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RocoLoco - Row & Column math puzzle game.
RocoLoco is a math puzzle game where you make the rows & columns of numbers in the red inside grid add up the total amount on the edges.  Click the red numbers on/off.  When the row/column adds up correct, the edge total number will turn on white.  Goal is to make the grid numbers all add up correct so all edge numbers are lit up at the same time.

Grid size increases with each level.  You can jump to other levels by using the +/- keys.  Press H for help menu.  ESC quits.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'RoCoLoco.bas v2.0
'Row & Column number adding puzzle game.
'Based on popular math game found online.
'Coded by Dav for QB64-PE, Nov/2022

'New for v2:  * Playing board now adapts to users desktop size.
'              It should displays the same on every screen.
'              (Screen size is not hardcoded to specific size)
'            * No longer uses external .jpg images for numbers.
'            * Change grid size using the +/- keys.
'            * Added HELP screen (not much) - press H for it.
'            * Added some cheap sound effects.

'Click numbers inside the grid to turn them on/off.
'Each row/column of red number totals must add up to the number
'on the edge of the grid. When they do, the edge numbers will
'turn on too. You must tun on all the edge numbers to solve it.
'You can change the grid size anytime by using +/- keys.
'H = Show a simple help screen
'SPACE = Generate a new puzzle grid
'ESC = Quits game


ReDim Shared grid, tiles

grid = 6 '4x4 grid size (4 for inside tiles, 2 for edges  = 6)
gridmax = 15


_Title "RoCoLoco - Working..."

tiles = grid * grid '  total number of tiles on board

Screen _NewImage(_DesktopHeight * .80, _DesktopHeight * .80, 32)

tilesize = (_DesktopHeight * .80) / grid

Cls , _RGB(77, 77, 77)

ReDim Shared tilev(tiles) 'make array for all titles values
ReDim Shared tilef(tiles) 'make array for flag if tile is on/off
ReDim Shared tilex(tiles), tiley(tiles) 'x/y positions for tiles

Randomize Timer 'set random seed

'init x/y values for drawing tiles
bc = 1
For x = 1 To grid
    For y = 1 To grid
        tilex(bc) = (x * tilesize) - tilesize: tiley(bc) = (y * tilesize) - tilesize
        tilev(bc) = Int(Rnd * 9 + 1) '<<< for testing only, give all some data
        bc = bc + 1



Sound 500 + Rnd * 1000, 1

'generate random tile value and on/off settings
T = grid + 2
For y = 2 To grid - 1
    makesurex = 0: thold = T
    For x = 2 To grid - 1
        tilev(thold) = Int(Rnd * 5 + 1) 'make random number, from 1-5
        If Int(Rnd * grid - (Int(Rnd * 1.5))) = 0 Then
            tilef(thold) = 0 'randomly turn tile on/off
            makesurex = 1 'make sure at least one out on this column
            tilef(thold) = 1
        End If
        'show something while computing...
        Line (tilex(thold), tiley(thold))-(tilex(thold) + tilesize, tiley(thold) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 100, 100), BF
        PPRINT tilex(thold) + (tilesize / 1.8), tiley(thold) + (tilesize / 4.5), tilesize / 2, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(thold)))
        thold = thold + 1
    'if row didnt have one turned off, do this column over...
    If makesurex = 0 Then GoTo regeneratex
    T = thold + 2
    _Limit 10 * grid 'slow down, let's see it.

'now check rows left to right for on/off, if none off, regenerate
For x = 0 To grid - 3
    makesurex = 0
    For y = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
        If tilef(y + x) = 0 Then makesurex = 1
    If makesurex = 0 Then GoTo regenerate

If Timer < (SCRAMTIME + 1) Then GoTo regenerate

'compute left/right edges totals
For y = 0 To grid - 3
    total = 0
    For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    tilev(y + x) = total 'set total data to tile

'compute top/bottom edges
For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
    total = 0
    For y = 0 To grid - 3
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    tilev(y + x) = total

'Lastly, mark all inside grid tiles as on, hiding generated solution.
For T = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
    'skip the outside rows
    For tt = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
        If T = tt Then GoTo skipmark
        If T = tt + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skipmark
    tilef(T) = 1

GoSub RedrawBoard

tit$ = "RoCoLoco" + Str$(grid - 2) + "x" + LTrim$(Str$(grid - 2)) + " | H = Help"
_Title tit$
_Icon _Display

    'wait until mouse button up to continue
    While _MouseButton(1) <> 0: n = _MouseInput: Wend

    trap = _MouseInput
    If _MouseButton(1) Then
        mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
        'cycle through tiles
        For T = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
            'skip the outside rows
            For tt = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
                If T = tt Then GoTo skip
                If T = tt + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skip

            tx = tilex(T): tx2 = tilex(T) + tilesize
            ty = tiley(T): ty2 = tiley(T) + tilesize

