Hi @PhilOfPerth Thank you for your feedback!
Yeah repetitive bounces even after I fixed Kickers with see: ba = line
Code: (Select All)
' collision Kickers
For i = 0 To 2
If _Hypot(by - k(i).y, bx - k(i).x) <= k(i).r + br Then ' left kick
FC3 k(i).x, k(i).y, k(i).r + 15, &HFFFFFFFF
_SndPlay bell
score = score + 100
ba = _Atan2(by - k(i).y, bx - k(i).x) + Rnd - .5 ' avoid infinite loops
bx = k(i).x + (br + k(i).r) * Cos(ba)
by = k(i).y + (br + k(i).r) * Sin(ba)
bs = bs * 1.3
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
End If
Rnd -.5 gives us a range of -.5 to .5 that's radians, in degrees that's close to 30 degrees, oh I thought it closer to 60, hmmm.
So without that line in there you'd still be testing the first game! You'd have a hell of a score
The faster the flippers move up and ball drains downs, the more likely the ball jumps past contact with a flipper and hits bottom.
Have your noticed, sometimes the ball is past the flipper but will bounce back into play because it is not down the center enough to detect it near screen height, meanwhile the code that keeps ball inside the circle background takes effect and bounces ball back.
Pinball is tricky coding challenge
I don't think it's been done before in Basic? except by Rod at JB & LB but he didn't use flippers? I am sure it's been attempted but flippers are difficult.
b = b + ...