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Numbers to Roman Numerals Converter
I been wanting to make this since the 1990's when I made back then in QBasic just a little chart on how to convert them in your head. 
I scoured my brain the last 2 days with this and finally gave in and used Chat GPT to help me figure it out. Since it used a FUNCTION, I removed it because
I don't really know how to use FUNCTION's yet. I've used them, but don't really have the experience. I placed all the code within the program instead and fixed a
couple things. Chat GPT had wrong DIM numbers so I changed that also. Going over this in my head, line-by-line I finally figured out how it works. It's a lot easier
for me to learn by trial and error though, so I doubt I will use Chat GPT much. To me, it's kind of like copying from someone else's test at school. But at least I'm 
trying to learn off of it. 

What is amazing about this is that it doesn't use any LEN or RIGHT$ or LEFT$ or MID$ (which I tried over and over LOL). 


Code: (Select All)

'Thanks to ChatGPT for a little help figuring this out. I fixed the DIM numbers and removed the Function and made the code simpler.
'By SierraKen on Aug. 12, 2024
'I been wanting to make this since the 1990's! LOL

Dim values(13) As Integer
Dim symbols(13) As String

_Title "Numbers To Roman Numerals Converter"



Input "Enter a number (1-3999): ", number

If number < 1 Or number > 3999 Then
    Print "Number out of range. Please enter a number between 1 and 3999."

    values(1) = 1000: symbols(1) = "M"
    values(2) = 900: symbols(2) = "CM"
    values(3) = 500: symbols(3) = "D"
    values(4) = 400: symbols(4) = "CD"
    values(5) = 100: symbols(5) = "C"
    values(6) = 90: symbols(6) = "XC"
    values(7) = 50: symbols(7) = "L"
    values(8) = 40: symbols(8) = "XL"
    values(9) = 10: symbols(9) = "X"
    values(10) = 9: symbols(10) = "IX"
    values(11) = 5: symbols(11) = "V"
    values(12) = 4: symbols(12) = "IV"
    values(13) = 1: symbols(13) = "I"

    romanNum$ = ""
    num = number
    For i = 1 To 13
        While num >= values(i)
            romanNum$ = romanNum$ + symbols(i)
            num = num - values(i)
    Next i

    Print "Roman Numeral: "; romanNum$
End If

Print: Print: Print
GoTo start:
Nice, reminds me of the change maker I did.

Making it a function called Romanize$(number):
Code: (Select All)
'Thanks to ChatGPT for a little help figuring this out. I fixed the DIM numbers and removed the Function and made the code simpler.
'By SierraKen on Aug. 12, 2024
'I been wanting to make this since the 1990's! LOL

' mod b+ 2024-08-12
_Title "Numbers To Roman Numerals Converter"
For i = 1 To 3999
    Print i, Romanize$(i)
    If i Mod 20 = 19 Then Print "Sleeping ...zzz, press any": Sleep: Cls

Function Romanize$ (number As Integer)
    Dim values(13) As Integer
    Dim symbols(13) As String

    If number < 1 Or number > 3999 Then
        Romanize$ = "Number out of range. Please enter a number between 1 and 3999."
        values(1) = 1000: symbols(1) = "M"
        values(2) = 900: symbols(2) = "CM"
        values(3) = 500: symbols(3) = "D"
        values(4) = 400: symbols(4) = "CD"
        values(5) = 100: symbols(5) = "C"
        values(6) = 90: symbols(6) = "XC"
        values(7) = 50: symbols(7) = "L"
        values(8) = 40: symbols(8) = "XL"
        values(9) = 10: symbols(9) = "X"
        values(10) = 9: symbols(10) = "IX"
        values(11) = 5: symbols(11) = "V"
        values(12) = 4: symbols(12) = "IV"
        values(13) = 1: symbols(13) = "I"
        romanNum$ = ""
        num = number
        For i = 1 To 13
            While num >= values(i)
                romanNum$ = romanNum$ + symbols(i)
                num = num - values(i)
        Next i
        Romanize$ = romanNum$
    End If
End Function
b = b + ...
and the other way:
Code: (Select All)
'Thanks to ChatGPT for a little help figuring this out. I fixed the DIM numbers and removed the Function and made the code simpler.
'By SierraKen on Aug. 12, 2024
'I been wanting to make this since the 1990's! LOL

