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Just to be clear, when I wrote "3D engine" I was referring to any "engine" which could render images with perspective, even if it's only a few lines of code to render a simplistic cube on screen. It wouldn't have to be a full-on game engine or scene renderer.
Re glasses: I'll be making an Amazon order soon, so I'll be getting those. Thanks for the offer.
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11-16-2024, 07:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2024, 07:38 PM by madscijr.)
(11-16-2024, 03:56 PM)bplus Wrote: Well one of us is confusing 3D which does not need glasses with Stereoscopic vision which needs 2 slightly different perspectives, 2 eyes and a brain to rearrange/combine signals. POP is good word for effect. Heh, yeah I think we're just mincing words.
Your Avatar 3D is a good codebase for the Stereoscopic thing!
I just have to get back to the PC & make sure I don't have the Z value backwards, and figure out how to "skew" the cubes drawn for the right eye to be at a slightly wider angle as they get closer to the viewer, is that what the parameter "side" (that is currently sent a value of .9) does?
Code: (Select All) ...
drawCube x, y, z, .9, _RGB32(r, g, b)
Sub drawCube (cx, cy, cz, side, colr~&) 'draw a cube on
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(11-16-2024, 04:33 PM)JRace Wrote: Just to be clear, when I wrote "3D engine" I was referring to any "engine" which could render images with perspective, even if it's only a few lines of code to render a simplistic cube on screen. It wouldn't have to be a full-on game engine or scene renderer.
Re glasses: I'll be making an Amazon order soon, so I'll be getting those. Thanks for the offer. Yeah I know what you meant by 3D engine. BPlus' avatar program should work okay for simple experiments. I just need to figure out how to turn the viewing angle of the cubes a little wider with each row closer.
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Ah the simplification of Parallelism was that all cubes are same size, front or back so they easy can sit adjacent to each other without major math calculations. The 3D effect was from shading cube sides and from drawing cubes in front after all the ones in back were drawn, drawn back to front (but you'd need to do that with regular 3D too I imagine).
b = b + ...
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11-16-2024, 09:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2024, 09:59 PM by madscijr.)
(11-16-2024, 08:18 PM)bplus Wrote: Ah the simplification of Parallelism was that all cubes are same size, front or back so they easy can sit adjacent to each other without major math calculations. The 3D effect was from shading cube sides and from drawing cubes in front after all the ones in back were drawn, drawn back to front (but you'd need to do that with regular 3D too I imagine). Yep. I'm not too great at the math you'd need to adjust the parallelism to skew the angles as the cubes get closer, maybe someone can look at this and help.
(My attempt at doing that is at line 187.)
I did do some tests and fixed the part that shifts the right eye images to the right as they get closer (it was totally wrong before).
Here is the latest version...
Code: (Select All) _Title "3D per Parallelism test Game of Life - hold enter to reset" ' started Parallelism b+ 2024-02-20
' "parallelism suggests a connection of meaning through an echo of form"
' 2024-02-21 Pyramid 2 screw around with pyramid numbers fix projection formula
' 2024-02-21 now test cubes with DrawCube sub
' 2024-02-21 return to Pyramid 2 and fix that according to how this Project sub works.
' 2024-02-22 test Game of Life code from thisversion of DrawCube
' Ah! apply some tips I learned with 3D Rendering of Game of Life
' 2024-12-15 Madscijr tried modifying it to draw everything in anaglyphic 3D
' per thread at
' 2024-12-15 Madscijr Fixed the logic that shifts the right eye image
' further to the right the closer to the viewer the cubes get.
' Still need to fix it to draw the perspective for the right eye
' to be from a little to the right as well (tried on line 187).
Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE = Not FALSE
Const cMinZ = 1
Const cMaxZ = 30
Const cMaxShift = 4 ' max pixels to shift right when closest to viewer
Const cAlpha = 54
Type XYZ
As Single x, y, z
End Type
Type XY
As Single x, y
End Type
Dim Shared As Long SW, SH
' setup for Game of Life
Dim As Integer xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
Dim As Integer x, y, z, r, g, b, mm, xx, yy, zz
'Dim As Integer rr, gg, bb
Dim As Integer gen
ReDim As Integer U(-1 To -1, -1 To -1, -1 To -1), U2(-1 To -1, -1 To -1, -1 To -1)
SW = 720: SH = 720
xmin = 1: xmax = 30: ymin = 1: ymax = 30: zmin = cMinZ: zmax = cMaxZ
Screen _NewImage(SW, SH, 32)
_ScreenMove 280, 0
Randomize Timer
Window (-15, 35)-(35, -15) ' setup for 3D
Color &HFFDDDDFF, &HFF000000
ReDim As Integer U(xmin To xmax, ymin To ymax, zmin To zmax), U2(xmin To xmax, ymin To ymax, zmin To zmax)
'For z = zmin + 10 To zmax - 10
' For x = xmin + 10 To xmax - 10
' For y = ymin + 10 To ymax - 10
' If Rnd > .9 Then U(x, y, z) = 1
' Next y
' Next x
'Next z
For z = zmin To zmax
U(15, 15, z) = 1
Next z
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' INIT LIFE: try a blinker
'U(14, 15, 15) = 1: U(15, 15, 15) = 1: U(16, 15, 15) = 1
gen = 0
rr = Rnd * 50 + 50: gg = Rnd * 50 + 50: bb = Rnd * 50 + 50
_PrintString (10, 10), "Generation:" + Str$(gen) + " press any for next, escape to quit... "
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
r = rr: g = gg: b = bb
For z = zmin + 1 To zmax - 1
'r = r * 1.04: g = g * 1.04: b = b * 1.04
For x = xmin + 1 To xmax - 1
For y = ymin + 1 To ymax - 1
If U(x, y, z) = 1 Then
'drawCube x, y, z, .9, _RGB32(r, g, b)
' first draw it in red (left eye)
drawCube x, y, z, .9, _RGB32(255, 0, 0), FALSE
' then draw it in cyan (right eye)
drawCube x, y, z, .9, _RGB32(0, 255, 255), TRUE
End If
Next y
Next x
_Limit 30
Next z
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
If _KeyDown(13) Then Cls: _Delay .5: GoTo ResetStart
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
For z = zmin + 1 To zmax - 1
For x = xmin + 1 To xmax - 1
For y = ymin + 1 To ymax - 1
mm = 0
For xx = x - 1 To x + 1
For yy = y - 1 To y + 1
For zz = z - 1 To z + 1
If x = xx And y = yy And z = zz Then
If U(xx, yy, zz) = 1 Then mm = mm + 1
End If
Next zz
Next yy
Next xx
If (mm > 1) And (mm < 4) Then ' neighbors for birth
U2(x, y, z) = 1
ElseIf U(x, y, z) = 1 And mm = 3 Then ' neighbors to survive
U2(x, y, z) = 1
U2(x, y, z) = 0
End If
Next y
Next x
Next z
For z = zmin + 1 To zmax - 1
For x = xmin + 1 To xmax - 1
For y = ymin + 1 To ymax - 1
U(x, y, z) = U2(x, y, z)
Next y
Next x
Next z
gen = gen + 1
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub drawCube (cx, cy, cz, side, colr~&, bShift) 'draw a cube on screen from an xyz() 3D array
Dim As Integer i, r, g, b
Dim sd2, lx, rx, ty, by, fz, bz
Dim c2 As _Unsigned Long
Dim PercentShift As Double ' Single
Dim PixelsRight
Dim PC ' PC = Parallel Constant
ReDim corners(0 To 7) As XYZ
ReDim xy(0 To 7) As XY
sd2 = side / 2
rx = (cx + sd2): lx = (cx - sd2)
ty = cy + sd2: by = cy - sd2
fz = cz + sd2: bz = cz - sd2
' if bShift=TRUE then shift right for the right eye image
If bShift = TRUE Then
' cz can be from zmin to zmin (1-30)
' use this value to determine how far right to shift cube
' (farther away = shift less far right, closer = shift farther right)
' So: what percent of (cMaxZ - cMinZ) is cz?
