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Just a Few Questions

  1. I don't know but perhaps I am going blind. Where has the link to the latest version of QB64PE gone? I can't see it anywhere on here.
  2. I have come across a site that has a link to the Microsoft Knowledge base for Microsoft Basic & QuickBASIC versions 1.0 to 4.5, Microsoft BASIC PDS versions 7.0 and 7.1 and Microsoft BASIC for Macintosh, versions 1.00 to 1.00e. This is the same as what MS Support used to use. Has this MSKB been posted on here before and if not, would there be any interest in my posting the link to the page hosting it.
  3. Back in the early 90s I wrote several libraries for the FST (Fitted Software Tools) Modula-2 compiler including giving it basic CGA graphics capability. One of the things I wrote was a Seed/Flood fill routine. Would there be any interest in my attempting to convert that routine to QB64 purely for educational purposes?
  4. Lastly, has anyone written a set of stack routines for QB64PE? This is just a matter of time saving as obviously I could use arrays for this purpose.



This link is always near the bottom of the main page of the forum. This is presented like a link to a subforum but it redirects to Github. This is above the "Board Statistics", ie. list of users that are online on this forum and other general information.

I believe somebody is looking for a flood-fill routine around here since two weeks ago. Hails from the "other BASICs" forum.
Q3. What is different between a seed/fill and Paint? We do have a 3rd version of Paint besides the 2 methods used with the keyword Paint.
1. Paint to Paint color border
2. Paint to Border color
3rd Handmade Paint3, paints all Points same color as "Point" (x, y) you spec and start fill at.

Q2. Other Basics topics should go in Other Basics Board suggest including the other Basic in title of post. There is still interest in QB4.5 specially at other forum I see it. Eric here too. If you know ways to use old QB port stuff to QB64 you will be popular!

Q4. If stack routines can get us around lack of arrays in User Defined Type and Function returns I'd be interested for one! I am also looking for ways to get Subs and Function definitions in my Interpreter.
b = b + ...

From the main page of forum options, you can find the Latest Release link near the bottom of the list.  Just be certain to expand all the forum categories to see it.
Q* how come Dav gets an "*" by his name? (in Steve's screen shot)
b = b + ...
(09-09-2023, 12:42 PM)bplus Wrote: Q* how come Dav gets an "*" by his name? (in Steve's screen shot)

Why that rascal...

But now I feel better! Nobody else could see when I'm online, except when I post! (Except moderators, would have liked to conceal from them but no problem.)

The star means the member decided to hide when he/she is logged in.
(09-09-2023, 12:42 PM)bplus Wrote: Q*  how come Dav gets an "*" by his name? (in Steve's screen shot)

Dav was in ninja-mode and I accidentally outed him!   Sorry Dav!
Oh so not asterisk, ninja throw disk Smile
b = b + ...
You see Dav is online, having posted 10 minutes ago from this post:
1. Thanks for pointing out where the link was. TBH, I could swear it used to be in the header for one of the forum areas. Couldn't see it (even with brand new glasses) until it was pointed out.
2. The site I found is to do with the old FreeDos MsDOS rival. The KB is situated quite far down the page (which also has Asic amongst other things). The site's location is (on GitHub) -


3. @bplus There is probably very little, if any difference between seed/flood fill and paint apart from the names.  Seed/flood fill just the name of the algorithm used. You just supply the border colour to stop at, the colour to use to fill with and the x, y position to start at.


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