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New Alchemy

.7z   Alchemy.7z (Size: 355.16 KB / Downloads: 88)

I've re-written the word-game Alchemy with several new innovations, which I think make it more enjoyable.

It has 3 sets of 20 word-pairs, roughly sorted in order of difficulty from easy to  hard. All pairs are 
proven to be solvable, with the current best results stored as three Previous best files. These automatically 
update when the records are beaten, but can be removed and re-started at will. 

It allows re-starting a word-pair, or re-picking the set of words. A random-access word file is included which 
makes the word-checking function much faster.

My thanks to Steve and bplus for their help. 

Code: (Select All)
Common Shared Ln$, SetNum$, Filename$, LineNum, CPL, WordPos, bad$, ok$, a$, Set$()
Common Shared Pairnum, Prev$, First$(), Last$(), Best$(), Name$(), Chain$(), Target$(), Target$, Name$
Common Shared ThisChain$, TryVert, Try$, Tries, MaxTries, Result
Randomize Timer

WWidth = 1275: WHeight = 820
Screen _NewImage(WWidth, WHeight, 32)
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", 24, "monospace")
_Font f& '                                                                     install monospace font size 24, giving 32 usable text rows of 66 cols
dw = _DesktopWidth: dh = _DesktopHeight
CPL = WWidth / _PrintWidth("X") '                                              characters per line - used for centring and wiping
lhs = (dw - WWidth) / 2: top = 100 '                                           window left and top locations
_ScreenMove lhs, top

ok$ = "o3l32ceg": bad$ = "o2l16gec" '                                          centre display on target screen
Dim Set$(3, 20, 5) '                                                              First, Last, Best, Name and Chain for 3 sets of 20 pairs

CheckFiles: '                                                                     check 3 Set files; if not found create with defaults
For a = 1 To 3
   Filename$ = "Set" + LTrim$(Str$(a))
   txt$ = "Checking " + Filename$
   Centre txt$, 15: _Delay .5
   If Not _FileExists(Filename$) Then
      If a = 1 Then
         Restore Set1Data
      ElseIf a = 2 Then
         Restore Set2Data
      ElseIf a = 3 Then
         Restore Set3Data
      End If
      Open Filename$ For Output As #1
      For b = 1 To 20
         Read first$, last$
         Write #1, first$, last$, "21", "NOT SET", "UNSOLVED"
      Print "created "; Filename$: Sleep 1
      Close: Cls: Run
   End If


Centre "Choose from Set 1 to Set 3 (9 TO EXIT)", 15
SetNum$ = ""
While SetNum$ <> "9" And (SetNum$ < "1" Or SetNum$ > "3")
   SetNum$ = InKey$
If SetNum$ = "9" Then System
ReDim First$(20), Last$(20), Best$(20), Name$(20), Chain$(20)
MaxTries = 20: WordPos = 36

InviteChoosePair: '                                                               choose a pair of words to attempt
Yellow: Centre "Choose a pair, from A to T", 29
Centre "Z to re-choose set number", 30 '                                          choose pair Z to change set number
Centre " * to reset this pair's history", 31
Centre "(ESC to quit)", 32 '                                                      Esc quits the game
_KeyClear: k = 0
While k < 1
   _Limit 30
   k = _KeyHit