'PercentShift = cz / (cMaxZ - cMinZ)
'PixelsRight = Int(cMaxShift * PercentShift)
PercentShift = (cz / cMaxZ) * .4
PixelsRight = cMaxShift * PercentShift
'PixelsRight = cMaxZ - cz
'PC = .35
PC = .32 ' here is where we try to change right eye perspective a little?
PixelsRight = 0
PC = .35
End If
'bck face
corners(0).x = lx: corners(0).y = ty: corners(0).z = bz
corners(1).x = rx: corners(1).y = ty: corners(1).z = bz
corners(2).x = rx: corners(2).y = by: corners(2).z = bz
corners(3).x = lx: corners(3).y = by: corners(3).z = bz
'frt face
corners(4).x = lx: corners(4).y = ty: corners(4).z = fz
corners(5).x = rx: corners(5).y = ty: corners(5).z = fz
corners(6).x = rx: corners(6).y = by: corners(6).z = fz
corners(7).x = lx: corners(7).y = by: corners(7).z = fz
' take a corner x,y,z and convert to screen coordinates x,y
For i = 0 To 7
Project corners(i), xy(i), PC, PixelsRight
Next i
r = _Red32(colr~&): g = _Green32(colr~&): b = _Blue32(colr~&)
'back face
'Line (xy(0).x, xy(0).y)-(xy(1).x, xy(1).y), &HFFFF0000
'Line (xy(1).x, xy(1).y)-(xy(2).x, xy(2).y), colr~&
'Line (xy(2).x, xy(2).y)-(xy(3).x, xy(3).y), colr~&
'Line (xy(3).x, xy(3).y)-(xy(0).x, xy(0).y), colr~&
'front face
'Line (xy(4).x, xy(4).y)-(xy(5).x, xy(5).y), colr~&
'Line (xy(5).x, xy(5).y)-(xy(6).x, xy(6).y), colr~&
'Line (xy(6).x, xy(6).y)-(xy(7).x, xy(7).y), colr~&
'Line (xy(7).x, xy(7).y)-(xy(4).x, xy(4).y), colr~&
' top face
'c2 = _RGB32(.5 * r, .5 * g, .5 * b, 128)
c2 = _RGB32(.7 * r, .7 * g, .7 * b, cAlpha)
FillTriangle PMap(xy(0).x, 0), PMap(xy(0).y, 1), PMap(xy(1).x, 0), PMap(xy(1).y, 1), PMap(xy(4).x, 0), PMap(xy(4).y, 1), c2
FillTriangle PMap(xy(4).x, 0), PMap(xy(4).y, 1), PMap(xy(5).x, 0), PMap(xy(5).y, 1), PMap(xy(1).x, 0), PMap(xy(1).y, 1), c2
' right face
'c2 = _RGB32(.25 * r, .25 * g, .25 * b, 128)
c2 = _RGB32(.5 * r, .5 * g, .5 * b, cAlpha)
FillTriangle PMap(xy(1).x, 0), PMap(xy(1).y, 1), PMap(xy(2).x, 0), PMap(xy(2).y, 1), PMap(xy(5).x, 0), PMap(xy(5).y, 1), c2
FillTriangle PMap(xy(5).x, 0), PMap(xy(5).y, 1), PMap(xy(6).x, 0), PMap(xy(6).y, 1), PMap(xy(2).x, 0), PMap(xy(2).y, 1), c2
' front face
'c2 = _RGB32(.75 * r, .75 * g, .75 * b, 128)
c2 = _RGB32(.9 * r, .9 * g, .9 * b, cAlpha)
FillTriangle PMap(xy(4).x, 0), PMap(xy(4).y, 1), PMap(xy(5).x, 0), PMap(xy(5).y, 1), PMap(xy(6).x, 0), PMap(xy(6).y, 1), c2
FillTriangle PMap(xy(6).x, 0), PMap(xy(6).y, 1), PMap(xy(7).x, 0), PMap(xy(7).y, 1), PMap(xy(4).x, 0), PMap(xy(4).y, 1), c2
End Sub ' drawCube
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' steves latest version to check out, seems to be working OK
Sub FillTriangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K As _Unsigned Long)
Static a&, m As _MEM
If a& = 0 Then a& = _NewImage(1, 1, 32): m = _MemImage(a&)
_MemPut m, m.OFFSET, K
_MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(0, 0)-(0, 0), a& To(x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3)
End Sub ' FillTriangle
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' here I am working with a Window so Screen obeys right hand rule so as z increases
' the image x, y plane is closer to the eye/camera so is bigger
