06-11-2022, 03:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-21-2022, 02:26 PM by dcromley.
Edit Reason: minor improvments
![[Image: z2.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/VDTbGS5/z2.jpg)
[ image changed, minor program improvements ] This comes from a long fascination with quaternions. I wanted to see them work.
I need to get into OpenGL/QB64. I have gone through the great tutorials of Ashish ( https://ashishkingdom.github.io/OpenGL-Tutorials/intro/ ) but he hasn't gotten to rotations. I was surprised that looking at the QB64 Wiki, that there are 7 _gl statements with "matrix" but none with "quaternion". I assume that means that OpenGL does not use quaternions?
Lord Kelvin: "Although beautiful and of ingenious origin, they have been a curse on anyone who has come into contact with them in any way."
But I had a good time.
I hope the output is somewhat obvious: there are 5 points in the figure which are rotated using the quaternion. I added the extraction of the Euler Angles at the bottom.
The program is intended to work, not to be fast. Still, I was surprised that the framerate is well above 100/sec. A credit to QB64.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Quaternion Rotation" ' dcromley
Option _Explicit
DefSng A-Z: DefLng I-N: DefStr S
Const TRUE = -1, FALSE = 0
Dim Shared mx, my, m1Clk, m1Rpt, m1Dn, m1End, m2Clk, m2Dn ' for MouseCk
Dim Shared Img1, Img2
Img1 = _NewImage(1024, 768, 256)
Img2 = _NewImage(1024, 768, 256)
_Dest Img2: Color 0, 15: Cls
_Dest Img1: Color 0, 15: Cls
' == MAIN start ==
Type type4f ' 4 floats for quaternions, points, triangles
w As Single ' 0 for points; color for triangles
x As Single ' pt1 for triangles
y As Single ' pt2 for triangles
z As Single ' pt3 for triangles
End Type
Const x0 = 384, y0 = 384, kxy = 200, z0 = 200 ' center, scale
Dim Shared As type4f T, aPts(5), aPts0(5), aTris(4), QMain, QSlew, va, vb
Dim Shared nPts, nTris ' # of Points, Triangles
Dim As type4f Qxp, Qxm, Qyp, Qym, Qzp, Qzm ' +- 1 deg Q's
Dim i, x, y, z, s, p1, p2, p3, icolor, nloop
Dim EuAngX, EuAngY, EuAngZ, fcos, fsin ' Euler angles
Dim az(4), ndx(4), time0, iSlew, xa, ya
' -- Points - x,y,z,/ (# ends)
Data 0,1,0,/,-1,-1,-1,/,-1,-1,1,/,1,-1,1,/,1,-1,-1,#
' -- Triangles - p1,p2,p3,color,/ (# ends)
Data 1,2,3,9,/,1,3,4,10,/,1,4,5,12,/,1,5,2,14,#
Do ' -- load aPoints
nPts = nPts + 1 ' read point x,y,z
Read aPts0(nPts).x, aPts0(nPts).y, aPts0(nPts).z, s ' s is / or # to end
Loop Until s = "#"
Do ' -- load aTriangles
nTris = nTris + 1 ' read triangle p1,p2,p3,color
Read aTris(nTris).x, aTris(nTris).y, aTris(nTris).z, aTris(nTris).w, s
Loop Until s = "#"
' -- load 1 deg quaternions
fcos = Cos(1 * _Pi / 360): fsin = Sin(1 * _Pi / 360) ' half angle
Qxp.w = fcos: Qxp.x = fsin: Qxm.w = fcos: Qxm.x = -fsin
Qyp.w = fcos: Qyp.y = fsin: Qym.w = fcos: Qym.y = -fsin
Qzp.w = fcos: Qzp.z = fsin: Qzm.w = fcos: Qzm.z = -fsin
QMain.w = 1 ' start with null rotation
QSlew = QMain
time0 = Timer - 1 ' prevent div by 0
Do ' ======== MAIN LOOP ========
nloop = nloop + 1 ' nloop + 1 and print
If nloop Mod 2 = 1 Then _Dest Img1: screen img1 _
Else _Dest Img2: Screen Img2 ' swap screens
Cls ' simplicity, not performance
Line (768, 0)-(768, 752), _RGB(192, 192, 192) ' vertical
MouseCk ' get mouse data
' -- check controls
If iBox(110, 12, " Up") Then Qmult Qxm, QMain, QMain ' nudge orientation
