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My Best Snowflakes So Far
My best snowflakes so far. I used snow code I had years ago and mashed it together with my new snowflake star. 

Edit: Removed Pi, not needed. Also removed one commented out line. 

Code: (Select All)

'Snowflakes - My best so far!
'By SierraKen
'December 11, 2024

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

_Title "Snowflakes by SierraKen"

nSnow = 100

Dim y(nSnow), speed(nSnow), x(nSnow), s(nSnow)

Dim xx(nSnow)
Dim yy(nSnow)
Dim oldxx(nSnow)
Dim oldyy(nSnow)
Dim xxx(nSnow)
Dim yyy(nSnow)
Dim oldxxx(nSnow)
Dim oldyyy(nSnow)
Dim tt(nSnow)
Dim dir(nSnow)
Dim size(nSnow)

Randomize Timer

For i = 1 To nSnow
    x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
    y(i) = 0
    speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
    s(i) = Rnd * 5
    If s(i) < 1 Then s(i) = 1
    If s(i) > 5 Then s(i) = 1

    xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
    yy(i) = 0
    tt(i) = -360
    dir(i) = 1
    size(i) = Int(Rnd * 20) + 5

L = 200
    _Limit 100
    Paint (2, 2), _RGB32(122, 144, 155)
    For i = 1 To nSnow
        y(i) = y(i) + speed(i)
        For sze = .25 To s(i) Step .25
            Circle (x(i), y(i)), sze, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)

    For bb = 1 To nSnow
        If tt(bb) > 0 Then
            tt(bb) = tt(bb) + .2
        End If
        If tt(bb) < 0 Or tt(bb) = 0 Then
            tt(bb) = tt(bb) - .2
        End If
        If tt(bb) > 360 Then
            tt(bb) = 0
        End If
        If tt(bb) < -360 Then
            tt(bb) = 0
        End If
        oldxxx(bb) = xxx(bb)
        oldyyy(bb) = yyy(bb)
        xxx(bb) = Sin(tt(bb))
        yyy(bb) = Cos(tt(bb))

        For t = 0 To 360
            xx(bb) = Sin(t) * size(bb) + x(bb)
            yy(bb) = Cos(t) * size(bb) + y(bb)
            If t = 0 Then
                oldxx(bb) = xx(bb)
                oldyy(bb) = yy(bb)
            End If
            If t / 4 = Int(t / 4) Then
                Line (xx(bb), yy(bb))-(oldxx(bb), oldyy(bb)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
                oldxx(bb) = xx(bb)
                oldyy(bb) = yy(bb)
            End If

        Next t
    Next bb

    For i = 1 To nSnow
        ' is x or y off screen?
        If x(i) > _Width Or x(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: y(i) = 0: x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        If y(i) > _Height Or y(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: y(i) = 0: x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        If xx(i) > _Width Or xx(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: yy(i) = 0: xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        If yy(i) > _Height Or yy(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: yy(i) = 0: xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        size(i) = Int(Rnd * 10) + 5
        xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
        yy(i) = 0
        tt(i) = -360
        dir(i) = 1
    a$ = InKey$
    If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End
All you need now is the blizzard and snow piles and global warming to create the flood. I like the twinkle like effect you have in those flakes.
SierraKen, I was looking at your code and running it when my wife walked by and I have to tell you, that she say, she likes it. Well, me like it too.  Big Grin

LOL Thanks guys!

Thanks to B+ for helping me with the snow years ago and Chat GPT for helping me with the flake star.
I just removed Pi, since it wasn't being used, and one commented out line, from the code above.
Nonsense! The best snowflakes are the ones who cry when they don't get special treatment!

All silliness aside, this is cool! Have you considered making them respond to the mouse velocity or position?
The noticing will continue
Here is an updated version. I cleaned it up a lot more and added hills and a white ground. If you press the Space Bar it will make randomly different background mountains. 
I also changed the sky to blue so it shows the snowflakes better. 

