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Compile error when .bas name is same as a directory (linux)
Can't recall if this is a known thing, but I came across this today trying to compile my 2048.bas game in the qb64pe directory.  I had previously made a /2048 directory in that same place of Fellippe's game version.  With the 2048 folder there, my original 2048.bas wouldn't compile anymore.  I renamed Fell's folder to 2048fell and then my 2048.bas would compile.  So to prove it was a name conflict issue, I made a folder named /compile, and tried to compile a file named compile.bas, and it would not compile either until I removed the directory.  So, looks like a filename can't be the same as a directory name (Using Linux here).  

I did the same test using the Windows QB64-PE version (under wine in Linux) and it would compile.  So maybe this is just a Linux issue?

- Dav

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
I'll bet that the line that does the compiling command doesn't use an extension.
The noticing will continue
Hmm, maybe so.  I wonder if because since a compiled .bas in Linux has no extension, so 2048 (folder) and 2048 (program)  can't exist together?  I can't create a 2048 folder if a program named 2048 is already there.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)
g++  -no-pie -std=gnu++17 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-conversion-null -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -I./internal/c/libqb/include -I./internal/c/parts/core/freeglut/include -I./internal/c/parts/core/glew/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE -DDEPENDENCY_AUDIO_MINIAUDIO internal/c/qbx.cpp -c -o internal/c/qbx.o
g++  -no-pie -std=gnu++17 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-conversion-null -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -I./internal/c/libqb/include -I./internal/c/parts/core/freeglut/include -I./internal/c/parts/core/glew/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE -DDEPENDENCY_AUDIO_MINIAUDIO ./internal/c/libqb_make_000000001.o ./internal/c/qbx.o -o "/home/dav/qb64pe/2048" ./internal/c/libqb/src/threading.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/buffer.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/bitops.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/command.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/environ.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/file-fields.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/filepath.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/filesystem.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/datetime.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/error_handle.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/gfs.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/qblist.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/hexoctbin.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/mem.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/math.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/rounding.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/shell.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/qbs.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/qbs_str.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/qbs_cmem.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/qbs_mk_cv.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/string_functions.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/http-stub.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/threading-posix.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/glut-main-thread.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/glut-message.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/glut-msg-queue.o ./internal/c/parts/gui/tinyfiledialogs.o ./internal/c/parts/gui/gui.o ./internal/c/parts/os/clipboard/clipboard.a ./internal/c/parts/video/font/stub_font.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/audio.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/miniaudio_impl.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/mod_ma_vtable.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/radv2_ma_vtable.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/hively_ma_vtable.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/qoa_ma_vtable.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/hivelytracker/hvl_replay.o ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/libxmp-lite.a ./internal/c/parts/audio/extras/midi_ma_vtable_stub.o ./internal/c/parts/core/freeglut.a ./internal/c/parts/core/glew/glew.o  -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lxcb -lpng -lm -lasound
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file /home/dav/qb64pe/2048: Is a directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:425: /home/dav/qb64pe/2048] Error 1

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
It works with a C program in WSL; just tried it out.

[Image: hallo2-Verzeichnis2024-10-18-172606.jpg]

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