If iBox(106, 13, "Lft") Then Qmult Qym, QMain, QMain
If iBox(114, 13, "Rht") Then Qmult Qyp, QMain, QMain
If iBox(110, 14, " Dn") Then Qmult Qxp, QMain, QMain
If iBox(106, 15, "CCW") Then Qmult Qzp, QMain, QMain
If iBox(114, 15, " CW") Then Qmult Qzm, QMain, QMain
' -- check for mouse dragging (slewing)
vb.x = mx - x0: vb.y = y0 - my: vb.z = z0 ' new mouse data
If m1Dn And isIn(mx, 0, 767) And isIn(my, 0, 767) Then ' yes
QVtoV va, vb, T ' need to smooth out the mouse data
QSlew.x = QSlew.x * .9 + T.x * .1: QSlew.y = QSlew.y * .9 + T.y * .1: QSlew.z = QSlew.z * .9 + T.z * .1
Qnorm QSlew ' this is what slews
Const k = .99 ' make the slewing decay
QSlew.x = QSlew.x * k: QSlew.y = QSlew.y * k: QSlew.z = QSlew.z * k
QSlew.w = Sqr(1 - QSlew.x * QSlew.x - QSlew.y * QSlew.y - QSlew.z * QSlew.z)
End If
Qmult QSlew, QMain, QMain ' add slew to QMain
va = vb ' new becomes old mouse data
' -- quaternion to Euler
EuAngX = _Atan2(2 * QMain.x * QMain.w - 2 * QMain.y * QMain.z, 1 - 2 * QMain.x * QMain.x - 2 * QMain.z * QMain.z)
EuAngY = _Atan2(2 * QMain.y * QMain.w - 2 * QMain.x * QMain.z, 1 - 2 * QMain.y * QMain.y - 2 * QMain.z * QMain.z)
EuAngZ = _Asin(2 * QMain.x * QMain.y + 2 * QMain.z * QMain.w)
' -- rotate points
For i = 1 To nPts
aPts(i) = aPts0(i) ' reset to original
T = QMain
T.x = -T.x: T.y = -T.y: T.z = -T.z: ' << Q' >> conjugate
Qmult aPts(i), T, T ' << PQ' >>
Qmult QMain, T, aPts(i) ' << QPQ' >>
Next i
For i = 1 To 4 ' get center Z's into a(4)
T = aTris(i)
az(i) = aPts(T.x).z + aPts(T.y).z + aPts(T.z).z ' p1.z+p2.z+p3.z
Next i
zSortIndexF az(), ndx() ' getting z-order
For i = 1 To nTris ' this draws the triangles
drawTri (ndx(i)) ' in z-order
Next i
' -- print stuff
Locate 2, 101: Print Using "nloops:#,###,###,###"; nloop
Locate , 101: Print Using "fps: ####.#"; nloop / (Timer - time0)
Locate , 104: Print
Locate , 104: Print "-- To rotate --"
Locate , 104: Print "1) Click boxes"
Locate , 104: Print "2) Press boxes"
Locate , 104: Print "3) Drag mouse"
Locate , 104: Print "ESC to end"
Locate 19, 102: Print " -- Quaternion --"
Locate , 99: Print Using " ##.#####"; QMain.w
Locate , 99: Print Using " ##.#####"; QMain.x; QMain.y; QMain.z
' Locate , 99: Print Using " ##.#####"; QSlew.w
' Locate , 99: Print Using " ##.#####"; QSlew.x; QSlew.y; QSlew.z
Locate , 100: Print ""
Locate , 102: Print " -- Points --"
For i = 1 To nPts
Locate , 99: Print Using " ##.#####"; aPts(i).x; aPts(i).y; aPts(i).z
Next i
Locate , 100: Print ""
Locate , 102: Print " -- Euler Angles --"
Locate , 100: Print Using "EuAngX: ###"; (EuAngX * 180 / _Pi + 360) Mod 360
Locate , 100: Print Using "EuAngY: ###"; (EuAngY * 180 / _Pi + 360) Mod 360
Locate , 100: Print Using "EuAngZ: ###"; (EuAngZ * 180 / _Pi + 360) Mod 360
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
' == ROUTINES start ==
Function iBox (iCol, iRow, s3) ' simple control
Dim ix, iy
Locate iRow, iCol: Color 0, 14: Print s3;: Color 0, 15
ix = iCol * 8 - 11
iy = iRow * 16 - 1
Line (ix, iy)-(ix + 3 * 8 + 4, iy - 16), , B ' rectangle
If m1Rpt And isIn(mx, ix, ix + 28) And isIn(my, iy - 16, iy) Then iBox = TRUE
End Function
Sub Qmult (qa As type4f, qb As type4f, qab As type4f) ' Q multiplication
Dim w, x, y, z
w = qa.w * qb.w - qa.x * qb.x - qa.y * qb.y - qa.z * qb.z
x = qa.w * qb.x + qa.x * qb.w + qa.y * qb.z - qa.z * qb.y
y = qa.w * qb.y - qa.x * qb.z + qa.y * qb.w + qa.z * qb.x