Select Case k
   Case Is = 42, 56 '                                                              press * to reset this pair history
      Wipe "303132"
      Centre "Do you really want to remove the history for this set (y/n)?", 30
      k$ = ""
      While k$ = ""
      k$ = InKey$: Wend
      If UCase$(k$) <> "Y" Then
         GoTo Chooseset
         If SetNum$ = "1" Then
            Restore Set1Data '                                                     start reading pairs at Set1Data
         ElseIf SetNum$ = "2" Then
            Restore Set2Data '                                                     start reading pairs at Set1Data
         ElseIf SetNum$ = "3" Then
            Restore Set3Data '                                                     start reading pairs at Set1Data
         End If
         Filename$ = "Set" + SetNum$
         Open Filename$ For Output As #1 '                                         re-create the Set file with this data
         For a = 1 To 20
            Read first$, last$ '                                                   get the word-pair from data
            Write #1, first$, last$, "21", "NOT SET", "UNSOLVED" '                 write First, Last, Best, Name, and Chain to file
         Cls: msg$ = Filename$ + " reset"
         Centre msg$, 15
         Sleep 1
         GoTo Chooseset
      End If
   Case Is = 27 '                                                                  Esc to quit
   Case Is = 90, 122 '                                                             Z or z to re-choose set
      GoTo Chooseset
   Case 65 To 84 '                                                                 selected A to T
      Pairnum = k - 64 '                                                           convert to number 1 to 20 uppercase
   Case 97 To 116 '                                                                a to t
      Pairnum = k - 96 '                                                           convert to number 1 to 20 lower-case
   Case Else '                                                                     if it's none of these, try again
      Play bad$
      GoTo Chooseset
End Select

Cls: ThisChain$ = "" '                                                             empty the chain for this pair
Prev$ = First$(Pairnum) '                                                          put start word at front of chain
TryVert = 6: remain = 21: Tries = 0
target = Val(Best$(Pairnum)): Name$ = Name$(Pairnum)
msg$ = "Target:" + Str$(target)
Centre msg$, 4 '                                                                   show target details for this pair
Yellow: Centre First$(Pairnum), 5 '                                                show the first word
For a = TryVert To MaxTries + 5
   Print Using "##"; Tab(28); a - 5;
   Centre String$(9, "."), a
Next '                                                                             show 9 dots for each try
Yellow: Centre Last$(Pairnum), 26 '                                                show the target word

If Tries = MaxTries Then '                                                         check if all tries used yet
   Play bad$
   Wipe "30"
   Red: Centre "You've Used up all of your tries, sorry!", 30
   Wipe "24": White: Sleep 1
   GoTo Chooseset '                                                                if all tries used, advise and restart the same pair
End If

Centre String$(9, "."), TryVert
Wipe "30"
txt$ = "You have" + Str$(20 - Tries) + " tries remaining"
Centre txt$, 30
Locate 5, 50: Print "Added"; Tab(60); "Removed"
Sleep 1
'For a = 0 To 2: Locate 5 + a, 5: Print Space$(21):Next
Locate 5, 2: Print "Enter your word"
Locate 6, 2: Print "Space to restart from top"
Locate 7, 2: Print "Esc to quit"
Locate TryVert, WordPos - 5: Print Space$(12) '                                    clear the Try space
Locate TryVert, WordPos - 2
Input "", Try$ '                                                                   place cursor outside try-line

Try$ = UCase$(Try$)
Select Case Try$
   Case Is = Chr$(27) '                                                            pressed Esc to quit
   Case Is = Chr$(32) '                                                            pressed space to restart from try 1
      GoTo FirstLook
   Case "A" To "Z", "a" To "z" '
      GoTo Letters
   Case Else
      GoTo GetTry
End Select

If Len(Try$) < 2 Or Len(Try$) > 9 Then '                                           check length is 2 to 9 letters
   Play bad$
   Red: Centre "Words from 2 to 9 letters only allowed", 29
   Sleep 1: Wipe "29": White
   Locate TryVert, WordPos
   Print Space$(15) '                                                              if length is wrong, erase,
   GoTo GetTry '                                                                   and start this try again
End If
Tries = Tries + 1
Locate TryVert, WordPos: Print Space$(12)
Centre Space$(9), TryVert
Centre Try$, TryVert

CheckWord '                                                                        Call Sub to Check the Player's Word

TryVert = TryVert + 1
GoTo CheckNumTries

' ------------------------------------------------------------------- subs below -------------------------------------------------------------------

