What would be nice is if I could minimize it to the icon tray on the lower right corner and then configure it to pop-up/close with a set of hotkeys. I don't want it minimized and stuck on the task bar, but as an icon in the tray, it'd be a nice TSR tool to make use of whenever I wanted to know the color code for whatever was on the screen.
Anyone have a clue how to register and minimize to the system tray? And perhaps a working demo? I'd love to see it sometime if so.
Step 1) Right click the exe file. In the menu, click: Pin to Taskbar.
Step 2) Move it in your Task Bar so it is no more than 10 icons from the left. Let's say it is #8.
Step 3) Hold the Windows key and press the number 8.
That will open it. Unfortunately, I do not believe repeating the Win + 8 will toggle it closed. Sorry.
I'm not talking about the taskbar itself, but the icon tray in the lower corner:
(Click the image above to expand it. You can see the icons down in the little pop-up area in the corner.) <-- That's the functionality I'm talking about.
I'm thinking it'd have to be done via https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/window...otifyicona
I'm just not certain how to do it without an example to go by that I can build off of.
Uruchomione. Poruszaj myszką po ekranie. Myślę, że łatwo i łatwo się bawię, co dla Ciebie robi.
Wygląda jak fajny mały program, który pobiera kolor piksela pod kursorem. Poruszasz myszką, a ona pokazuje kolor w formacie szesnastkowym. Działa w pętli, dopóki nie klikniesz myszą lub nie naciśniesz Escape. Proste, ale przydatne narzędzie