Code: (Select All)

'Snowflakes - My best so far!
'By SierraKen
'December 11, 2024

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

_Title "Snowflakes by SierraKen - Press Space Bar For Random Background."

nSnow = 100

Dim y(nSnow), speed(nSnow), x(nSnow), s(nSnow)

Dim xx(nSnow)
Dim yy(nSnow)
Dim oldxx(nSnow)
Dim oldyy(nSnow)
Dim tt(nSnow)
Dim dir(nSnow)
Dim size(nSnow)
Dim height(10)

Randomize Timer

For i = 1 To nSnow
    x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
    y(i) = 0
    speed(i) = Rnd * 4 + 1
    s(i) = Rnd * 5
    If s(i) < 1 Then s(i) = 1
    If s(i) > 5 Then s(i) = 1

    xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
    yy(i) = 0
    tt(i) = -360
    dir(i) = 1
    size(i) = Int(Rnd * 20) + 5

For h = 1 To 10
    height(h) = Rnd * 100
Next h
    _Limit 100
    Paint (2, 2), _RGB32(0, 0, 155)
    Line (0, 500)-(800, 600), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF

    hc = 0
    For hills = 1 To 1000 Step 100
        hh = hh + 1
        For sz = .25 To 125 Step .25
            hc = hc + .25
            Circle (hills, height(hh) + 350), sz, _RGB32(100, 155 - hc, 150), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, 2
        Next sz
        hc = 0
    Next hills
    hh = 0
    For hills = 1 To 800 Step 150
        For sz = .25 To 125 Step .25
            hc = hc + .25
            Circle (hills, 400), sz, _RGB32(100, 255 - hc, 150), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, .5
        Next sz
        hc = 0
    Next hills
    For hills = 1 To 800 Step 150
        For sz = .25 To 125 Step .25
            hc = hc + .25
            Circle (hills, 500), sz, _RGB32(0, 255 - hc, 0), 2 * _Pi, _Pi
        Next sz
        hc = 0
    Next hills

    For i = 1 To nSnow
        y(i) = y(i) + speed(i)
        For sze = .25 To s(i) Step .25
            Circle (x(i), y(i)), sze, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)

    For bb = 1 To nSnow
        If tt(bb) > 0 Then
            tt(bb) = tt(bb) + .2
        End If
        If tt(bb) < 0 Or tt(bb) = 0 Then
            tt(bb) = tt(bb) - .2
        End If
        If tt(bb) > 360 Then
            tt(bb) = 0
        End If
        If tt(bb) < -360 Then
            tt(bb) = 0
        End If

        For t = 0 To 360
            xx(bb) = Sin(t) * size(bb) + x(bb)
            yy(bb) = Cos(t) * size(bb) + y(bb)
            If t = 0 Then
                oldxx(bb) = xx(bb)
                oldyy(bb) = yy(bb)
            End If
            If t / 4 = Int(t / 4) Then
                Line (xx(bb), yy(bb))-(oldxx(bb), oldyy(bb)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
                oldxx(bb) = xx(bb)
                oldyy(bb) = yy(bb)
            End If

        Next t
    Next bb
    For i = 1 To nSnow
        ' is x or y off screen?
        If x(i) > _Width Or x(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: y(i) = 0: x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        If y(i) > _Height Or y(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: y(i) = 0: x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        If xx(i) > _Width Or xx(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: yy(i) = 0: xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        If yy(i) > _Height Or yy(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: yy(i) = 0: xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1
        size(i) = Int(Rnd * 10) + 5
        xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
        yy(i) = 0
        tt(i) = -360
        dir(i) = 1
    a$ = InKey$
    If a$ = " " Then GoTo more:
    If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End

(12-12-2024, 06:30 PM)SpriggsySpriggs Wrote: Nonsense! The best snowflakes are the ones who cry when they don't get special treatment!

All silliness aside, this is cool! Have you considered making them respond to the mouse velocity or position?
Thanks Spriggs. I haven't considered using the mouse, but I guess I could. Smile
What went through my head on the latest version:

The noticing will continue
LOL nice song Spriggs. Here is your recommendation. I made it so the snow changes speed when you move the mouse wheel. It shows the speed in the upper left corner when you move it. I made it so the speed indicator only appears for 3 seconds when you aren't moving the mouse wheel, using Timer. 