Sub ShowPairs
Filename$ = "Set" + SetNum$
Open Filename$ For Input As #1
For a = 1 To 20
   Input #1, First$(a), Last$(a), Best$(a), Name$(a), Chain$(a)
txt$ = Filename$ + " Word Pairs  "
Yellow: Centre txt$, 5 '                                                           show pair details, but don't show chains
Print: Print Tab(18); "Pair"; Tab(26); "From"; Tab(37); "To"; Tab(44); "Best"; Tab(52); "By"
For a = 1 To 20
   Print Tab(19); Chr$(a + 64); Tab(26); First$(a); Tab(36); Last$(a); Tab(45); Best$(a); Tab(50); Name$(a)
Play ok$
End Sub

Sub CheckWord '                                                                    check this word - number of changes ok? valid word?
Added = 0: Added$ = "": Removed = 0: Removed$ = "": Result = 0
CountAddedLetters: '                                                               Find letters in Try$ that were not in Prev$ (so they are added)
temp$ = Prev$ '                                                                    keep prev$ intact while checking
For a = 1 To Len(Try$) '
   l$ = Mid$(Try$, a, 1) '                                                         get a letter from try$,
   po = InStr(temp$, l$) '                                                         find its position in temp$, if any
   If po = 0 Then '                                                                if not in temp$, it was added,                                                                                                                       if not found...
      Added = Added + 1: Added$ = Added$ + l$ '                                    so add to Added$ and increment Added count
   Else '                                                                          if in temp$, replace with a space (stops double-find)
      temp$ = Left$(temp$, po - 1) + " " + Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - po)
   End If
CountRemovedLetters: '                                                             Find letters in prev$ that are not in try$ (removed)
temp$ = Try$ '                                                                     backup try$ before checking
For a = 1 To Len(Prev$)
   l$ = Mid$(Prev$, a, 1) '                                                        get a letter from prev$
   po = InStr(temp$, l$) '                                                         find its position in try$, if any
   If po = 0 Then '                                                                if not in temp$ it has been removed,
      Removed = Removed + 1: Removed$ = Removed$ + l$ '                            so add to Removed$ and increment the Removed count
   Else '                                                                          if in temp$, replace with a space to (stops double-find)
      temp$ = Left$(temp$, po - 1) + " " + Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - po)
   End If
Locate TryVert, 50: Print Added$; Tab(60); Removed$
ResultOfCount: '                                                                   check number of added and removed letters
If Added > 1 Or Removed > 1 Then
   Wipe "30"
   Red: Centre "Too many changes!", 30
   Play bad$
   Sleep 1
   Result = 1 '                                                                     flag too many changes with Result = 1
   GoTo ChecksFinished '                                                            bad result, no more checking needed
End If

DictionaryCheck: '                                                                  number of changes was ok, result is zero
Open "RA9" For Random As #1 Len = 13 '                                              random access file with longest word 9 letters
fl = LOF(1) \ 13 + 1 '                                                              get number of words in dictionary
bot = 0: top = fl
While Abs(top - bot) > 1
   srch = Int((top + bot) / 2) ' set section of dictionary to searchrch '           set search point
   Get #1, srch, a$ '                                                               get a word from dictionary at srch point
   a$ = UCase$(a$)
   Select Case a$
      Case Is < Try$ '                                                              try$ is greater than dictionary word
         bot = srch '                                                               move search forward
      Case Is > Try$ '                                                              try$ is less than dictionary word
         top = srch '                                                               move search back
   End Select
   If Try$ = Last$(Pairnum) Then
      msg$ = "Solved in " + LTrim$(Str$(Tries)) + " tries!"
      Result = 2 '                                                                  solved
      Yellow: Centre msg$, 31
      Centre Try$, TryVert
      ' ThisChain$ = First$(Pairnum) + " - " + ThisChain$ ' + Try$ '                    complete the chain
      Exit While
   ElseIf Try$ = a$ Then
      Result = 3 '                                                                  valid word but not Last$
      Centre Try$, TryVert
      Exit While
   End If

