yeah I thought you @TerryRitchie were that far already???
Google: How to calculate the Centroid:
Quote:How do I compute the centroid in a polygon?
Write down the coordinates of each polygon vertex.
Count the vertices and denote their number by n .
Add all the x values from the vertices and divide the sum by n .
Add all the y values from the vertices and divide the sum by n .
That's it!
thats why I said compare that to your idea of mid(x, y) (xmax-xmin)/2, (ymax-ymin)/2
They might be kinda close, the same in certain cases like a circle but not always correct.
Then expanded to include calculation of the center of gravity - height of the triangle unknown. The calculation should be correct, but probably not for all shapes of triangles.
Polygon is too complicated for me now. Now I need a good glass of wine first.
Code: (Select All)
'Berechnung des Inkreismittelpunktes und des Schwerpunkts eines Dreiecks - 14. Juli 2024
'Mathematik 2 Geometrie S.98ff, 106, 108
Option _Explicit
'ad, bd, cd Seiten eines Dreiecks, AF = Flaecheninhalt, s = Umfang
Dim As Double AF, ad, bd, cd, s, radius, dummy
Dim As Double xAchse, yAchse, hoeheDreieck
Locate 2, 3
Print "Berechnung des Inkreismittelpunktes und des Schwerpunkts eines Dreiecks"
Locate 3, 3
Print "======================================================================="
Locate 5, 3
Input "Laenge der Seite a in cm: ", ad
Locate 6, 3
Input "Laenge der Seite b in cm: ", bd
Locate 7, 3
Input "Laenge der Seite c in cm: ", cd
s = (ad + bd + cd) / 2
dummy = s * ((s - ad) * (s - bd) * (s - cd))
AF = Sqr(dummy)
'Der Radius ist von allen Seiten des Dreiecks gleich weit entfernt,
'und zeigt somit den Inkreismittelpunkt an.
radius = (2 * AF) / (ad + bd + cd)
Locate 9, 3
Print Using "Der Inkreismittelpunkt des gegebenen Dreiecks liegt bei ###.## cm."; radius
'Schwerpunkt des Dreiecks unbekanter Hoehe
'Erst die Hoehe berechnen - s und dummy bleiben
hoeheDreieck = (2 / cd) * Sqr(dummy)
'X-Achse und Y-Achse berechnen
xAchse = (2 / 3) * ad
yAchse = (1 / 3) * hoeheDreieck
Locate 11, 3
Print "Der Schwerpunkt des Dreiecks liegt:"
Locate 12, 3
Print Using "Bei der X-Achse bei ###.## cm - bei Y-Achse bei ###.## cm"; xAchse, yAchse
07-14-2024, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2024, 07:43 PM by bplus.)
If you want something done right... don't wait for bplus to do it because he will post blunderful code many times before he gets this simple thing right
Code: (Select All)
Const RED~& = _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
Const GREEN~& = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
Const GRAY~& = _RGB32(64, 64, 64)
Const Blue~& = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Type iPoint
As Integer x, y
End Type
Dim Min As iPoint ' min x,y seen
Dim Max As iPoint ' max x,y seen
Dim Center As iPoint ' center point of random points
Dim Centroid As iPoint
Dim p As Integer
Dim tx, ty ' totals of x, y
_Title "Terry's Point (yellow) versus the Centroid Point in blue."
