I also use Notepad++ to compile with QB64PE & MinGW using the NppExec plugin.
Here are the lines I use in npes_saved.txt for NppExec. They assume Notepad++ is in a directory parallel to QB64PE; in my case they are
"c:\prog\npp" & "c:\prog\qb64pe":
NppExec can use absolute paths or paths relative to your Notepad++ folder. The example above uses both types of paths.
Here are the lines I use in npes_saved.txt for NppExec. They assume Notepad++ is in a directory parallel to QB64PE; in my case they are
"c:\prog\npp" & "c:\prog\qb64pe":
Code: (Select All)
::QB64PE compile
env_set QBCDIR=$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\..\qb64pe
env_set PATH=$(SYS.path);$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\..\qb64pe
"$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\..\qb64pe\qb64pe.exe" -c -s:exewithsource=true "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
env_unset PATH
env_unset QBCDIR
::QB64PE MinGW compile
env_set PATH=C:\prog\qb64pe\internal\c\c_compiler\bin;%PATH%
"C:\prog\qb64pe\internal\c\c_compiler\bin\gcc.exe" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" -Wall -m32 -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -fomit-frame-pointer -o "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\$(NAME_PART).exe" -static -Os -s -lwsock32
env_unset PATH
NppExec can use absolute paths or paths relative to your Notepad++ folder. The example above uses both types of paths.