06-23
'                                   I probably picked up this game at the JB forum some years ago.

'    Get Constants, Shared Variables and Arrays() declared. These Will Start with Capital Letters.
'        Get Main module variables and arrays declared with starting lower case letters for local.
'         This is what Option _Explicit helps, by forcing us to at least declare these before use.
'       While declaring, telling QB64 the Type we want to use, we can also give brief description.

Const ScreenWidth = 800, ScreenHeight = 600 '                     for our custom screen dimensions
Dim As Integer bombX, bombY '                          incoming bomb screen position to shoot down
Dim As Single bombDX, bombDY '                  DX and DY mean change in X position and Y position
Dim As Integer missileX, missileY '                                               missile position
Dim As Single missileDX, missileDY '                            change X and Y of Missile position
Dim As Integer hits, misses '                                                score hits and misses
Dim As Integer mouseDistanceX, mouseDistanceY '       for calculations of missile DX, DY direction
Dim As Single distance '                                                                     ditto
Dim As Integer radius '                                      drawing hits with target like circles
Dim As Integer boolean '                         to shorten the code line with a bunch of OR tests

Screen _NewImage(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 32) ' sets up a graphics screen with custom dimensions
'                                          the 32 is for _RGB32(red, green, blue, alpha) coloring.
_ScreenMove 250, 60 '             this centers screen in my laptop, you may need different numbers

InitializeForRound: '                             reset game and start a round with a bomb falling
bombX = Rnd * ScreenWidth '                                starts bomb somewhere across the screen
bombY = 0 '                                                           starts bomb at top of screen
bombDX = Rnd * 6 - 3 '                                  pick rnd dx = change in x between -3 and 3
bombDY = Rnd * 3 + 3 '                 pick rnd dy = change in y between 3 and 6,  > 0 for falling
missileX = ScreenWidth / 2 '                                  missile base at middle across screen
missileY = ScreenHeight - 4 '   missile launch point at missile base is nearly at bottom of screen
missileDX = 0 '                           missile is not moving awaiting mouse click for direction
missileDY = 0 '                                                                              ditto
distance = 0 '                                             distance of mouse click to missile base

    'what's the score?
    _Title "Click mouse to intersect incoming   Hits:" + Str$(hits) + ", misses:" + Str$(misses)
    _PrintString (400, 594), "^" '                                 draw missle base = launch point
    While _MouseInput: Wend '                                             poll mouse to get update
    If _MouseButton(1) Then '               the mouse was clicked calc the angle from missile base
        mouseDistanceX = _MouseX - missileX
        mouseDistanceY = _MouseY - missileY
        distance = (mouseDistanceX ^ 2 + mouseDistanceY ^ 2) ^ .5
        missileDX = 5 * mouseDistanceX / distance
        missileDY = 5 * mouseDistanceY / distance
    End If

    missileX = missileX + missileDX '                                      update missile position
    missileY = missileY + missileDY '                                                        ditto
    bombX = bombX + bombDX '                                                  update bomb position
    bombY = bombY + bombDY '                                                                 ditto

    '                     I am about to use a boolean variable to shorten a very long IF code line
    '                                 boolean is either 0 or -1 when next 2 statements are execued
    '                                            -1/0 or True/False is everything still in screen?
    boolean = missileX < 0 Or missileY < 0 Or bombX < 0 Or bombY < 0
    boolean = boolean Or missileX > ScreenWidth Or bombX > ScreenWidth Or bombY > ScreenHeight
    If boolean Then ' done with this boolean
        '   reuse boolean to shorten another long code line checking if bomb and missile in screen
        boolean = bombY > ScreenHeight Or missileX < 0 Or missileY < 0 Or missileX > ScreenWidth
        If boolean Then misses = misses + 1
        GoTo InitializeForRound
    End If
    '     if the distance between missle and bomb < 20 pixels then the missile got the bomb, a hit
    If ((missileX - bombX) ^ 2 + (missileY - bombY) ^ 2) ^ .5 < 20 Then '  show a strike as target
        For radius = 1 To 20 Step 4 '                        draw concetric circles to show strike
            Circle ((missileX + bombX) / 2, (missileY + bombY) / 2), radius
            _Limit 60
        hits = hits + 1 '                                                    add hit to hits score
        GoTo InitializeForRound
        PSet (missileX, missileY), &HFFFFFF00 '                            draw your missle yellow
        PSet (bombX, bombY), &HFF0000FF '                                           draw bomb blue
    End If
    _Limit 20

BTW you can click the mouse more than once, in fact you can turn the mouse and missile into a heat seeker and curve around back if you over shoot, pretty cool!

Look at the nice clean edges I had in the IDE, can't repeat in any code tag??? wait now old code tag looks good and it pastes correctly aligned back in IDE yea!
b = b + ...
Yikes, that sounds like "terrified" LOL

How about "enRitched" instead Smile
New to QB64pe? Visit the QB64 tutorial to get started.
QB64 Tutorial
Sure don't want to use your name in vain, "enRitchied" OK? (edit with a t)*

BTW never, never, never use single letter constants if you ever hope to modify your code later and change names to make it more readable.

*Update: the humor would work better if I learned to spell Terry Ritchie's name correctly, oops sorry again Terry.
b = b + ...

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