InvalidWord: '                                                                      fall through to here if Try$ not Last$ and not valid
If Result < 2 Then
   Wipe "30"
   Red: Centre "Invalid word!", 30
   Red: Centre Try$, TryVert
   Sleep 1
   ThisChain$ = ThisChain$ + " " + String$(Len(Try$), "*") + " - "
End If
Wipe "30" '                                                                         if we got here it's an invalid word, result still zero

ChecksFinished: '
Select Case Result
   Case Is = 0, 1 '                                                                 word failed - too many changes or invalid word
      Red: Centre Try$, TryVert
      ThisChain$ = ThisChain$ + " " + String$(Len(Try$), "*") + " - "
      Play bad$
   Case Is = 2 '                                                                    word ok and last word is found
      msg$ = "Solved in " + LTrim$(Str$(Tries)) + " tries!"
      Yellow: Centre msg$, 31
      Centre Try$, TryVert
      ThisChain$ = First$(Pairnum) + " - " + ThisChain$ + Try$ '                    complete the chain
      If Len(ThisChain$) > CPL - 8 Then ThisChain$ = ThisChain$ + Chr$(13)
   Case Is = 3 '                                                                    word ok but is not Last$
      Centre Try$, TryVert
      ThisChain$ = ThisChain$ + Try$ + " - "
      Play ok$
      Prev$ = Try$
End Select
If Result = 2 Then FinishedPair
Sleep 1: Wipe "3031"
End Sub

Sub FinishedPair
Play ok$: Play ok$: Cls: Yellow
msg$ = "You did it in " + LTrim$(Str$(Tries)) + " changes"
Centre msg$, 15
If Tries < Val(Best$(Pairnum)) Then '                                               if this beats the Best for the current round,
   Centre "New record! Enter your name (or <ENTER> for anonymous)        ", 16
   Locate 16, 60: Input winname$ '                                                  get the player's name,
   If Len(winname$) < 2 Then winname$ = "(ANON)" '                                  if no name is given, player is ANON
   Name$(Pairnum) = UCase$(winname$) '                                              place Name of best player for this pair in array
   Best$(Pairnum) = LTrim$(Str$(Tries)) '                                           place Best score for this pair in array
   Chain$(Pairnum) = ThisChain$ '                                                   this beats previous best so update chain$ for this pair,
   Filename$ = "Set" + SetNum$ '
   Open Filename$ For Output As #1
   For a = 1 To 20 '
      Write #1, First$(a), Last$(a), Best$(a), Name$(a), Chain$(a) '                and re-write the history file for this set
End If
msg$ = "Best for this pair: " + Best$(Pairnum) + " by " + Name$(Pairnum)
Centre msg$, 15
White: Locate 17, 1: Print ThisChain$
Play ok$
Yellow: Centre "Press a key", 19
End Sub

Sub Description
Yellow: Centre "ALCHEMY", 2: White: Print
Print "   Alchemy (al/ke/mi) is the process of changing items into something"
Print "   different in a mystical way, such as changing ";: Green
Print "STONE";: White: Print " into ";: Green: Print "GOLD.": White
Print "   This game calls upon your skills in this art, to change a word into"
Print "   a totally different one, with the least number of changes.": Print
Print "   In the usual word-swap game, you repeatedly change one letter of a"
Print "   word for a different one, creating a new word, until the final word"
Print "   is produced.": Print
Print "   But in Alchemy you have another tool available to you for the task."
Print "   You can also ";: Green: Print "add";: White: Print " or ";: Green
Print "remove";: White: Print " a letter, before ";: Green
Print "re-arranging";: White: Print " them, so"
Print "   the length of the word may vary as you progress (to max 9 letters)."
Print "   As an example, we can change STONE into GOLD with just 4 changes:"
Green: Centre "STONE - TONE - GONE - LONG - GOLD", 18: White: Print
Print "   There are three sets of word-pairs provided, ranging from easy to";: Print
Print "   difficult, and you are allowed up to 20 changes for each pair. A"
Print "   record is kept of the best score for each pair, and if you beat"
Print "   one of these, your record will replace it (you can restart these"
Print "   records from new at any time).": Print
Print "   By the way, an ";: Green: Print "Easter Egg";: White: Print " with ";
Print "the best recorded solutions for all"
Print "   of the word-pairs is hidden somewhere (hint: you may have to visit"
Print "   Tibet to find it)!"
Yellow: Centre "Press a key to continue", 29
Sleep: Play ok$: Cls
End Sub