' b+ mod 2 2024-08-12
_Title "Numbers To Roman Numerals Converter"
B$ = String$(15, " ")
For i = 1 To 3999
    r$ = Romanize$(i)
    C$ = B$
    Mid$(C$, 1, Len(r$)) = r$
    Print i, C$, Numeralize%(r$)

Function Romanize$ (number As Integer)
    Dim values(13) As Integer
    Dim symbols(13) As String

    If number < 1 Or number > 3999 Then
        Romanize$ = "Number out of range. Please enter a number between 1 and 3999."
        values(1) = 1000: symbols(1) = "M"
        values(2) = 900: symbols(2) = "CM"
        values(3) = 500: symbols(3) = "D"
        values(4) = 400: symbols(4) = "CD"
        values(5) = 100: symbols(5) = "C"
        values(6) = 90: symbols(6) = "XC"
        values(7) = 50: symbols(7) = "L"
        values(8) = 40: symbols(8) = "XL"
        values(9) = 10: symbols(9) = "X"
        values(10) = 9: symbols(10) = "IX"
        values(11) = 5: symbols(11) = "V"
        values(12) = 4: symbols(12) = "IV"
        values(13) = 1: symbols(13) = "I"
        romanNum$ = ""
        num = number
        For i = 1 To 13
            While num >= values(i)
                romanNum$ = romanNum$ + symbols(i)
                num = num - values(i)
        Next i
        Romanize$ = romanNum$
    End If
End Function

Function Numeralize% (Roman$)
    Dim tot As Integer
    Dim copy As String
    copy = Roman$
    place = InStr(copy, "CM")
    If place Then tot = tot + 900: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    place = InStr(copy, "CD")
    If place Then tot = tot + 400: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    place = InStr(copy, "XC")
    If place Then tot = tot + 90: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    place = InStr(copy, "XL")
    If place Then tot = tot + 40: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    place = InStr(copy, "IX")
    If place Then tot = tot + 9: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    place = InStr(copy, "IV")
    If place Then tot = tot + 4: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    place = InStr(copy, "M")
    While place
        tot = tot + 1000
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "M")
    place = InStr(copy, "D")
    While place
        tot = tot + 500
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "D")
    place = InStr(copy, "C")
    While place
        tot = tot + 100
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "C")
    place = InStr(copy, "L")
    While place
        tot = tot + 50
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "L")
    place = InStr(copy, "X")
    While place
        tot = tot + 10
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "X")
    place = InStr(copy, "V")
    While place
        tot = tot + 5
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "V")
    place = InStr(copy, "I")
    While place
        tot = tot + 1
        Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
        place = InStr(copy, "I")
    Numeralize% = tot
End Function
b = b + ...
Here is an optimized version, sorry Ken I can't stop myself Smile
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Roman Numerals Converter mod 3 2024-08-13"
' third mod to SierraKen's great start:
' "Thanks to ChatGPT for a little help figuring this out.
'  I fixed the DIM numbers and removed the Function and made the code simpler.
'  By SierraKen on Aug. 12, 2024"

Dim Shared Values(1 To 13) As Integer, Symbols(1 To 13) As String
Values(1) = 1000: Symbols(1) = "M"
Values(2) = 900: Symbols(2) = "CM"
Values(3) = 500: Symbols(3) = "D"
Values(4) = 400: Symbols(4) = "CD"
Values(5) = 100: Symbols(5) = "C"
Values(6) = 90: Symbols(6) = "XC"
Values(7) = 50: Symbols(7) = "L"
Values(8) = 40: Symbols(8) = "XL"
Values(9) = 10: Symbols(9) = "X"
Values(10) = 9: Symbols(10) = "IX"
Values(11) = 5: Symbols(11) = "V"
Values(12) = 4: Symbols(12) = "IV"
Values(13) = 1: Symbols(13) = "I"