' but should be distance squared
' thankyou vince '2024-02 the bigger the Z the closer it is to the eye the greater the image
' PC = Parallel Constant
' M2SPP = Model (3D) 2 Screen Per Parallelism
Sub Project (pIN As XYZ, pOut As XY, PC, ShiftX)
pOut.x = (pIN.x - PC * pIN.z) + ShiftX
pOut.y = pIN.y - PC * pIN.z
End Sub ' Project
' =============================================================================
' Type Name Type suffix symbol Minimum value Maximum value Size in Bytes
' --------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------
' _BIT ` -1 0 1/8
' _BIT * n `n -128 127 n/8
' _UNSIGNED _BIT ~` 0 1 1/8
' _BYTE %% -128 127 1
' _UNSIGNED _BYTE ~%% 0 255 1
' INTEGER % -32,768 32,767 2
' _UNSIGNED INTEGER ~% 0 65,535 2
' LONG & -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 4
' _UNSIGNED LONG ~& 0 4,294,967,295 4
' _INTEGER64 && -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 8
' _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 ~&& 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 8
' SINGLE ! or none -2.802597E-45 +3.402823E+38 4
' DOUBLE # -4.490656458412465E-324 +1.797693134862310E+308 8
' _FLOAT ## -1.18E-4932 +1.18E+4932 32(10 used)
' _OFFSET %& -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Use LEN
' _UNSIGNED _OFFSET ~%& 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Use LEN
' _MEM none combined memory variable type N/A Use LEN
' div: int1% = num1% \ den1%
' mod: rem1% = num1% MOD den1%
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Here is a 3d steroscopic starfield simulation i wrote back in 2006.
Nevermind the license. It is now public domain. I don't have that email anymore either.
When i tried it in dosbox just now on my phone, i thought it wasn't working. It's just slow with the default settings, and the stars are really dim. I had to turn the brightness way up on my phone.
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(12-18-2024, 09:22 AM)mcalkins Wrote: Here is a 3d steroscopic starfield simulation i wrote back in 2006.
Nevermind the license. It is now public domain. I don't have that email anymore either.
When i tried it in dosbox just now on my phone, i thought it wasn't working. It's just slow with the default settings, and the stars are really dim. I had to turn the brightness way up on my phone. Ooooh! Thank you! I'll check this out!!
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just this second, i have received my cardboard red/blue 3D glasses in the mail. stay tuned
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(01-08-2025, 04:03 AM)vince Wrote: just this second, i have received my cardboard red/blue 3D glasses in the mail. stay tuned Can't wait to see what you come up with!
My experiments petered out with the hectic holidays, and I felt like I hit a wall with rendering things in 3d perspective at 2 different angles. Maybe that Doom code I saw here will help with that.
Waiting to see what you do.
If only someone would port Atari's Tempest with the vector graphics to QB64PE, and include a 3D glasses option!!