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
Randomize Timer
Min.x = 641 ' start min at max
Min.y = 481
Max.x = -1 'start max at min
Max.y = -1
Dim nRP As Integer: nRP = 3 + Int(Rnd * 9) ' Int(Rnd * 9' NUMBER OF RANDOM POINTS
ReDim rp(1 To nRP) As iPoint ' random point
tx = 0: ty = 0
For p = 1 To nRP ' create random points
rp(p).x = Rnd * 600 + 20 ' 20 pixel border of no points
rp(p).y = Rnd * 440 + 20
tx = rp(p).x + tx
ty = rp(p).y + ty
If rp(p).x > Max.x Then Max.x = rp(p).x
If rp(p).x < Min.x Then Min.x = rp(p).x ' get max/min x
If rp(p).y > Max.y Then Max.y = rp(p).y
If rp(p).y < Min.y Then Min.y = rp(p).y ' get max/min y
Center.x = (Max.x + Min.x) / 2 ' get center x
Center.y = (Max.y + Min.y) / 2 ' get center y
Centroid.x = Int(tx / nRP)
Centroid.y = Int(ty / nRP)
For p = 1 To nRP ' draw points in red, lines to center in gray
Line (rp(p).x, rp(p).y)-(Centroid.x, Centroid.y), GRAY
Circle (rp(p).x, rp(p).y), 2, RED
Paint (rp(p).x, rp(p).y), RED, RED
Circle (Center.x, Center.y), 2, GREEN ' draw green center point
Paint (Center.x, Center.y), GREEN, GREEN
Circle (Centroid.x, Centroid.y), 2, Blue ' draw green center point
Paint (Centroid.x, Centroid.y), Blue, Blue
Print Min.x; Min.y, Max.x; Max.y, Center.x; Center.y, Centroid.x; Centroid.y ' display values
Locate 30, 1: Print "zzz... sleeping press any for another Centroid calc.";
GoTo restart
EDIT: oh crap min and max was not calculating correctly, fixed
something is still off!
Fixed: dividing by number of points does not work with ubound of array that starts at 0
Then had to reset everything like max and min to loop through many, many examples with different amounts of points.
for i=0 to n-1
x(i) = 200*cos(2*pi*i/n)
y(i) = 200*sin(2*pi*i/n)
'screenres sw, sh, 32
screen _newimage(sw, sh, 32)
redraw = -1
drag = 0
'm = getmouse(mx, my, mw, mb)
mx = _mousex
my = _mousey
mb = -_mousebutton(1)
loop while _mouseinput
if drag then
if mb = 1 then
x(ii) = mx - sw/2
y(ii) = sh/2 - my
drag = 0
end if
dmin = 1e10
for i=0 to n - 1
dx = (mx - sw/2) - x(i)
dy = (sh/2 - my) - y(i)
d = (dx*dx + dy*dy)
if d < dmin then
dmin = d
ii = i
end if
if mb = 1 then
omx = mx
omy = my
drag = -1
end if
end if
a = 0
cx = 0
cy = 0
for i=0 to n-1
d = x(i)*y(i + 1) - x(i + 1)*y(i)
cx = cx + (x(i) + y(i + 1))*d
cy = cy + (y(i) + y(i + 1))*d
a = a + d
cx = cx/(3*a)
cy = cy/(3*a)
redraw = -1
if redraw then
line (0,0)-(sw,sh),_rgb(0,0,0),bf
locate 1,1: ? m, mx, my, mw, mb
do while y0 < x0
if e <=0 then
y0 = y0 + 1
line (x - x0, y + y0)-(x + x0, y + y0), c, bf
line (x - x0, y - y0)-(x + x0, y - y0), c, bf
e = e + 2*y0
line (x - y0, y - x0)-(x + y0, y - x0), c, bf
line (x - y0, y + x0)-(x + y0, y + x0), c, bf
x0 = x0 - 1
e = e - 2*x0
end if
line (x - r, y)-(x + r, y), c, bf
end sub
(07-14-2024, 06:55 PM)bplus Wrote: If you want something done right... don't wait for bplus to do it because he will post blunderful code many times before he gets this simple thing right
EDIT: oh crap min and max was not calculating correctly, fixed
something is still off!
Fixed: dividing by number of points does not work with ubound of array that starts at 0
Then had to reset everything like max and min to loop through many, many examples with different amounts of points.
Is this supposed to be a polygon? You can also see it as a triangle.