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Text-centring subs
I write mostly text-based programmes, and often need to change the content of one or more lines during run-time, so I wrote these two subs to make it simple to do this.
Nothing Earth-shattering, but they may be useful to someone:
Code: (Select All)
'    This is a demo of two Subs I find useful in text-based progs, where lines of text need to be changed frequently

Screen _NewImage(1120, 768, 32)
Common Shared CPR
CPR = 1120 / _PrintWidth("X") '                         chars per row - used for centring text (change 1120 to your NewImage width)
_ScreenMove (_DesktopWidth - 1120) / 2, 100

WP "XXX", "101213" '                                    clear rows 10,12,13 and print centred string on each of them
Sleep 1
WP "YYY", "11" '                                        clear row 11 and print centred string on it
Sleep 1
WP "OOO", "11" '                                        clear row 11 and print centred red string on it
Sleep 1
CP "This Text", "15" '                                  clear row 15 and centre text on it
Sleep 1
WP "Finally, this", "1011121315" '                      clears row 10 to 15 and centres text on each of them
Sleep 1
WP "", "11"
Sleep 1
CP Space$(20) + "Change position with Spaces", "16" '      add spaces to change text position
CP "Left or Right" + Space$(20), "17"

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THESE TWO SUBS ---------------------------------------------------

Sub WP (Txt$, RN$) '                                     Wipe (clear) row(s) named in RN$ (2-digit line numbers), then centre the string on each
    If RN$ = "" Then GoTo Place '                        if RN$ is given as empty string, jump to centring
    If Len(Txt$) < 1 Then Txt$ = Space$(CPR)
    For a = 1 To Len(RN$) - 1 Step 2 '                   for each pair of chars in RN$ (change to Step 3 for 3-digit line numbers)
        CL = Val(Mid$(RN$, a, 2)) '                      line to be cleaned
        Locate CL, 1: Print Space$(CPL) '                write row of spaces to the line
        Ctr = Int(CPR / 2 - Len(Txt$) / 2) + 1 '         find centred start position for text string
        Locate CL, Ctr
        Print Txt$ '                                     print text string there (if string is empty, line remains cleared)
End Sub

Sub CP (txt$, RN$) '                                     Centre and Print text
    If RN$ = "" Then Exit Sub
    Ctr = Int(CPR / 2 - Len(txt$) / 2) + 1
    Locate Val(RN$), Ctr
    Print txt$
End Sub

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sub white
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub yellow
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub

Sub red
    Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

You can also use Tab(n) in lieu of the Space$(n) for positioning the text
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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#2 <-- I has one of these.  Big Grin
Edit: Woops, I just realized you guys were talking about non-graphical screens, oh well. People that use graphical screens can use mine.

I've been wanting one of these for awhile. So I just tried to make my own using _PRINTSTRING and it works great! I also happened to find an example one in the Wiki pages when I was looking up Width, but I like mine. Smile
This will center the text you type from the INPUT to the center of the screen. It also asks you if you want it centered by height or not. If not, it will ask you what height pixel you wish to use. 
This isn't a SUB, but you could easily make it into one if you wish to.

Code: (Select All)

'This will center text in the middle of the screen.

Dim a As Long
height = 0
ht = 0
a& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Screen a&
Input "Print text to center -> ", a$
Input "Do you also want it centered by height (Y/N) ", yn$
If Left$(yn$, 1) = "Y" Or Left$(yn$, 1) = "y" Then
    height = 1
    Print "Screen height: ", _Height(a&)
    Input "Type a height pixel here for text: ", ht
End If

aa = Len(a$)
bb = aa * 8
w = _Width(a&)
l = _Height(a&)
center = w / 2
halfbb = center - (bb / 2)

If height = 1 Then
    _PrintString (halfbb, l / 2), a$
    _PrintString (halfbb, ht), a$
End If

Locate 35, 1: Input "Again (Y/N) ", ag$
If Left$(ag$, 1) = "y" Or Left$(ag$, 1) = "Y" Then GoTo start:

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