B$ = String$(15, " ")
For i = 1 To 3999
    r$ = Romanize$(i): C$ = B$: n% = Numeralize%(r$)
    Mid$(C$, 1, Len(r$)) = r$
    Print i, C$; n%
    If i <> n% Then Beep: Sleep ' keep us honest :)

Function Romanize$ (number As Integer)
    If number < 1 Or number > 3999 Then
        Romanize$ = "Number out of range. Please enter a number between 1 and 3999."
        romanNum$ = ""
        num = number
        For i = 1 To 13
            While num >= Values(i)
                romanNum$ = romanNum$ + Symbols(i)
                num = num - Values(i)
        Next i
        Romanize$ = romanNum$
    End If
End Function

Function Numeralize% (Roman$)
    Dim As Integer tot, i
    Dim copy As String
    copy = Roman$
    For i = 2 To 12 Step 2
        place = InStr(copy, Symbols(i))
        If place Then tot = tot + Values(i): Mid$(copy, place, 2) = "  "
    For i = 1 To 13 Step 2
        place = InStr(copy, Symbols(i))
        While place
            tot = tot + Values(i)
            Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
            place = InStr(copy, Symbols(i))
    Numeralize% = tot
End Function
b = b + ...
LOL No problem Bplus Smile. I've been working on my clock instead. Smile
Ken you present some really interesting stuff. Do you remember the Lemonade Stand and your Paint program? I still have unfinished apps based on those, and your calendar ideas really improved my own!

Anyway, once again I've optimized my previous optimized code for Roman Numeral Conversions:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Roman Numerals Converter mod 4 2024-08-13"
Dim Shared Value$, Symbol$
Value$ = "1000 900 500 400 100  90  50  40  10   9   5   4   1"
For i = 1 To 4000
    r$ = Romanize$(i): C$ = String$(15, " "): n% = Numeralize%(r$): Mid$(C$, 1, Len(r$)) = r$
    Print i, C$; n%: If i <> n% Then Beep: Sleep ' keep us honest :)
Function Romanize$ (number As Integer)
    If number < 1 Or number > 3999 Then Romanize$ = "Out of Range": Exit Function
    num% = number
    For i% = 1 To 13
        While num% >= Val(Mid$(Value$, (i% - 1) * 4 + 1, 4))
            romanNum$ = romanNum$ + _Trim$(Mid$(Symbol$, (i% - 1) * 2 + 1, 2))
            num% = num% - Val(Mid$(Value$, (i% - 1) * 4 + 1, 4))
    Romanize$ = romanNum$
End Function
Function Numeralize% (Roman$)
    copy$ = Roman$
    For i% = 2 To 12 Step 2
        place% = InStr(copy$, _Trim$(Mid$(Symbol$, (i% - 1) * 2 + 1, 2)))
        If place% Then tot% = tot% + Val(Mid$(Value$, (i% - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)): Mid$(copy$, place%, 2) = "  "
    For i% = 1 To 13 Step 2
        place% = InStr(copy$, _Trim$(Mid$(Symbol$, (i% - 1) * 2 + 1, 2)))
        While place%
            tot% = tot% + Val(Mid$(Value$, (i% - 1) * 4 + 1, 4))
            Mid$(copy$, place%, 1) = " "
            place% = InStr(copy$, _Trim$(Mid$(Symbol$, (i% - 1) * 2 + 1, 2)))
    Numeralize% = tot%
End Function

Not too long I hope Smile
b = b + ...
Thanks! Yeah I still have everything. I would love to have my own area of this forum to post all of my best stuff, like you and Dav and others have. It's just tough when everything gets buried after time.
(08-13-2024, 11:34 PM)SierraKen Wrote: Thanks! Yeah I still have everything. I would love to have my own area of this forum to post all of my best stuff, like you and Dav and others have. It's just tough when everything gets buried after time. <-- All anyone ever has to do is ask. It's not like we charge $$$ for them. (Your first payment of 9999 cent will be due at the start of next month. Tongue )
Thanks Admin!! Smile Smile I'll start adding my apps there real soon!!
That dern Admin!  Gosh, I was going to do it, but they beat me to it.  Wink

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