Sub Wipe (ln$) '                                                                    ln$ is 2-digit line nums eg "0122" is lines 1 and 22)
For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2 '                                                  get 2 digits for wipe-line,
   wl = Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2)) '                                                      and wipe that line
   Locate wl, 1: Print Space$(CPL);
End Sub

Sub Centre (txt$, linenum) '                                                        centres text on selected line
ctr = Int(CPL / 2 - Len(txt$) / 2) + 1 '                                            centre is half of chars per line minus half string-length
Locate linenum, ctr
Print txt$
End Sub

Sub Red
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

Sub Yellow
Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub

Sub White
Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub Green
Color _RGB(0, 255, 0)
End Sub

STEVE FREINDLY EDIT --  Grab the download from here as well, if you need it: 

.7z   Alchemy.7z (Size: 355.16 KB / Downloads: 88)
(Most folks are used to finding these attachments at the bottom of posts, so I just edited it down here as well as leaving it up top as originally posted. Wink )
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
hey @PhilOfPerth be sure to attach the word file.
b = b + ...
Thanks bplus.
I thought they were attached, but apparently they're not in an acceptable format.
I've tried to edit and attach as a .zip file but although it seems to accept it, the 
attachment is still not visible. (I clicked Update Post after adding them)  Huh
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
(05-17-2024, 11:23 PM)PhilOfPerth Wrote: Thanks bplus.
I thought they were attached, but apparently they're not in an acceptable format.
I've tried to edit and attach as a .zip file but although it seems to accept it, the 
attachment is still not visible. (I clicked Update Post after adding them)  Huh

(You attached them directly to the beginning of your original post:

[Image: attachtypes]   Alchemy.7z (Size: 355.16 KB / Downloads: 0) I've re-written the word-game Alchemy with several new innovations, which I think make it more enjoyable.

I did a quick edit on your post for you. Is it more to your preference/liking now? Wink
sorry @PhilOfPerth i inflated your download count trying to get windows to put that file in my downloads folder yikes what a bunch of !@#%^&*
b = b + ...
(05-17-2024, 11:31 PM)SMcNeill Wrote:
(05-17-2024, 11:23 PM)PhilOfPerth Wrote: Thanks bplus.
I thought they were attached, but apparently they're not in an acceptable format.
I've tried to edit and attach as a .zip file but although it seems to accept it, the 
attachment is still not visible. (I clicked Update Post after adding them)  Huh

(You attached them directly to the beginning of your original post:

[Image: attachtypes]   Alchemy.7z (Size: 355.16 KB / Downloads: 0) I've re-written the word-game Alchemy with several new innovations, which I think make it more enjoyable.

I did a quick edit on your post for you.  Is it more to your preference/liking now?  Wink

Yes, thanks Steve. That's exactly what I was trying to do. I know I should have attached it before posting, but wasn't aware the files were not an acceptable type.

(05-18-2024, 01:16 AM)bplus Wrote: sorry @PhilOfPerth i inflated your download count trying to get windows to put that file in my downloads folder yikes what a bunch of !@#%^&*

Not sure what you mean bplus, but I doubt you've affected my lifestyle greatly, whatever you did!
Steve has helped out by attaching the files.
Thanks for the response.
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