z = qa.w * qb.z + qa.x * qb.y - qa.y * qb.x + qa.z * qb.w
qab.w = w: qab.x = x: qab.y = y: qab.z = z
End Sub
Sub QVtoV (v1 As type4f, v2 As type4f, Q As type4f) ' get Q from v1 to v2
Dim v1dv2, v1xv2 As type4f ' dot, cross
v1dv2 = VdotV(v1, v2) ' dot
VcrossV v1, v2, Q ' cross
Q.w = v1dv2 + Sqr(v1dv2 * v1dv2 + VdotV(Q, Q)) ' from the book
Qnorm Q
End Sub
Function VdotV (v1 As type4f, v2 As type4f) ' dot product
VdotV = v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z
End Function
Sub VcrossV (v1 As type4f, v2 As type4f, v As type4f) ' cross product
v.x = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y
v.y = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z
v.z = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x
End Sub
Sub Qnorm (q As type4f) ' normalize
Dim d
d = Sqr(q.w * q.w + q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z)
q.w = q.w / d: q.x = q.x / d: q.y = q.y / d: q.z = q.z / d
End Sub
Sub drawTri (iTri) ' draw Triangle
Dim ip1, ip2, ip3, icolor
Dim ixc, iyc, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
T = aTris(iTri) ' the triangle
ip1 = T.x: ip2 = T.y: ip3 = T.z: icolor = T.w ' the points, color
x1 = 386 + kxy * aPts(ip1).x: y1 = 386 - kxy * aPts(ip1).y
x2 = 386 + kxy * aPts(ip2).x: y2 = 386 - kxy * aPts(ip2).y
x3 = 386 + kxy * aPts(ip3).x: y3 = 386 - kxy * aPts(ip3).y
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), icolor
Line (x2, y2)-(x3, y3), icolor
Line (x3, y3)-(x1, y1), icolor
' don't paint if points are colinear
If Abs(x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * (y1 - y2)) < 1000 Then Exit Sub
ixc = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3: iyc = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3 ' center
Paint (ixc, iyc), icolor ' paint
End Sub
' -- need Dim Shared mx,my,m1Clk,m1Rpt,m1Dn,m1End,m2Clk,m2Dn
Sub MouseCk () ' get mouse info
Static m1Prev, m2Prev, m1Time ' for getting edges (Clk,End) and Repeating
m1Clk = 0: m1Rpt = 0: m1End = 0: m2Clk = 0
While _MouseInput: Wend ' bplus
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY: m1Dn = _MouseButton(1): m2Dn = _MouseButton(2)
If m1Dn Then ' Btn 1 down
If Not m1Prev Then ' got a Clk (& Rpt), now look for repeats
m1Clk = TRUE: m1Rpt = TRUE: m1Time = iMsecs + 250 ' delay 1/4 sec for repeats
Else ' has been down, ck for repeat
If iMsecs > m1Time Then m1Rpt = TRUE: m1Time = iMsecs + 50 ' repeat 20/sec
End If
m1Prev = TRUE
Else ' Btn 1 up
If m1Prev Then m1End = TRUE ' end of downtime (upedge)
m1Prev = FALSE ' for next time
End If
If m2Dn Then ' Btn 2 down
If Not m2Prev Then m2Clk = TRUE ' click (downedge)
m2Prev = TRUE
m2Prev = FALSE
End If
End Sub
Function isIn (x, a, b) ' ck between
If x >= a And x <= b Then isIn = TRUE
End Function
Sub zSortIndexF (a(), ndx()) ' make index to a()
Dim i, j, t
For i = 1 To UBound(a) ' add one at a time
t = a(i) ' to be added
For j = i To 2 Step -1 ' merge in
If a(ndx(j - 1)) <= t Then Exit For
ndx(j) = ndx(j - 1)
Next j
ndx(j) = i
Next i
End Sub
Function iMsecs () ' milliseconds since midnight UTC
iMsecs = Int(Timer(.001) * 1000 + .5)
End Function
"I don't understand all I know about quaternions."
I am mostly grateful for the people who came before me. Will the people after me be grateful for me?
I am mostly grateful for the people who came before me. Will the people after me be grateful for me?