Code: (Select All)

'Snowflakes - My best so far!
'By SierraKen
'December 12, 2024

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

_Title "Snowflakes by SierraKen - Space Bar For Random Background. Mouse Wheel to change speed."

nSnow = 100

Dim y(nSnow), speed(nSnow), x(nSnow), s(nSnow)

Dim xx(nSnow)
Dim yy(nSnow)
Dim oldxx(nSnow)
Dim oldyy(nSnow)
Dim tt(nSnow)
Dim dir(nSnow)
Dim size(nSnow)
Dim height(10)

Randomize Timer

For i = 1 To nSnow
    x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
    y(i) = 0
    speed(i) = (Rnd * 4) + 1
    s(i) = Rnd * 5
    If s(i) < 1 Then s(i) = 1
    If s(i) > 5 Then s(i) = 1

    xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
    yy(i) = 0
    tt(i) = -360
    dir(i) = 1
    size(i) = Int(Rnd * 20) + 5

For h = 1 To 10
    height(h) = Rnd * 100
Next h
    Do While _MouseInput
        sp = sp + (_MouseWheel / 2)
        If sp < -4 Then sp = -4
        If sp > 60 Then sp = 60
        If _MouseWheel Then tim = Timer
    _Limit 100
    Paint (2, 2), _RGB32(0, 0, 155)

    tim2 = Timer
    If tim2 < tim + 3 Then
        Locate 1, 1: Print sp
    End If

    Line (0, 500)-(800, 600), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
    hc = 0
    For hills = 1 To 1000 Step 100
        hh = hh + 1
        For sz = .25 To 125 Step .25
            hc = hc + .25
            Circle (hills, height(hh) + 350), sz, _RGB32(100, 155 - hc, 150), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, 2
        Next sz
        hc = 0
    Next hills
    hh = 0
    For hills = 1 To 800 Step 150
        For sz = .25 To 125 Step .25
            hc = hc + .25
            Circle (hills, 400), sz, _RGB32(100, 255 - hc, 150), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, .5
        Next sz
        hc = 0
    Next hills
    For hills = 1 To 800 Step 150
        For sz = .25 To 125 Step .25
            hc = hc + .25
            Circle (hills, 500), sz, _RGB32(0, 255 - hc, 0), 2 * _Pi, _Pi
        Next sz
        hc = 0
    Next hills

    For i = 1 To nSnow
        y(i) = y(i) + speed(i) + sp
        For sze = .25 To s(i) Step .25
            Circle (x(i), y(i)), sze, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)

    For bb = 1 To nSnow
        If tt(bb) > 0 Then
            tt(bb) = tt(bb) + .2
        End If
        If tt(bb) < 0 Or tt(bb) = 0 Then
            tt(bb) = tt(bb) - .2
        End If
        If tt(bb) > 360 Then
            tt(bb) = 0
        End If
        If tt(bb) < -360 Then
            tt(bb) = 0
        End If

        For t = 0 To 360
            xx(bb) = Sin(t) * size(bb) + x(bb)
            yy(bb) = Cos(t) * size(bb) + y(bb)
            If t = 0 Then
                oldxx(bb) = xx(bb)
                oldyy(bb) = yy(bb)
            End If
            If t / 4 = Int(t / 4) Then
                Line (xx(bb), yy(bb))-(oldxx(bb), oldyy(bb)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
                oldxx(bb) = xx(bb)
                oldyy(bb) = yy(bb)
            End If

        Next t
    Next bb
    For i = 1 To nSnow
        ' is x or y off screen?
        If x(i) > _Width Or x(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: y(i) = 0: x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = (Rnd * 5 + 1.5)
        If y(i) > _Height Or y(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: y(i) = 0: x(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = (Rnd * 5 + 1.5) + sp
        If xx(i) > _Width Or xx(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: yy(i) = 0: xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = (Rnd * 5 + 1.5)
        If yy(i) > _Height Or yy(i) < 0 Then s(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1: yy(i) = 0: xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1: speed(i) = Rnd * 5 + 1.5
        size(i) = Int(Rnd * 10) + 5
        xx(i) = Rnd * 800 + 1
        yy(i) = 0
        tt(i) = -360
        dir(i) = 1
    a$ = InKey$
    If a$ = " " Then GoTo more:
    If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End
NICE. I like playing it at -1.5 or -2. That speed feels comfortable
The noticing will continue

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