            If mx >= tx And mx <= tx2 Then
                If my >= ty And my <= ty2 Then

                    If tilef(T) = 0 Then
                        tilef(T) = 1: 'mark it on
                        Sound 2500, .1
                        tilef(T) = 0: 'mark it off
                        Sound 2000, .1
                    End If

                    GoSub RedrawBoard

                    'check for win

                End If
            End If

    End If

    k$ = UCase$(InKey$)
    If k$ <> "" Then

        'ESC key quits
        If k$ = Chr$(27) Then System

        'space key generates new board
        If k$ = " " Then GoTo top

        If k$ = "+" Then
            If grid < 15 Then grid = grid + 1: GoTo top
        End If

        If k$ = "-" Then
            If grid > 5 Then grid = grid - 1: GoTo top
        End If

        If k$ = "H" Then
            back& = _CopyImage(_Display)
            Cls , _RGB(77, 77, 77)
            ps = (_DesktopHeight * .80) / 5
            PPRINT ps / 2 + 2, ps / 3 + 2, ps / 3, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, "ROCOLOCO HELP"
            PPRINT ps / 2, ps / 3, ps / 3, _RGB(255, 100, 100), 0, "ROCOLOCO HELP"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 3, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Click on the numbers to"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 4, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "turn them On or Off."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 5, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Rows And Columns must"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 6, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "add up to the number on"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 7, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "the edges. When correct,"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 8, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "edges will turn white."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 9, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Make all edges white to"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 10, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "solve the math puzzle."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 11, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Use +/- keys to change"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 12, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "the size of the grid."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 14, ps / 6, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, "  - PRESS ANY KEY - "
            A$ = Input$(1)
            _PutImage (0, 0), back&
            _FreeImage back&
        End If

    End If




win = 1

'Draw inside grid numbers first
For d = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
    'skiping the outside rows
    For dd = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
        If d = dd Then GoTo skipit
        If d = dd + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skipit
    If tilef(d) = 1 Then
        Line (tilex(d), tiley(d))-(tilex(d) + tilesize, tiley(d) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 100, 100), BF
        PPRINT tilex(d) + (tilesize / 1.8), tiley(d) + (tilesize / 4.5), tilesize / 2, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(d)))
        Line (tilex(d), tiley(d))-(tilex(d) + tilesize, tiley(d) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF
        PPRINT tilex(d) + (tilesize / 1.8), tiley(d) + (tilesize / 4.5), tilesize / 2, _RGB(96, 96, 96), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(d)))
    End If

'compute and draw left/right edges
For y = 0 To grid - 3
    total = 0
    For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    If tilev(y + x) = total Then
        'if total match, highlight it
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'right side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x)), tiley(y + x))-((tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x))) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'left side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If

        'total doesnt match, don't highlight edge
        win = 0
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'right side
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'right side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(195, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x)), tiley(y + x))-((tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x))) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'left side
        Line (tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x)), tiley(y + x))-((tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x))) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'left side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If

    End If


'compute and draw top/bottom edges
For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
    total = 0
    For y = 0 To grid - 3
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    If tilev(y + x) = total Then
        'total matches, hight top/bottom
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'bottom
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, (tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x)) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'top
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        'doesnt' match, dont hightlight top/bottom edges
        win = 0
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'bottom
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'bottom
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, (tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x)) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'top
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, (tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x)) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'top
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If

    End If

'see if puzzle completed
If win = 1 Then
    Play "mbl16o2cdedefgabagfedc"

    'remove unused numbers
    For T = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
        'skip the outside rows
        For tt = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
            If T = tt Then GoTo skipcheck
            If T = tt + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skipcheck
        If tilef(T) = 0 Then
            Line (tilex(T), tiley(T))-(tilex(T) + tilesize, tiley(T) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF
        End If

    _Delay 5

    If grid < 15 Then grid = grid + 1

    GoTo top
End If


Sub PPRINT (x, y, SquareSize, clr&, trans&, text$)
    orig& = _Dest
    bit = 32: If _PixelSize(0) = 1 Then bit = 256
    For t = 0 To Len(text$) - 1
        pprintimg& = _NewImage(16, 16, bit)
        _Dest pprintimg&
        Cls , trans&: Color clr&
        Print Mid$(text$, t + 1, 1);
        _ClearColor _RGB(0, 0, 0), pprintimg&
        _Dest orig&
        x1 = x + (t * SquareSize): x2 = x1 + SquareSize
        y1 = y: y2 = y + SquareSize
        _PutImage (x1 - (SquareSize / 2), y1)-(x2, y2 + (SquareSize / 3)), pprintimg&
        _FreeImage pprintimg&
End Sub


Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
sudoku look out! Smile
b = b + ...
Thumbs Up 
Nice game!
Thanks, @marbac74!

@bplus:  Sudoku is probably my favorite number puzzle.  I made one in QB64 but was too ashamed of the messy code to post it.  Blush  It was *really* fun to figure out how to make however.  I didn't study other sources and kind of brute-forced my way through making an error checking.  Maybe I will clean it up and post it anyway.  Mine can't hold a candle to Yours.

- Dav

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner

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