(08-18-2024, 12:16 AM)SierraKen Wrote: Hi Dav, I just grooved out using this app and your Drum Machine you made many years ago. I recorded myself playing the mouse on the Tank Drum and at the same time I had the Drum Machine playing one of my simple beats. I used the free recording app called Audacity to record with. It's a 2 minute song called, "Be Happy.mp3". Check it out.
Thanks very much for making these 2 apps!
Hey, that's cool @SierraKen! Well you've done more with these programs than I have. I had started working of longer drum pattern capabiloity, but lost interest. I also was planning to add bass loops.
While you were doing that with my programs, I've been playing with your tesla dancing coil program tonight, feeding it some of my mp3's. That's a fun little visual display you made! Here's a song I'm using with it now. It's a little jazz composition I made in the early 90's when I was still in school living at home. I had gone to a Miles Davis concert so this is very Miles influenced. Used a Korg 01/w keyboard and a Tascam multitrack recorder. All the instrument sounds here came from the Korg keyboard, except my trumpet. I found those old mix tapes and have been re-mastering them with modern ipad audio tools, trying to make them sound modern, fresh and full, removing tape hiss,adding reverb & effects, and EQ, etc. Was just beginning to write/arrange songs when I did this 30+ years ago!
Feed this mp3 into your Tesla coil visualizer program, ihe little pops and drum hits looks kind of neat.
Dav-1990sKorgGroove-1.zip (Size: 3.08 MB / Downloads: 96)
- Dav